Открытый урок "Superstitions. Good luck and bad luck". 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Цель коммуникативная: овладевать формами устного общения, учиться выражать мысли о предметах и явлениях, их связях и отношениях посредством изучаемого языка.

Цель воспитательная: формировать навыки и умения интеллектуального труда, развивать любовь к предмету, воспитывать уважение к культуре стран изучаемого языка и своей собственной культуре.

Цель образовательная: расширять общий кругозор учащихся, обогатить содержание страноведческих знаний, стимулировать стремление к саморазвитию, учить пользоваться новой лексикой по теме.

Цель развивающая: включать учеников в такие виды деятельности, которые развивают у них волевую, эмоциональную и мотивационную сферы.

Оборудование: учебник ( First Certificate Star. Macmillan),компьютер, экран, мультимедиапроектор, интерактивный курс Английский Путь к совершенству, презентации.


  • коммуникативного обучения;
  • ИКТ;
  • обучение в сотрудничестве.


Bad luck and good luck

1 – приветствие, оглашение целей и задач урока

Good morning, boys and girls!

Good morning, dear guests!

Sit down, everybody! It’s time to start our lesson.

When I was going to school I saw the only sparkling star in the sky. Will it bring good luck or bad luck? How do you think?

We’ll spend today’s lesson working on a very interesting theme– SUPERSTITIONS ,BAD LUCK AND GOOD LUCK!

We’ll do some work on selection, translation, language guessing, listening etc.

2 – презентация “ Bad luck or good luck?”

What’s the Russian for “ superstition”?

Can you explain it in English?


Well, what do we know about the superstitions surrounding us?

P2 - Most of them have roots in long ago times, before the arrival of Christianity in Europe.


Look at our screen and choose what superstitions bring people good luck or bad luck.

2 – Презентация – Суеверия.

  1. to spill salt is bad
  2. to open an umbrella in the house is  bad
  3. a black cat crossing your path will bring – good
  4. the number 13 is bad
  5. to meet or pass someone on the stairs is bad
  6. a horseshoe over the door of a new house brings - good
  7. to take a last piece of bread on the plate is bad
  8. a clover with 4 leaves brings good
  9. to put new shoes on the table is bad
  10. to break a mirror is bad
  11. Friday the 13th brings – bad
  12. White wedding – good

There are a lot of superstitions connected with Christmas and New Year’s Day.

  1. If a baby is born on Christmas Day it will bring – good
  2. If you wear new shoes on Christmas it will bring you – bad
  3. If you wash your hair on New Year’s Day, you will wash away – good luck

Well, you are bright!

3 – введение новой лексики

Let’s look at new words and try to guess their meanings.

Mischievous – enjoying playing tricks and annoying people, озорной.

Medieval – connected with the Middle Ages, средневековый.

Disguise – to change your appearance so that people cannot recognize you, маскировка.

Omen – a sign of what is going to happen in the future, предзнаменование, знак.

Veil – a covering of very thin transparent material worn, especially by women, to protect or hide the face, вуаль, завеса.

Threshold – the level at which smth starts to happen, преддверие, начало.

Newlyweds – persons who have recently got married, новобрачные.

Envious – wanting to be in the same situation as smb else, завистливый.

4 – чтение с извлечением информации

All these words are from the text we are going to read.

We read for different purposes. And there are different kinds of reading-skimming, scanning, reading for full information. And now we want to understand both the central idea and the supporting details we read for full understanding.

And now open, please, your textbooks at page 134.

I’d like you to read round the class. Take 1 text.

(Ученики читают текст №2 стр. 134, по ходу выполняется упражнение 4, стр. 135, а затем упражнение №3)

5 – аудирование

Many people consider the sixth sense as superstitions. You’ll hear an interesting story about it. Be attentive while listening to it.

(Английский. Путь к совершенству. Listening CD 2. Your career path. Plans for the future)

Steve: Dave, congratulations and welcome aboard! I’ve just heard good news about you!

Dave: Thanks. I’m happy about working in a real job –finally.

Steve: I hear you. I know all about being a grad student and working part-time.

Dave: I can’t complain about it. If I hadn’t had an internship I might not have gotten the position.

Steve: Mark mentioned that you had been offered a job in Chicago.

Dave: Yes, I was hoping for the one here, but I have to be prepared for not getting it.

Steve: The old plan B. Good thinking!

