Открытый урок английского языка по теме "Home, sweet home". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6


  • Обобщить изученный лексико-грамматический материал по теме: «Мой дом».
  • Активизировать в речи учащихся лексику по теме раздела.
  • Развивать речевые навыки (аудирование, говорение, чтение).


1. Начало урока (организационный момент). (Приложение. Слайд 1)

– Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. (Приложение. Слайд 2)
Today at the lesson we must repeat all grammar about pronouns, words, which we have studied at the theme “My house”. We will read, speak and listen to the tape in English.
But at first answer my questions:
– Who is on duty today?
– Who is absent now?
– What is the matter with them?

2. Phonetic drill (Фонетическая зарядка) (Приложение. Слайд 3)

[ ai ] – drive, mice, night, right, time
[ I ] – minute, finish, swim, cinema, children
[ e ] – second, never, get, left, breakfast
[ au] – down, out, how, now, house
[ a: ] – half, past, garden, after, grass

3. Speech drill (Речевая зарядка)

– Translate from Russian into English: после, дома, цветок, выгулять собаку, перед (чем-либо), кухня, ванная комната, завтрак, диван, ложиться спать, на дереве, на улице, на траве, телевизор, картина

– Answer my questions: (Приложение. Слайд 4)
– Where do you live?
– Where is your house?
– Is your house big or small?
– How many rooms do you have in your house?
– What rooms do you have in your house?

4. Проверка домашнего задания (упражнение № 7, страница 113)

(Приложение. Слайд 5)

– Look at the picture and answer the questions:

– Where are the boys?
– Where are the girls?
– Where is the plane?
– Where is the book with the ship?
– Where are the flowers?
– Where are the birds?
– Where are the apples?

5. Аудирование (Приложение. Слайд 6)

– Listen to the tape and do the task. (Послушайте, как рассказывает о гостиной в доме Баркеров, и, напишите, какие предметы стоят в комнате там, где на плане видите номера).

Hi! I’m Sally Barker. This is our living room and I like it a lot. We have a big table in the middle of the room and four chairs near it. Our green sofa is near the window, on the left. Next to it we have an armchair. Our television is near the window on the right. In the evening we like watching television together. I usually sit on the sofa and my brother John sits in the big armchair near the window. Near the door on the right we have a desk and a computer on it. And next to it is our piano. My mother and I often play the piano in the afternoon or in the evening. Next to the door on the left we have our big cupboard and a lot of books, video films and CDs in it.

6. Чтение

– Open your books at page108, ex. 8. Read this letter.

а) Читаем текст и вместо картинок вставляем слова. Читают 2-3 человека ).

б) Отвечаем на вопросы к тексту (Приложение. Слайд 7)

Answer my questions:

1. Does Mary like her flat?
2. Is her room big or small?
3. What does she have near the window?
4. How many windows are there in her room?
5. Where are her toys?
6. Does she have a computer in her room?
7. Where is her computer?

– Well! Say, what are there in your room?

(Учащиеся говорят о том, что есть, а чего нет в своей комнате. 1-2 предложения).

For example:

In my room I have a big sofa.
I have no piano in the room.

– Look at the whiteboard. You can see some questions. Work in pairs. Ask each other these questions and answer them. Use the words from the box. (Диалогическая речь)

(Приложение. Слайд 8)

– Do you have a …?
– How many … do you have?
– What colour is it?
– Where is it?

7. Физкультминутка

(Ученик показывает упражнения и говорит команды на английском языке).

Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips and sit down!
Hands up! Hands to the sides!
Bend left! Bend right! (2 times)
Hands up! Hands down!
Thank you and sit down!

8. Обобщение грамматического материала по теме: «Местоимения» (Приложение. Слайд 9)

– At our last lessons we spoke about Pronouns. Look at the whiteboard. Let’s remember!

Личные местоимения Притяжательные местоимения
В именительном падеже Во всех других падежах




Let’s do some exercises (Приложение. Слайд 10)

a) Use pronouns instead of the nouns.

1. My aunt and my uncle have got two children.
They have got two children.

2. There is a big doll on the sofa.
There is a big doll on it.

3. His friend plays football.
He plays football.

4. My brother and I have got many toys.
We have got many toys.

5. This book is on the table.
It is the table.

b) Choose the right variant (Приложение. Слайд 11)

  1. (I/my) am a teacher.
    I am a teacher.
  2. (He/ his) son is a doctor.
    His son is a doctor.
  3. We help (him/his) sister to write the letter.
    We help his sister to write the letter
  4. (Our/us) teacher go to the cinema every Sunday.
    Our teacher go to the cinema every Sunday
  5. Tell (my/me) to come, please.
    Tell me to come, please
  6. I don’t want to play with (His/him).
    I don’t want to play with him.
  7. (They/them) drink hot milk.
    They drink hot milk.

9. Let’s do the short test!

  • Put the words in right order:

1. Usually, Ann, has, room, in, living, dinner, her.
2. She, three, and, bedrooms, has, a kitchen.
3. Has, she, a lot of, garden, flowers, in, her.
4. Likes, her, a lot, she, house.

(Приложение. Cлайд 12) – проверка задания.

  • Choose the necessary pronouns:
  1. I want to help (him/ his) to do (him/his) task.
  2. Mr. Brown reads (them/ their) an interesting book.
  3. (She/ her) sister will come to Moscow next weekend.
  4. (Our/ us) teacher showed us (him/ his) article about animals.
  5. The man usually buys bread near (us/our) house.

10. Активизация лексики по теме: «Мой дом» (Приложение. Слайд 13)

– Find as many words as you can. You can go to the blackboard, show the word, name and translate it (находим по одному слову и переводим их).

q w e e r t y y b y u i o p
g a r a g e f g e s f a u s
f g h k j k l m d c l z p c
w e l i v i n g r o o m s r
f g e t g x c d o t w g t b
d r f c a r b k o h e b a r
b a t h r o o m m d r r i b
e s t e d o w n s t a i r s
h s n n e w r d t u n a s x
f g b m n b e a u t i f u l

Living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, garden, garage, grass, downstairs, upstairs, flower, beautiful

11. Домашнее задание

– Повторить слова по теме: «Мой дом».

12. Итоги урока. Выставление оценок