Конспект урока по теме "Murmansk - the capital of the Barents Region" (11-й класс)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Тема реализуется в рамках расширения программы (в соответствии с базисным учебным планом 1998г., в котором на изучение английского языка отводится 2 часа. 1 час дается из регионального компонента на изучение сведений краеведческого характера.)

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий

  1. Образовательная цель: обобщить и систематизировать знания учащихся по теме “Murmansk – the capital of the Barents Region”.
  2. Развивающая цель: развитие умения работать с визуальной информацией.
  3. Воспитательные цели:
  • воспитывать культуру межличностного общения;
  • воспитывать чувство патриотизма, любви к своей малой родине.


  • создать условия для применения сформированных лексико-грамматических навыков;
  • совершенствовать навыки монологической речи по теме “Murmansk – the capital of the Barents Region”;
  • продолжить обучение восприятию аудиотекста на слух с целью извлечения конкретной информации.


  • видеофильм о Мурманске;
  • парные карточки с лексикой;
  • компьютеры, на которых установлен веб-браузер (напр., Internet Explorer, Opera);
  • интерактивное упражнение на закрепление изученных лексических единиц,
  • созданное в программной оболочке Hot potatoes.

Ход урока

  1. Приветствие. Объяснение цели урока.

Good morning, boys and girls! Today we are going to speak about our native town and improve our knowledge about the Murmansk Region.

  1. Актуализация опорных знаний.

Повторение лексики по теме “Мой город”.

Режим работы: учитель – класс, фронтальный опрос.

  1. Before you watch.
  1. Match the English variant with the Russian one:
English Russian
Kola Bay A.Течение Гольфстрим
The northern lights B. Праздник Севера
Beyond the Polar Circle C. Полярные дни и ночи
Gulf Stream D. Северное сияние
Polar days and nights E. Кольский залив
Northern Festival F. За полярным кругом
Fishing industry G. Рыбная промышленность
Ship repair H. Морская геология
Marine geology I. Оленеводство
Reindeer-herding J. Судоремонт
Snowfall K. Снегопад

Answers:1E, 2D, 3F, 4A, 5C, 6B, 7G, 8J, 9H, 10I, 11K

  1. Match the beginning and the ending of the sentences:
English Russian
Polar days and nights are … А.…are original.
Murmansk is Russia’s largest ice-free port and … B. … in the Murmansk Region.
Folk traditions of Kola Saami and Pomors… C. …the feature of the Region.
Murmansk is famous for … D. … minerals and natural resources.
111 species of plants are protected … E. … a day.
The main branches of the Region’s economy are: … F. …the main base for the country’s fishing industry.
Murmansk has some regional holidays such as … G. … traditional Festival of the North, Holiday of the Sun, The Fisherman’s Day and Day of the Town.
The Kola Peninsula is rich in ... H. …fishery, fish processing, sea transport, ship repair, metal processing, marine geology.
During the North Festival the most popular kinds of sport are: … I. …its theatres, cinemas, monuments, museums, stadiums and exhibitions.
The climate can change several times … J. …reindeer races, ski racing, biathlon, figure skating, hockey, mountain skiing, freestyle, competitions on sport fishery.

Answers: 1C, 2F, 3A, 4I, 5B, 6H, 7G, 8D, 9J, 10E

The teacher gives pupils the answers (keys) to check their answers.

Тренировка лексики по теме.

Режим работы: в парах переменного состава (работа с видеофильмом), самоконтроль.

  1. While you watch. (Приложение1)

Now you will watch the video film about Murmansk and the Murmansk Region. Look at the screen and complete the notes and circle the correct statement. Before you start, let’s have a look at the exercises you must do. (Teacher explains the tasks to pupils). Is everything clear for you? Students look at the screen (monitor), listen to the video text (for specific information) and do the tasks.

Complete the notes. Choose the correct variant from the list (A-H) which best fits each sentence. There are two extra variants you do not need to use.

  1. The Murmansk region.

Murmansk is a wonderful city situated on the rocky terraces of the eastern coast of the 1…….. Bay. The climate of the Region depends upon the 2………. Stream. Polar 3………………… are the feature of the Region. Murmansk is Russia’s largest 4………….. port and the main base for the country’s fishing industry. Traditional 5…………. Festival is celebrating in Murmansk and other towns of the region since 1934. On the 6th of May, 1985 Murmansk was officially awarded with the rank of 6……………..

