Интегрированный урок (английский язык + французский язык) "Зимние праздники Великобритании и Франции"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель – осуществить контроль обучения, продолжить систематизацию знаний, выявить уровень усвоения материала, сформированности умений и навыков.



  • выявить качество и уровень овладения знаниями и умениями, полученными на предыдущих уроках по данной теме,
  • обобщить материал как систему знаний;
  • проверить способность к творческому мышлению и самостоятельной деятельности.


  • способствовать формированию ответственного отношения к учёбе, готовности и мобилизации усилий на выполнение заданий, проявить наибольшую активность в их выполнении;
  • воспитывать культуру учебного труда, экономного расходования времени.


  • развивать логическое мышление, память, способность к анализу и синтезу, формировать навыки самоконтроля, навыки работы в коллективе.

Методические приемы: рассказ, практическая работа.

Метод: творческая деятельность.

Формы данного типа урока:

  • повторительно-обобщающий урок;
  • практическая работа.

Оборудование и реквизит:

  1. Телевизор;
  2. DVD плеер;
  3. Музыкальные записи;
  4. Картины с изображением камина, Санта Клауса, традиционной Рождественской кухни Великобритании и Франции, чулки с подарками;
  5. Стенгазета ко дню Святого Валентина;
  6. Рождественские и Новогодние открытки прошлого столетия;
  7. Снежинки и Валентинки для оформления класса;
  8. Снежки из ваты;
  9. Поздравительные открытки - снежинки и Валентинки, подписанные на английском и французском языках для каждого участника и гостей урока;
  10. Ёлочки на каждом столике участников и гостей урока.

Ход урока

Вступительное слово учителя английского языка.

Dear friends!

We have talked a lot about the United Kingdom. We have spoken about geography, political system about big cities, about the population and famous people of this country.

At this lesson we will speak about winter holidays of two great countries: Great Britain and France.

Imagine you are two students’ delegations from Great Britain and France. You can speak only English and French.

Вступительное слово учителя французского языка.

Bonjour mes amis!

C’est toujours tres interessants de decouvrir les choses nouvelles, de savoir la culture et les traditions d’autres pays, de voir la diversite de la vie. Les fetes font les gens gais, souriants et heureux.

La deligation francaise va presenter les fetes francaises.

En France il y a les fetes civiles – nationales et internationales, les fetes religieuses ( catholiques ). Il y a aussi les fetes folkloriques, traditionnelles et les fetes familiales.

So, let’s start. Christmas is one of the most important holidays in Great Britain. Will you speak about it?

Звучит песня “Christmas”.

P.1. In England people celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. As you know Christmas is a religious holiday. It is the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a happy day. Families come together to share their happiness, attend church and exchange gifts. The Christmas story comes from the Bible. It tells us an interesting story of shepherds who were watching their sheep when an angel appeared to them. He told them that a Saviour had been born in Bethlehem. The shepherds went there to see Jesus. The baby Jesus was born in a stable. His father was Joseph and his mother was the Virgin Mary.

P.2. The Bible tells us how the Wise Men followed a star until it led them to Jesus.

The first Noel the angel did say
Was to certain poor shepherds in the fields as they lay
In fields where they lay keeping their sheep
On a cold winter’s night that was so deep.
They looked up and saw a star
Shining in the East, beyond them far,
and to the Earth it gave great light,
And so it continued both day and night.

The Wise Men gave Jesus many gifts. Because of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Christian celebrate Christmas.

P.3. Every year the people of Norway give to Londoners a present. It is a Christmas tree. Every December a magnificent fir tree is shipped over from Oslo in Norway as a present from the people of Norway, in gratitude for the help given to them by Britain in the Second World War. Most families decorate their houses with brightly – coloured paper or holly and they have a Christmas tree in the room. They decorate the tree with coloured lights, little toys, sweets. Parents put presents under the tree.

E.1. Les enfants et les adultes aiment beaucoup la fete de fin d’annee : le 25 decembre – la fete de Noel.

