Урок английского языка по теме "Открытие Америки. Христофор Колумб"

Разделы: География, Иностранные языки

Данный урок был проведен в первой четверти седьмого класса общеобразовательной школы по учебнику И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой для IV класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, и является обобщающим уроком по теме "Америка". Критерии оценки учащихся не отличаются от общепринятых.

Урок был дан в компьютерном классе с целью:

а) повышения творческой активности учащихся;
б) интенсификации учебного процесса;
в) использования передовых технологий в обучении;
г) повышения эффективности восприятия материала, а, следовательно, эффективности обучения;
д) повышения интереса учащихся к изучению иностранного языка.

Тип урока: обобщающий.

Тема урока: Открытие Америки. Христофор Колумб.

Цели урока:

  • Учебный аспект: систематизация знаний учащихся о стране изучаемого языка, совершенствование устной речи. Организовать практику в чтении, с предъявлением текста путём аудирования, говорении.
  • Социокультурный аспект: приобретение знаний об истории страны изучаемого языка (об открытии Америки, выдающихся мореплавателях и первооткрывателях Христофоре Колумбе  и Америго Веспуччи, Дне Колумба).
  • Развивающий аспект: развитие логического мышления, внимания, памяти, формирование навыков межличностного общения, обучить новому методу учебной деятельности.
  • Воспитательный аспект: поддержание у детей интереса к изучению английского языка, воспитание в духе мира, доброжелательного и уважительного отношения к истории других стран.

Оснащение урока: выставка сочинений учащихся о Колумбе, географическая карта мира, презентация «Христофор Колумб».

План урока:

1. Работа с географической картой.
2. Открытие Америки.
3. День Колумба.
4. Христофор Колумб.
5. Путешествия Христофора Колумба.



The theme of today's conclusive lesson is «Discovery of America. Christopher Columbus». We shall remember and speak about all interesting facts which you have studied and I hope that you will know some new facts about Christopher Columbus.

The main points of our lesson are:


Every year the 12th of October Americans celebrate Columbus Day. And today at our lesson we shall speak about this famous sailor. We shall read the texts answer the questions and work with the map, and by the end of our lesson you will have known more about the great discoverer.
Let us begin our conversation. Now look here: you see the date on the blackboard. Do you know what does this date mean? Why does it play a very important role in an American history?

S1. In 1492 Christopher Columbus discovered America.

T. I hope you remember the poem about him. Who will tell us this poem?


Let's remember Columbus
In fourteen hundred and ninety - two
Columbus sailed the ocean blue ...
Let's sing together this old song
About the voyage that took him long,
About the sailors, those strong brave men
Let's sing and remember them all again.

T. Very well, thank you. Sit down.  Now look at the blackboard, you can see the map. I want you to go to the map and show me

1. Where is Italy (India, South America, Spain, Asia, North America, San Salvador) situated?

S3: Italy is situated in the south- west. Etc.

Now I want you to remind the text “The discovery of America”. Open your books on page 312.
But before reading let’s practice in reading proper names. (Exercise 11, page 312)

11. Practise in reading proper names.

America, Central America, North America, South America, Christopher Columbus, the United States of America, the USA, the States.
(Students read the text in a loud voice, by chain)

12. Read the text and say what Christopher discovered in 1492 – a country or a continent. (Before reading the text be sure you can read the words of Exercise 6 properly).


In our days everybody knows what the word “America” means. First of all it is the name of the country – the United States of America – or just America. And then America is the name of the two continents – North America and South America. These two continents, North and South America, form the part of the world called America.
Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492.
“In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue…”
This is a song that many children learn about Christopher Columbus and his journey to America.
We don’t know much about the man. He was born in Italy but lived in Spain for a long time. He was a seaman and made many sea voyages. In 1492 the King and the Queen of Spain gave him money to go to India. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round. And after sailing 4000 miles (6400 kilometers), he reached some land. Columbus thought that it must be India but it was not. It was America – Central America in fact. People began to speak about the land as “the New World”.

Now look at the exercise 13 and say what is true, false or you don’t know, according to the text.

13. True, false or don’t know?

  1. The world America means the name of the country and the name of the two continents.
  2. Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent America.
  3. Christopher Columbus discovered the new continent in 1492.
  4. Nobody remembers Columbus’s voyage.
  5. People know everything about this famous discoverer.
  6. Columbus was born in Spain.
  7. Columbus lived all his life in Italy.
  8. “The New World” was the name of the new land.

T. I have prepared the presentation about Christopher Columbus.


I have got some questions about Columbus. Answer them.
1. Where was Columbus born?
2. Where did he live?
3. What was Columbus profession?
4. Who gave Columbus money for his voyage to the West?
5. Where did he have to go?
6. Why did he decide to sail west?
7. Did Columbus find India? Was the discovered land a new land?
8. When did he do his second voyage?
9. Did he ever land on the mainland of North America?

T. Now, dear guests and students look over here, please. You can see an exhibition of compositions about Christopher Columbus. Our students have written them while they were studying the theme Columbus.

We shall continue our lesson talking about the life of Christopher Columbus. You will work on a computer. And your task is to choose the right answer.  (Выходим в Интернет, и ребята выполняют задание)


T. The next point of our lesson is Christopher Columbus’s voyages. Be so kind and read the story of Christopher Columbus’s voyages from the beginning up to the end.

Christopher Columbus’s voyages

Columbus made some more voyages to the New World. He discovered some more islands in Central America. Spain was very much interested in this land, in this territory and had some Spanish settlements in South and Central America and in the South of North America too.
The second great voyage of Christopher Columbus began in September in 1493. He had seventeen ships with him. On this voyage he reached Cuba, but didn’t know it was an island. Columbus made four trips in all to the New World but he never landed on the mainland of North America.

True, false or don't know?

1. Columbus made 12 sea voyages.
2. Columbus had fifteen ships during his second voyage to the New World.
3. Columbus visited North America several times.
4. Columbus made four trips in all to the New World.

Now try to retell this text. You will do it like snowball.

(S1 tells the first sentence, S2 retells the fist student’s sentence and adds his own, S3 retells the fist student’s sentence, the second student’s sentence and adds his own, and so on.)


T. I like your today's work.  I hope it was interesting to know more about one of the greatest discoverers Christopher Columbus and the discovery of America. Thank you very much.  Your marks today are...

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