Сценарий постановки "Остров сокровищ" по одноименной повести Р.Л. Стивенсона на английском языке

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа


Guests (1-4)
Captain (Old Pirate)
Black Dog (Old Pirate)
Silver (Old Pirate)
Pirates (1-2)
Jim (young boy)
Doctor Livesey
Squire Trelawney


Presenter: Good morning, dear friends! The theatre company of the… (название студии) is presenting «TREASURE ISLAND» by Robert Louis Stevenson. Here is the book by Stevenson. It is very interesting. It is about pirates.

The first scene

В середине сцены – стол, за котором сидят посетители трактира «AdmiralBenbow» Inn и беседуют. Слева – небольшой стол, за которым сидит старый пират Captain с кружкой пива.

Presenter: This is the «Admiral Benbow» Inn. That is Captain, an old buccaneer. Those are the guests. (Уходит со сцены).
Guest 1: I like this Inn.
Guest 2: Yes, It is very good.
Guest 3: I agree I like everything here.
Guest 4: The place is very cosy.
Captain: Hush! Silence! I`ll sing and you will be the chorus!
«Fifteen men on the dead man`s chest –
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!
Drink and devil had done for the rest –
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!»

Гости подпевают. Входит доктор Ливси.

Captain: Sing louder, devil! (Достаёт нож и в ярости направляет его на гостей трактира и доктора Ливси ).
Doctor Livesey (спокойно, но твёрдо): If you don`t put that knife this instant into your pocket, I promise that you shall hang!

Капитан смотрит на доктора, как побитая собака, и прячет свой нож. Посетители быстро уходят, за ними удаляется и доктор.

The second scene

За своим столом сидит капитан. Слева появляется BlackDog. BlackDog подходит к Капитану и вручает ему чёрную метку.

Black Dog: Bill, you know me. You know an old shipmate, surely.
Captain (с ужасом): Black Dog!
Black Dog: And who else? Give us a map, Bill!
Captain: I haven`t got any map.
Black Dog: Now, look here! Hold out your left hand. Take this black spot.

Быстро уходит со сцены.

Captain (кричит): No, no, no! And an end of it! Jim! Jim! One glass of rum! Rum! Rum! (Кладёт голову на стол).

Появляется Джим, приносит кружку рома. Капитан залпом выпивает ром.

Jim:Are you hurt?
Captain: No, I must get away from here.

Уходит со сцены, Джим за ним.

Presenter: Very soon Captain had a stroke and died. In his room Jim found the map of TREASURE ISLAND. This is the map. (Показывает карту зрителям, кладет ее на стол и уходит).

The third scene

Входят сквайр Трелони, доктор Ливси, Джим. Садятся за стол.

Jim: This is the pirates` map of TREASURE ISLAND.
Livesey: Yes, I see. It is a nice map. We can find the treasures and get very rich.
Squire Trelawney: We will buy a ship, the best ship and go to the island.
Presenter: And they bought a very good ship, Hispaniola, and put out to sea.

The fourth scene

Палуба корабля. На сцене – бочка. Появляется Джим, залезает в бочку.

Presenter: It is the third day of the voyage. You can see the apple-barrel. There are some apples in it. Jim wants to eat one and get into the barrel.

Джим влезает в бочку. Сразу же выходят Сильвер и ещё два моряка- пирата.

Pirate 1: Were you a captain of the buccaneers?
Silver: No, not I. Flint was the captain, I was a quartermaster.
Pirate 2: Oh, Flint was a man!
Silver: Would you like to be pirates?
Pirates 1 & 2: Yes, we want to be pirates!
Silver: We`ll capture the ship, we`ll kill Doctor Livesey and Squire Trelawney. You will be pirates too! You will have much gold.

Пираты уходят, Джим убегает.

Presenter: Jim told his friends about the conspiracy. They decided to fight.

The fifth scene

Джим врывается в каюту Ливси и Трелони.

Jim:I`ve learned the terrible plan of the pirates. They want to capture the ship, to grab the map, to take the treasure!
Livesey: What shall we do?
Jim: I don`t know. They are too determined.
Trelawney: I know what we ought to do! We have to deceive them. We have to give them another map, a false one with a false spot on it.
Livesey: That`s it! All right!
Jim: A good idea! Wonderful!
Trelawney: While the pirates will be looking for the treasure we would sail far away!

Все уходят со сцены.

The sixth scene

Джим о чём-то переговаривается с доктором Ливси. Вдруг на сцену врывается Сильвер с двумя пиратами-моряками.

Silver: Hands up all of you! We are the pirates! Give us your guns! Now!!!Be quick!!!
Pirates 1 & 2: We don`t like to wait!
Livesey (спокойно, с улыбкой): Silver, old chap! I have a secret for you. I have a map. It is very very very interesting… I think you would like to have it. It`s captain Flint`s map. Let`s make a deal. I will give you a map and you`ll let us sail to England.
Silver: Give me the map! Now! Right now!
Pirates 1 & 2: Right now!

Доктор Ливси делает знак Джиму, и тот приносит карту и отдаёт Сильверу.

Livesey: Be careful! Squire Trelawney has gone to dig up the treasure.
Silver: All right! I `ll go to look for the treasure immediately!!!
Pirates 1 & 2: Be quick!!! Immediately!!!

Пираты убегают, радуясь своей удаче. За ними с улыбкой уходит доктор Ливси и Джим.

Список литературы:

1. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island. Copyright 1986 by dilithium Press, Ltd., Children Classic Division.