Tout le monde est gai et souriant. Tout le monde se souhaite “ Joyeux Noel “, “ Bonne et heureuse annee”, “ Meilleurs voeux “.

Noel est la fete de la naissance de Jesus-Christ. Dans la nuit du 24 au 25 decembre, on decore l’arbre de Noel, on sert le repas de fete.

E.2. Noel est celebre dans toute la France. Pour les Francais Noel – c’est la fete la plus importante. Les symbols de Noel sont l’arbre de Noel et le Pere Noel. En Angleterre on l’appelle – Father Christmas, aux Etats-Unis – Santa Claus, en Italie – Babbo Natale, en Russie – Pere Gel.

La tradition de l’arbre de Noel est tres ancienne. En Alsace au XVI siecle c’etait un sapin decore de pommes et dresse sur la place de l’hotel de ville. La veille de Noel on donnaient de spectacles devant des eglises. Alors le sapin symbolisait l’Arbre de Paradis.

Apres on a ajoute des gateaux et des petits jouets aux pommes. Les Allemands et les Americains ont rajoute des noix peintes et des bonbons. Au XIX siecle ont apparu des objets en papier mache, en verre ou en cire. Toujours vert , le sapin symbolise l’espoir de l’homme.

E.3. Noel est la fete la plus attendue en France. Les chretiens s’y preparent d’avance. On se fait des cadeaux et les bons repas se succedent.

Pour les chretiens Noel est avant tout une fete religieuse. Le 25 decembre ils fetent la naissance de Jesus – Christ. Dans les eglises et dans leurs maisons les chretiens mettent des creches ou, selon la Bible, Jesus-Christ est ne. A Noel ils prient pour la naissance de Christ, ils prient aussi pour les malades et les malheureux. Plusieurs vont a la messe a l’eglise dans la nuit du 24 decembre.

P.4. How did it all begin? No one really knows though the custom of having Christmas tress certainly comes from Germany. At one time “Adam and Eve Day” was celebrated on the 24th of December. They decorated a tree, known as the Paradise Tree, with apples and fruit. And they acted the story of the Garden of Edem and how in the beginning, the world was spoilt.

P.5. A legend links the Christmas tree with St. Boniface of Crediton, who left England to bring the good news about Jesus to the tribes of Germany. One dark night he and his monks came upon a group of villagers preparing to sacrifice a boy to their god Odin. They had tied him to an oak tree. Boniface set the boy free and chopped the oak down. He pointed instead to an evergreen fir and his followers stepped forward and put their candles on its branches. The people listened as Boniface told them of the loving God who had brought life and light to the world through his Son.

P.6. Some say it was Martin Luther, the great sixteenth – century reformer, who first brought the lighted Christmas tree indoors. As he walked though the forest one night he looked up to see the stars shining through the branches. It was so beautiful; he went home and told his children how the lighted tree was like a picture of Jesus, who left the starry heaven to bring light to earth.

P.7. At first, Christmas trees were decorated with thinks to eat – gingerbread men and apples. German glass – blowers were the first to make glass ornaments which were not so heavy. At first a little model of baby Jesus was put at the top of the tree. This changed to an angel with gold wings; then to the fairy we see on so many Christmas trees today!

P.8. Candles were used to light the trees at first, and there were many accidents from fire. In 1895 an American telephone worker. Ralph Morris thought how good the tiny light bulbs would look on his tree! His inspiration led to the many shapes and colours of electric Christmas tree lights manufactured today. It was Prince Albert, Queen’s Victoria’s German husband, who made the Christmas tree popular in Britain. In 1841 he wrote to his father: “Today I have two children of my own… who… are full of happy wonder at the German Christmas tree…”

P.9. The wreaths were created in the same way the Christmas trees created. It symbolizes the strength of life overcoming the forces of winter. Back in ancient Rome, people used decorative wreaths as a sign of victory. Some wreaths are made for crafts, others for decoration.

