"Welcome to America" ("Добро пожаловать в Америку")

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: развить интерес к стране изучаемого языка, её культурным ценностям, приобщить к другой национальной культуре, расширить общеобразовательный кругозор.

Задачи урока:

  1. образовательные
  • актуализировать изученную лексику и учить применять ее в устной и письменной речи;
  • повторить основные формы глаголов и Present Perfect tense
  • учить читать текст с полным пониманием;
  1. развивающие:
  • учить осуществлять поиск информации в процессе работы над речевым материалом;
  • развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;
  1. воспитательные: привить учащимся интерес к знаниям и умение применять их в ситуациях, требующих самостоятельного решения речемыслительных задач.

Оборудование: географическая карта Америки, таблички с глаголами, предложениями; таблица Present Perfect Tense картинки джинсов, слова к диаграмме, рекламе (Приложение);  иллюстрации по теме “Америка”, Презентация

Ход урока

I. Teacher: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! Take your seats, please. Today we go on with our theme “America” at the lesson. We shall do many interesting things: repeat the words and Present perfect tense, ask and answer the questions, relax a little, read the text, find the English equivalents and adjectives in it, do diagram and make advertisement. That is clear. And now “Welcome to America!” that is the name of our lesson.

II. Teacher: At first we repeat the sounds and the words with them. Please, look at the blackboard, read and repeat after me:

  • [s] century
  • [i] appear
  • [ai] arrive, fight, wild, the United States
  • [е] independence, settlement
  • [w] Washington
  • discovery
  • [ei] sailor, sail

And now look at the table and repeat three forms of the irregular verbs. /Повторение трёх форм глаголов и формулы образования настоящего совершенного времени/. Let’s remember Present perfect tense. Now put these sentences into Present perfect tense:

  1. Columbus … … some voyages to the New World. (have, made)
  2. … you … the English settlement? (have, see)
  3. They … … … gold in their houses. (have, keep, not)

III. Teacher: We have learned about America many things. Let’s speak about it. America is a great country. Its capital is Washington D.C. The population of America is about 300 million people. And now answer my questions and you may use your home text “The Wild West” the first part.

The Wild West.
At the beginning of the 17th century the first colonies appeared in America. Many of them were English colonies, for example, New England. But there were also Spanish and German there. African Negroes arrived as slaves in 1619 and began working on plantations situated in the South. They grew rice and tobacco. There were 13 colonies in America in 1733. The English King who lived in England, far away, was the King of New England and the other colonies. The colonists in America didn't like that. They didn't want to depend on the English King or on England. The Americans began to fight for their independence and got it. George Washington became the first president of the United States.

In the 18th century some Americans went to the west to look for new lands, and the story of "Wild West" began. In the 19th century people went west to look for gold. They built new settlements and new towns on these lands. Some people were lucky but some were not as they couldn't find any gold. Then they left the towns, so they became empty. Now these "ghost towns" are very popular with tourists.

Life in the Wild West was full of danger. The Native Americans in the west didn't like white people who took their land. Sometimes they attacked them.

There were bears and other wild animals and people had to have guns. Today many Americans still keep a gun in their houses and all American police officers have guns.

  1. When did the first colonies appear in America and how were their names?
  2. How many colonies were there in America in 1733?
  3. Why did the Americans begin to fight for their independence?
  4. Where did Americans go in the 18th – 19th centuries and why?
  5. Why did Americans have to wear guns?

Teacher: But imagine that we are flying to the USA and we are on board the plane now. I am an English teacher from New York. You are the Russians students and I want to know what you can tell me about my native country. Here are my questions for you:

  1. Who discovered America?
  2. When was it?
  3. Who was Christopher Columbus?
  4. How was the discovered land called?

I know one beautiful poem about this historical fact. “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two…” Which of you can continue?

Pupil: “Let’s remember Columbus”

“In fourteen hundred and ninety-two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue…
Let’s sing together this old song
About the voyage that took him long,
About the sailors, those strong brave men.
Let’s sing and remember them all again!”

Teacher: Excellent! Thank you! And I’ll continue my questions:

  1. Who were Indians?
  2. What tradition has kept from the times of “Wild West” to our days?

So, we are landing and I wish you to have a good time in America. Good bye!

IV. Teacher: The colonists have brought their customs and traditions to the New World. There are many holidays among them. What American holidays can you name?

Pupil 1: Christmas customs are centuries old. People go to church and decorate their homes and give presents each other.

Pupil 2: Thanksgiving Day is the most important day in the American year. It is rather like Christmas, but people are giving thanks God for food.

Pupil 3: On the 4th of July Americans celebrate the Independence Day. This is the birthday of the American nation. The first president of the United States was George Washington.

V. Teacher: I want you to relax.

  • Stand up!
  • Hands up, hands down,
  • Hands on hips, sit down!
  • Stand up!
  • Hands to the sides
  • Bend left, bend right.
  • Hands on hips!
  • One, two, three, hop!
  • Stand still.

Take your seats, please.

VI. Teacher: Let’s know about another American’s tradition. We shall read the second part of the text “The Wild West”. But at first look at the blackboard and read the new words from the text: cowboy, clothes, protect, San Francisco, Levi Strauss, jeans, tailor, wear-wore-worn. Let’s read sentence by sentence!

The Wild West.
Another tradition from the “Wild West” is “cowboy” clothes. In the days of the Wild West clothes were very important as they helped people to live leading a difficult and dangerous life. Cowboys spent much time outdoors. They usually wore hats, boots and jeans. Hats helped them in the sun and protected their faces and eyes from the hot sun. Boots were also very important. It was more comfortable to walk through long grass in boots. There were many dangerous snakes where cowboys worked and lived and the boots protected people from them. Boots also made riding a horse easier.

In the middle of the 19th century in the city of San Francisco there lived a tailor called Levi Strauss. He made special clothes-strong trousers called jeans. Very soon cowboys started to wear jeans. Now people wear jeans in America and all over the world.

Next I read Russian sentences and you must find them in English in the text.

  1. Во времена Дикого Запада одежда была очень важна, т.к. она помогала людям выживать в опасной и сложной жизни.
  2. Шляпы защищали их глаза и лица от палящего солнца.
  3. Там, где жили и работали ковбои, была много опасных змей, и ботинки защищали от них людей.

Now complete the sentences.

  1. Another tradition from the “Wild West” is…
  2. Cowboys usually wore…
  3. Boots were very important because…
  4. Levi Strauss lived in …
  5. Now people wear jeans …

Now you may ask questions each other.


  • What is another tradition from the “Wild West”?
  • Why was it important for cowboys to wear hats and boots?
  • What trousers did the cowboys wear in those times?
  • Who made jeans then?
  • Where did the tailor live?

Teacher: The next task, please, find the mistakes in these adjectives from the text.

  • impotant, dangeros, dificult, specal, comfotable.

VII. Teacher: I hope the text is clear for you now. And now let’s divide into four groups and each group will get its own task. To three groups: I want you make an advertisement for jeans. There are some words for these advertisements and pictures. Some words are unnecessary. You must not make mistakes. What words are needed for you? To one group: And you must choose the words and do diagram “What is America for us?”

VIII. Teacher: Let’s listen to your jeans advertisements.

Pupils: 1.Jeans is our lifestyle! 2. Jeans is O.K.! 3. Jeans is cool!

IX. Teacher: Let’s know what America is for you.

Pupils: What is America for us? Рисунок1.

X. Teacher: Your home task is to make the information about America: Indians, cowboys, jeans, discovery of America, Christopher Columbus. And write the words to the theme “America” from the text “The Wild West”. Thank you for your attention and for your good work.