Dave: You got it. Having that other offer helped me arrive at a better salary.

Steve: Sweet deal!

Dave: I feel pretty good about it. If there’s one thing I have learned, it’s never to accept an offer right off the bat. Negotiation is key.

Steve: Good for you. What are you planning on doing with the increase?

Dave: I have been looking around for a new set of wheels. I was going to wait for a raise to buy one.

Steve: You may be in luck! We are going to back in Japan next month so we will have to get rid of our cars.

Dave: Really? What are you driving? A minivan?

Steve: My wife drives a minivan. I drive a really cool car.

Dave: So what are we talking about here?

Steve: A convertible two-seater with less then 40.000 miles on it. It’s an excellent condition.

Dave: Sounds like what I have been looking for.

Steve: This car has been my pride and joy, but it just doesn’t make sense to take it overseas.

Dave: How much are you asking for it?

Steve: I am not sure yet. But I am open to offers.

Dave: How about 10.000$?

Steve: Now, Dave, there is one thing I have learned it’s never to accept an offer right off the bat. I insist on negotiation. Negotiation is key.

Mark: Let’s hear it for Dave! The great new addition to our team!

Multiple choice

  1. Why did Steve congratulate Dave?
  2. A) because Dave is getting married;
    B) because of Dave’s new job;
    C) because Dave has a new car.

  3. Where will Dave be working?
  4. A) at this same office;
    B) in Tocyo;
    C) in Chicago.

  5. What other subject do they discuss?
  6. A) cars;
    B) sports;
    C) their children.

  7. When is Steve going to sell this car?
  8. A) before going back to Japan;
    B) before buying a mini-van;
    C) after moving to Chicago.

  9. Does Steve accept Dave’s offer of 10 000$?

A) yes, right away;
B) yes, after a few minutes;
C) no, but he’ll think about it.

6 – работа с грамматическим материалом “Сonditional mood.”

While speaking about superstitions we often use conditional mood.

T. What do we know about conditionals?

P. We use conditionals to talk about situations real or imaginary and the probable results of these situations.

T. Well, conditionals are made up of 2 clauses. What are they?

P. The if clause and the main clause.

T. How many types do you know?

P. 4.

T. What are they?

P. The zero conditional. We use the zero conditional to talk about smth that is always or usually true.

If clause Main clause
If+ Present Present

For example – Если я не могу уснуть, я пью чашку горячего молока.

If I can’t sleep, I drink a cup of hot milk.

T. Name the next type.

P. The first conditional. We use the first conditional to talk about a likely situation and its probable result in the future. (real present)

If clause main clause
If+ Present will+ Infinitive

For example – Если у меня будет много денег, я куплю самолет.

If I have a lot of money, I will buy a plane.

T. The next type.

P. The second conditional. We use the second conditional to talk about an unlikely or imaginary situation and its result. (unreal present)

If clause main clause
If + past would + Infinitive

For example – Если бы я увидел привидение, я бы убежал.

If I saw a ghost, I would run away.

T. The next type.

P. The third conditional. We use the third conditional to speculate about possible situations in the past which didn’t happen. (unreal past)

If clause main clause
If + past perfect would have + past participle

For example– Я бы отправила тебе письмо из Мексики, если бы у меня был твой адрес.

I would have sent you a letter from Mexico, if I had had your address.

7 – заключительный, тест

1. I’ll pick you up at 7 sharp if_______________

A) you will be ready; C) you is ready;
B) you are ready; D) you has been ready.

2. If Alexander didn’t have enough money, he______________for it.

A) would ask; C) will have asked;
B) will ask; D) had asked.

3. If you _________ an umbrella, you ________.

A) wouldn’t have taken ….. get wet;
B) won’t take…….will get wet;
C) don’t take….. will get wet;
D) didn’t take….will get wet.

4. If I had my own computer, it __________ me less time to write papers for school.

A) would take; C) had taken;
B) takes; D) will have taken.

5. If Bob ___________ me to come yesterday, I wouldn’t have gone to the cinema.

A) would have asked; C) had asked;
B) asked; D) would asked.

I hope that you won’t spill the salt, you will find a clover with 4 leaves, all the cats in your life will be white and you will see the only sparkling star in the sky!!!! Good luck!!!!!

Practice Book
p. 87 № 1, 2, 4.
Student’s Book
p. 136 № 1,2.