P.10. It is the most important holiday of the year. It is a family holiday Shops, post offices, banks and business houses are closed for the day. People stay at home and spend the time with their families. Everyone is buying Christmas presents for friends and relatives, send Christmas cards.

In the mid – 19th century in London there lived a man Henry Cole by name. Every year he sent short notes to his friends at Christmas, but in 1843 he had no time for letter writing, so he asked an artist John C. Horsley, to design a card with the printed message that would substitute his annual greeting. His request inspired a billion dollar industry and added a tradition of sending Christmas cards.

E.4. Autrefois, a Noel, on offrait une orange ou un petit sabot en chocolat. Aujourd’hui, choisir un cadeau - ce n’est pas facile. Comment faire vraiment plaisir a vos parents et amis ? Voici quelques bonnes idees.

Pour un ami ou pour une amie qui habite loin, une carte de Noel originale, c’est deja un cadeau.

E.5. Ecrivez vos voeux au stylo or ou au crayon arc-en-ciel.

Composez un “ acrostiche “ : la premiere lettre de chaque phrase de votre poeme, lue verticalement, doit donner le nom de votre amie ou le nom de votre ami ou dire “ Joyeux Noel ! “

E.6. Fabriquez vous-meme des cadeaux personnels. Par exemple, une cassette des meilleurs publicites ou un mini-roman ecrit de votre main sur un joli carnet ...

E.7. Vous avez une idee de cadeau, mais vous n’avez pas assez d’argent pour realiser votre idee. Proposez a votre pere, a votre grand-mere ou a votre soeur de faire un cadeau en commun avec vous.

Звучит “Christmas”.

Учащиеся дарят друг другу и гостям поздравительные снежинки – открытки.

P.11. At Christmas little children believe that Father Frost comes to visit them with a big bag of toys. They hang up stockings to receive the presents. On Christmas morning children look into their stockings and see their gifts. Some people leave something for Father Christmas (or for Santa Claus – this is another name for Father Christmas in Britain). A glass of wine and some biscuits, for example.

P.12. In Britain the most important the most important meal on December, 25th is Christmas dinner. Christmas dinner is roast turkey with carrots, potatoes, peas, Brussels sprouts and gravy. There are sausages and bacon, too. Then, after the turkey, there is Christmas pudding. A lot of families have their own Christmas pudding recipes. Real Christmas pudding always has a piece holly on the top.

E.8. Le Reveillon du 24 decembre se passe en famille.

Voila le menu traditionnel: dinde farcie aux marrons, salade, fromage, foie gras, huitres, buche de Noel.

Le Reveillon de Noel est impossible sans la Buche de Noel.

Autrefois pendant les longues soirees d’hiver, toute la famille se reunissait devant la cheminee ou brulait la buche. On la choisissait dans un bois tres dur pour qu’elle brule le plus long possible – plus de temps elle brule, plus de bonheur elle apporte. Pour la nuit de Noel on la decorait de rubans, puis le chef de la famille la benissait avec de l’huile, ensuite le plus jeune et le plus age de la famille l’allumaient. De nos jours la Buche est symbolisee par un gateau.

E.9. Pour beaucoup de gens Noel est d’abord un moment a passer en famille. Un moment de bonheur ou l’on a le droit d’oublier tout le reste. C’est aussi l’occasion de faire des cadeaux ou d’ecrire un petit mot a ceux qu’on aime, et aussi d’en recevoir. A Noel on se retrouve avec toute la famille autour de la cheminee avec un sapin decore.

E.10. Pour les petits enfants Noel est un reve ou l’on recoit des cadeaux. Le matin de Noel les petits enfants qui croient au Pere Noel vont chercher dans leurs souliers qu’ils ont deposes devant la cheminee ou au pied de l’arbre de Noel, les cadeaux apportes par le Pere Noel.

