Урок английского языка. УМК "New Millenium, 9-й класс". Тема "Traditional Pastimes"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 9


  1. Учебный аспект:
  • формировать слухо-произносительные навыки.
  • развивать умения строить диалог.
  1. Развивающий аспект:
  • развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся.
  • уметь обрабатывать полученную информацию.
  1. Воспитательный аспект:
  • развивать способность ценить Русские национальные традиции.
  • научить включаться в межкультурное общение.
  • прививать любовь к родному краю.

Оснащённость урока:

  • учебник
  • кассета с записью диалога
  • магнитофон
  • медиа-проектор

Ход урока

Traditional Pastimes.

Организационный момент.

T: Good morning, everybody. I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

P: We are fine, thank you. And how are you?

T: I’m fine, thanks.

T: Today we’ll speak on the topic “Traditional Pastimes”. You have already learnt much about our country and about our unique Khabarovsky Krai. Many foreigners think they are unusual and exotic.

T: Now let’s remember some traditional Russian pastimes. Look at the picture and say what these things are used for:

На экране по очереди появляются картинки веника, лыжника, шашлыков, лукошка, рыбака.

P 1: It’s venik (a bunch of birch branches). People use it when they go to a Russian banya.

P 2: It’s basket made of twigs. It is used for gathering berries and mushrooms in the forest.

P 3: It’s a skier. Skiing is one of the most popular pastimes in Russia, especially in on regions, where there is much snow in winter.

P 4: It’s a fisher (man). Many people are foud of fishing, amuse having a rest on the lake or on the bank of the river.

T: That’s good. Thank you. So, our main task today is to learn how to invite a foreigner to participate in our traditional pastime and explain everything about it.

Look at the screen. (На проекторе портрет мужчины). Meet Mr. Brian Maquire. He’s an Englishman. He has been living in Russia for a long time. Now listen to the interview, take notes and say what activities were mentioned.

Учащиеся слушают диалог (см. приложение № 1.)

T: And now let’s sum up the information about Britain, that will help you to do the next task. Listen to the interview to the second time and fill in the table. You can see it on the screen. (Таблица на проекторе). Let’s see what information you will need. (Учащиеся читают и переводят заголовки таблицы).

Заполненная таблица (см. приложение № 2)

T: Great! And now we shall discuss how Brian lived in Russia.

По цепочке учащиеся отвечают на вопросы:

  • Which of the activities do you think Brian liked most (least)? Why do you think so?
  • Why do you think Brian used some Russian words?
  • How often do your family do the activities mentioned by Brian? Explain why.
  • Do you think they are typically “Russian?” Why?

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, высказывают своё мнение.

T: Thank you. Now we know how a foreigner can rest in Russia. And now let’s play a little. Imagine that Mr.Brain came to our place. Work in pairs. You task is to talk to Mr. Brain about cultural experience which is new for him. Make you dialogs according to the scheme:

Схема высвечивается на проекторе (см.приложение 3)

Listening to the dialogues.

P: Would you like to join us for a fishing?

B: Thank you, but I would like to know more about fishing in your place. To be honest I don’t know anything about this pastime. Will you explain?

P: Oh, it’s a pleasure. We live on the bank of the great Russian river Amur. It is teeming with over 100 species of fish including sturgeons, lookups, black and mirror carps, breams, bigheaded fish, taimen, lenok, grayling, etc.

B: Oh, it’s great! When is it better to fish? In the morning or in the evening?

P: Early morning is the best time.

B: But it’s cold in the early morning! What should I wear?

P: Of course, warm clothes: a sweater, high boots, a hat. And don’t forget to take extra warm socks, because you can water your feet but the water in the Amur is cold.

B: What about insects? I read there are many mosquitoes there. It worries me greatly.

P: Don’t worry! They are not so dangerous if we use special ointment.

B: Oh key! I would like to try it.

P: Then I’ll phone you tomorrow and tell when we meet.

P: What about hunting, Mr. Brain?

B: Hunting? I know nothing about it. Could you explain?

P: Well, trophy hunting is most developed in Khabarovsky Krai. The main hunting are reindeer, elk, bighorn sheep, wild boar and others. Among game are geese and duck.

B: Where is trophy hunting popular?

P: Very popular is trophy hunting for reindeer in the Nanaisky rayon, the Khabarovsky and Bikinsky rayons. The main hunting method is “on the voice”. Do you think you might be interested in hunting?

B: I would certainly like to try it, but what worries me a bit is danger.

P: Make sure you won’t be in danger if you careful enough. You should be attentive in the forest and work in a team.

B: Actually I got interested in hunting.

P: So, would you like to join us for a hunting next Sunday? Me and some of my friends are going.

B: Thank you, I will join you with pleasure.

Учащиеся рассказывают свои диалоги о шашлыках и отдыхе на природе, о походах в лес за ягодами и грибами, о подлёдном лове и.т.д.

Подведение итогов урока.

T: Your dialogues were very interesting. I hope Mr. Brain would be pleased with your explanations and new Information about Russian traditional pastimes. Thank you for your work. Next time we shall speak about English traditional pastimes. I think Mr. Brain will help us to learn more about English traditions.

The lesson is over. Good-Bye!