Открытый урок в 4-м классе "The Tower of London". Развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Главная дидактическая цель:

Используя приемы  технологии развития  критического мышления через чтение и письмо, стимулирующие  мыслительную и творческую деятельность учеников,  учить извлекать необходимую информацию, заложенную в страноведческом тексте.

Обучающие цели:

  • увеличивать активный языковой запас,
  • расширять общий кругозор,
  • повышать культурный уровень учащихся,
  • обучать различным приемам работы с текстом.

Развивающие цели:

  • развивать творческие способности,
  • развивать языковую догадку, слуховую и зрительную память, внимание, логическое мышление учащихся.

Воспитательные цели:

  • учиться  работать в группах,
  • воспитывать уважительное отношение к стране изучаемого языка, ее традициям и    культуре.

Форма работы: групповая

Ход урока

1. Орг. момент, приветствие, warmer (jazz chant “Days of the week), вопросы по теме “London”

What is the capital of England?

Who built St Paul’s Cathedral?

When, where and why did the Great Fire begin?

How many days did the Fire continue?

What is Westminster Abbey famous for?

Where does the English Prime Minister live?

Where does the Queen of England live?

What is the famous tower in the houses of Parliament?

How many towns are in London? Name them

What is the height of the column to Admiral Nelson?

2. Проверка домашнего задания (на дом было задано подготовить материалы из жизни Лондона и Англичан, используя  журнал “Speak out”  и интернет- сайты)

3. Стадия вызова (мотивация к изучению нового материала и актуализация предшествующих знаний), не называя темы урока, предлагаем учащимся догадаться о ней  по опорным словам: William the Conqueror, prison, ravens, legend. Учащиеся должны догадаться, что темой урока будет ” The Tower of London”    

T: London is a land of traditions and a very deep history. We want to show you a very short scene from the life of Tower of London. This is a ceremony of keys and it is 700 years old (заранее 2 ученика подготовили диалог бифитеров)

- “Halt!"

- "Who comes there?"

- "The Keys"

- "Who's Keys?"
- "Queen Elizabeth's Keys".
- "Pass Queen Elizabeth's Keys - All's well".

- God preserve Queen Elizabeth.

- Amen.

T: As I have already said this ceremony is 700 years and it repeats every night at 10 o’clock.

And now look at the blackboard and tell me what you know from these statements. You may answer: agree, disagree, don’t know.

Предлагаем учащимся следующую таблицу:




The Tower was built in 1066 by William the Conqueror


The ceremony of keys is 700 years


Nobody could escape from the Tower


The King Edward the Confessor started the Zoo 7 centuries ago


There are 6 ravens in the Tower


There is a special man (ravenmaster) who looks after ravens


Beefeaters are people who like beef very much

Используя технологию  «+, -, ?» учащиеся фронтально заполняют таблицу.

4. Стадии осмысления:  учащимся предлагается прочитать текст и найти подтверждение или опровержение своим предположениям, сравнить данные текста с данными таблицы.


A Tower has 900 year history. It was a palace, a fortress, a prison and even a zoo. Today the Tower is known as a historical museum and more than 2 million people visit it every year.

About 150 people and 8 ravens live in the Tower.

The Tower of London was built in 1066 by William the Conqueror.


The oldest building on the territory of the Tower is the White Tower. It took 20 years to build this Tower. The walls of the White Tower are 27 meters high and 4,6 meters thick. This is the place where the kings of England ate, slept and ran the country.

Later kings made the Tower larger and stronger and built walls, a moat, smaller and more comfortable palaces.

The last palace built in the tower was the Queen’s house. It was built for Anna  Boleyn  the second wife of Henry  VIII.  But she lived there only 18 days. She was beheaded not far from the palace – on Tower Green.  The first person who lived in the White Tower was not a king, but a prisoner (by the way he escaped).


Kings sometimes get strange presents. About 700 years ago king Henry III got 3 leopards, an elephant and a polar bear. He kept them in the Tower. The elephant died after 2 years but the polar bear was happy because he went swimming and fishing in the Thames, of course he had a strong rope on his neck. That was a start for London Zoo. In 1835 all animals left the Tower and were sent to the Zoo in Regent’s Park. Only the ravens stayed in the Tower.


Ravens have always been in the Tower. There is a legend that they bring luck to Britain, if they stay in the Tower. That’s why they get meat and biscuits every day. There is a Ravenmaster,  who looks after ravens, feed them, check their health, clips their wings so they can not fly away and even buries them if they die. One raven whose name is Thor has started to speak. He says: “Come on” and “Where is mine?” It is very easy to know the name of the raven for the ravenmaster because they have rings of different color on their legs.

Leg-ring colour



Where from





Isle of Anglesey







Dark Blue





Light Blue



Welsh Mountain Zoo


Dark Green

Munin 11


North Uist (Scotland)



Hugine 11


North Uist (Scotland)







Light Green






The name Beefeaters came from the French word - buffetier. Buffetiers were guards in the palace of  French kings. They protected the king's food. The beefeaters were the people who guarded the Tower and its prisoners. Today they work as guides. They show people around and tell stories about all terrible things that have happened here. No one more knows about the Tower and its history than these famous men. They usually wear dark blue uniforms. But on special occasions they put on red and gold tunics. To become a beefeater today you must serve in the army 22 years.

a moat[məut] ров

wings [wingz] крылья

tunic [tju:nik] туника

to escape[ iskeip]   сбегать

guards [ga:dz] охранники

a rope [ rup] веревка

guides [gaidz] гиды

health [helӨ] здоровье

occasion [ əkei3n ]

5. Стадия рефлексии: учащиеся подтверждают или опровергают данные таблицы в форме фронтальной беседы с учителем.

Каждая группа получает отдельную тему (Zoo, Beefeaters, Ravens) в соответствии с уровнем подготовки (дифференцированный подход к выполнению заданий, 3 уровня сложности), с целью повторной рефлексии учебного текста.

ZOO: Multiple choice

The Zoo started _________  years ago.

a) 250


c) 700

King Henry III kept the animals in the__________

a) house


c) Zoo

The polar bear swam in the___________

a) Thames

b) swimming pool

c) bathroom

The animals left the Zoo in ___________




Now the Zoo is situated in __________

a) Hyde Park

b) St James Park

c) Regent’s  Park


Find the sentences in Present Perfect.(underline)

Answer the questions and be ready to retell your part

What legend do you know about ravens?

What does the Ravenmaster do?

How can you guess the name of the raven?


Find the sentences in Present Perfect.(underline)

Answer the questions and be ready to retell your part

Who were the beefeaters many centuries ago?

Who are they now?

How many uniforms have they got? Describe them.

How much time does it take to become a beefeater?

Children from different groups retell their parts.

6. Подведение итогов

Составляем итоговый кластер по теме, с целью выделить смысловые единицы текста и графически их оформить в определенном порядке.

7. Домашнее задание

Write a letter to your parents or a friend from London describing the most interesting place you have visited during your trip. Get ready for a quiz “Who knows England best?”

Список используемой литературы

1. Учебник для IV класса (И.Н Верещагина, О.В. Афанасьева), Москва, «Просвещение» 2004 г

2. «Развитие критического мышления на уроке» (С.И. Заир-Бек, И.В. Муштавинская), Москва, «Просвещение» 2004 г

3. «Урок как педагогический феномен» (С.С. Татарченкова) Санкт-Петербург, «Каро» 2004 г

4. «Развитие и контроль коммуникативных умений: традиции и перспективы» (Е.Н Соловова, В.Г. Апальков) Москва, Педагогический университет «Первое сентября» 2006 г