Les enfants ecrivent d’avance leurs lettres au Pere Noel, lui parlent de leurs progres et lui demandent des cadeaux. Car, pour eux, il y a un monde merveilleux sans problemes qui existe dans les nuages, c’est l’atelier du Pere Noel. Noel est une fete merveilleuse quand on reve et on croit en la magie.

Задается вопрос английской делегации :

Savez-vous ou posent les enfants leurs souliers?

Oui, les enfants posent leurs souliers devant les cheminees pour y trouver les cadeaux le matin du 25 decembre. Pour les enfants c’est une fete joyeuse.

M. Vous avez raison. Noel est une fete magique surtout pour les enfants.

P.13. What else do people usually do at Christmas? Yes, they sing. Carol – singing at Christmas is a very old custom. All over the country groups of people (young and old) sing in the streets. The centre of carol – singing in London is Trafalgar Square. Some of the most famous carols are “The First Noel”, “Joy to the World”, “Silent Night”, “Jingle, Bells” was written in 1857 by John Pierpont. Can we sing this carol? You may take the sheets of paper with the texts of the carol and let’s try to sing together.

Звучит “Jingle, Bells”.

Учащиеся бросают снежки друг в друга.

P.14. In England people celebrate the New Year. But it is not as widely and enthusiastically observed as Christmas. Some people ignore it completely and go to bed at the same time as usually. The most common type of celebration is a New Year party. Another popular way is to go to a New Year’s dance. The most famous celebration is in London round the statue of Eros in Piccadilly Circus where crowds gather and sing and welcome the New Year. In Trafalgar Square there is also a big crowd and someone usually falls into the fountain. But New Year’s Eve is a more important festival in Scotland, and it even has a special name, “Hogmanay”.

Звучит “New Year” в исполнение “ABBA”.

Учащиеся выполняют тест о Новом годе. Приложение 1

P.15. Nowadays people all over the world celebrate St. Valentine’s Day, a day of lovers.

There is a beautiful legend behind St. Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine lived in Rome in the third century AD. At that time the Emperor of Rome was Claudius. He wasn’t popular because he wanted more people for his army and he made a law against marrying because he thought that men didn’t want to leave their wives and children.

But at that time there was a priest named Valentine. Valentine didn’t like new law and he secretly married people who were in love.

One night the Emperor’s soldiers caught him and put him in prison. Valentine was going to die. A daughter of a prison guard visited Valentine in the prison. On the day of his execution Valentine wrote a note to her “Love from your Valentine”. This was on the 14th of February 269 AD.

Since then it has been the Day of Love, when people send love letters and present to each other.

E.11. En France aussi on fete la Saint-Valentin le 14 fevrier.

En France comme dans beaucoup de pays, c’est le moment de montrer son amour. On offre des bouquets de fleurs, des boites de bonbons en forme de coeur, de bijoux, on invite au restaurant ou tout simplement on lit des mots d’amour et des poemes. Les coeurs sont les symboles romantiques les plus populaires. Les gateaux, les petits fours sont faits en forme de coeur.

E.12. Au soirees de la Saint-Valentin on voit partout des coeurs, des angles et des lyres qui jouent de la musique romantique.

Un des symboles les plus populaires est Cupidon avec son arc et ses fleches.

On fetait le jour des amoureux de facon differente. Quelquefois, les symboles de la Saint-Valentin etaient caches dans un gateau. Chaque invite en prenant un morceau et, s’il etait heureux, y trouvait “ le petit truc “. Cet objet pouvait render l’avenir. Le grain de riz annoncait un marriage.

Звучит запись Джо Дассена.

Учащиеся дарят друг другу и гостям Валентинки.

I’d like to thank you for our lesson. You’ve worked very well and hard. You know a lot about these holidays. We’ll continue to talk about other traditions of these countries.

But now it’s time to say good – bye. See you later.

Merci beaucoup! J’espere c’est etait tres utile pour vous. Il y a beaucoup de fetes. Les fetes sont, sans doute, tres interessantes. Nous allons continuer a etudier les fetes en France et en Grande Bretagne.

Au revoir. Bonne chance!