  1. Northern
  2. Kola
  3. day
  4. ice-free
  5. Hero-City
  6. days and nights
  7. Gulf
  8. the Murmansk Region
  1. Circle the correct statement.
  • A The Kola Peninsula is a friendly and very rich region.
  • The Kola Peninsula is a friendly but not very rich region.
  • Being a cultural town, Murmansk is famous for its theatres, cinemas, monuments, museums, stadiums.
  • Being a cultural town, Murmansk is famous for its markets, streets, shops.
  • Murmansk has a population of over 600,000 people.
  • Murmansk has a population of over 320,000 people.
  • Murmansk has been restored and rebuild in Soviet period.
  • After the World War 2 Murmansk has been restored and rebuild almost anew.
  • The earliest finds of an ancient civilization indicate that people inhabited region more than 10,000 years ago.
  • The earliest finds of an ancient civilization indicate that people inhabited region more than 20,000 years ago.

Let’s check the answers and put marks for our work.

(Teacher gives the correct answers to the pupils):

  1. B
  2. G
  3. F
  4. D
  5. A
  6. E
  1. A
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. A

Put marks for your work.

  • 1 --5
  • 2 – 4
  • 3 – 3
  • >3 – you don’t know
  1. Активизация ЛЕ и грамматического материала в МР.

Now let’s watch the video again and then answer the questions.

  1. After you watch.

I give you 2-3 minutes to answer the questions silently.

(Give the time to pupils – 2-3 minutes. Questions are on the blackboard.)

Режим работы: учитель – класс, фронтальный опрос.

  1. Answer the questions.
  • Why Murmansk is a maritime city?
  • What are the main branches of the region’s economy?
  • What are the features of nature and climate in our region?
  • Why Murmansk is a cultural centre of the Murmansk Region?
  • What regional holidays are there in our city?
  • What are the most popular kinds of sport in our city?

Проверка выполнения задания:

  • “по цепочке”;
  • индивидуально.

The teacher asks if somebody wants to add something.

  1. Work in pairs (cards).

Режим работы: в парах переменного состава (парные карточки), взаимоконтроль.

(Приложение2 (карточки разрезаются)).

Now let’s check our knowledge about Murmansk, using the cards (you have them on the tables). Work in pairs. One of you will translate from Russian into English the first 5 sentences from card№ 1. Your neighbour will help and check you. Then change your roles. (Card №2 with other sentences).

Remember to be polite and helpful.

Teacher walks around the class while the pupils do the task, providing any necessary help.

  1. A short description.

Режим работы: учитель – класс, фронтальный опрос.

Now, using your knowledge about our city and the region, give the class a short description

(about 3 – 4 sentences) of each block (branch), using the phrases. Look at the blackboard.

On the blackboard 4 blocks:

  • Industry
  • Nature
  • Culture
  • Sport
  • Industry On the whole…
  • Nature As compared with it…
  • Culture To sum it up…
  • Sport To start with….
  • In addition…
  • As a result…
  • This is important, because…
  • It seems to me…
  • As far as I’m concerned…
  • Well, I can see your point, but…
  • I see what you mean, but…

For example – To start with …Murmansk is a cultural center. Prove this statement (3-4 sentences).

Pupils report back to the class.

  1. Computer. (Приложение 3, Приложение 4, Приложение 5)

Закрепление употребления ЛЕ.

Режим работы: в парах переменного состава (работа с компьютером), самоконтроль.

Now let’s elicit what we know about our native city and our region. Please, sit at your computers. You must choose only one right answer for each sentence. At the end of your work the computer will show you the result. (per cent)

  • On the blackboard
  • 90 % -100% - 5
  • 75% -89% - 4
  • 50% -74% - 3
  • <50 % - You don’t know
  1. Заключительный этап.

Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание

  1. To sum up.

Take your seats. Your results are not poor, thank you for your work. And tell me please what do you like most of all during our lesson?

Home: at home you must write down a short article about our city and region, describing nature, economy, ecology and your ideas how to solve problems we have.