Открытый урок английского языка по теме "Speaking about Famous People", 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Цели урока: Активизация употребления лексики при обсуждении темы “Знаменитые люди”.

Задачи урока:

  1. Формировать умение употреблять изученные лексические единицы в речи учащихся.
  2. Развивать навыки понимания иноязычного текста на слух, навыки монологической и диалогической речи.
  3. Воспитывать у учащихся уважение к знаменитым людям всего мира и их вкладу в развитие цивилизации, гордость за достижения своих земляков.

Оборудование: Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация слайдов “Speaking about Famous people”, телевизор, видео магнитофон, видео фильм (УМК М.З.Биболетовой, Н.Н.Трубаневой “ Enjoy English-4”), карточки для выполнения теста.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, children. Glad to meet you. How is your mood? How are you?

OK. Smile to each other. Say "Good morning "to our guests and let's begin our lesson.

П. Речевая зарядка.

(T-P1, P2, P3...)

At the beginning of our lesson let's speak about you.

- Do you like yourselves? - Yes, of course.

a) Describe yourself in 3 adjectives.

- Do you like everything in yourself? Do you like every trait of your character and your appearance?

b) If not? What would you like to change in yourselves? What would you like to improve?

-And in your opinion, can we change our world in future?

c) How do you see our planet in some years? Are you optimistic or pessimistic about our future?

- In your opinion, can we improve our life? Can people change our life on the planet?

And do you know people who did much for our life, for our planet.

Who improved our life? - (Rulers, presidents, prime ministers)

Who found cures for serious diseases? - (Doctors, scientists)

Who made progress in different fields (medicine, computer technologies, and space discoveries)? - (Scientists)

Who made our life more interesting and beautiful? - (Poets, Singers, Writers, and Dancers)

Name some of them.

III. Объявление темы и задач урока.

Презентация “Speaking about Famous people”

Слайд 1.

( Тема урока, фотографии известных людей мира)

-Yes, and the theme of our lesson is "Speaking about Famous people". Today we're going to speak about people famous all over the world. We’ll check up your homework, watch video and listen to your reports about famous people of our country.

IV. Контроль домашнего задания.

Слайд 2.

One of the famous people is a Russian scientist - Andrei Sakharov.

Remember what you know about him.

a) Look at the most important dates of Sakharov's biography and say how they are connected with his life. (P1, P2, P3 ...)

1921 - He was born.

1942- …

1953 -...

1975 -...

1987 -...

1989 -…

Слайд 3.

b) Read and answer the questions (P1, P2, P3 ...):

  • What is he famous for?
  • What did he realize?
  • What did he found?
  • What kind of books did he write?

V. Просмотр видео фрагмента. Работа с просмотренным видеофрагментом.

a) And now let's watch the video and learn some more information about two famous people of the world.

(Просмотр видеофрагмента).

Who is this film about?

- This film is about Marilyn Monroe and Winston Churchill.

Yes. This film is about two outstanding people of the world.

Слайд 4.

b) Look at these expressions and try to divide them in two columns: facts connected with the biography of Monroe and Churchill.

(На доске 2 портрета- М.Монро и В Черчиля. Под ними выражения из биографии Монро и Черчилля. Учащиеся должны разделить выражения в 2 колонки и составить с ними предложения о представленных персонах) (Р1,Р2,РЗ,...)

-a famous American
-in a family of English aristocrat
-a symbol of the USA cinema
-acted in films
-died alone
-died in 1962
-blond hair
-was born in a palace
-an actress
-a politician
-worked for the Government
-Prime Minister
-Norma Jean Вакеr
-was born in Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire

c) Try to make up the biography of M. Monroe and W. Churchill and tell me about them.

VI. Аудирование.

Слайд 5.

Here you can see photos of famous people.

Let's name who they are and say what they are famous for. (PI, P2, P3 ...)

Now I’ll read you some information about two persons. Listen to me attentively and try to guess who they are.

He was born in Italy in1452. He is one of the greatest representatives of Italian art. He was a painter, a sculptor, a musician, a poet, an architector and scientist.

(Leonardo Da Vinchy)

Who is this person? What is he famous for? Where did he live?

She was born in1917 in India. She was the daughter of the greatest politician of India. She got higher education in India and GB. She became the prime- minister of India in 1966. Under her ruling India won the victory in the war between Pakistan and India in 1971. She did much to improve relations between Russia and India.

(Indira Gandi)

Who is this person? What is she famous for? Where did she get her education? Who was her father? What did she do for Russia?

VII. Игра Угадай кто это?

And now let's have a rest time -let's play a game - "Guess who this person is?"

One of you chose one of these persons and you must guess who this person is asking questions. (P1, P2, P3 ...-P)

( Водящий загадывает имя одной персоны, представленной на слайде. Учащиеся в классе должны отгадать кто это, задавая наводящие вопросы.)

  • Is this person a man or a woman?
  • Did he live in the 19th or 20th century?
  • Was he (she) a politician or an actress?
  • Did she (he) work for the government?
  • Did he (she) live in Russia or in the USA?

T: Well done. I see you know many different persons known all over the world. And do you know any famous persons of our republic? (P1, P2, P3...)

Слайд 6.

T: The year 2006 was proclaimed "The year of Literature and Art" by the president of our republic Mintimer Shaimiev. Tatarstan is rich in famous people.

VIII. Выполнение теста

Now I want to see how well you know famous people of our Republic. I'll give you 1-2 minutes to do this test and then we’ll discuss your answers together.

(Учащиеся получают листки с таблицами для заполнения теста, представленного на слайде 7)

Слайд 7.

What do you know about Tatar culture?

1. S.Saidashev a. a famous Tatar painter;
2.K.Nasyri b. a great Tatar philosopher, the author of the first Tatar literary work " Kyssai Yusuf';
3.F.Yarullin с a famous Tatar composer, the author of musical dramas, songs;
4.MJalil d. a ballet star of the British Royal Ballet;
5.B.Urmanche e. a famous Tatar poet executed by the fascists in 1944 in Moabit;
6.Kul Gali f. an outstanding Tatar historian of the 19th century Kazan;
7.Irek Muhammedov g. a great Tatar national poet, a founder of Tatar literature and poetry;
8. G. Tukai h. a Tatar composer, the author of the first national ballet "Shurale”;
9. G. Kamal i. a creator of the Tatar national theatre;
10. Mardzani j. an outstanding philosopher of the 19th century;





















P1,P2,P3, ...

(Учащиеся читают и переводят ответы теста)

IX.Творческое задание.

Слайд 8.

Do you know these persons? Who are they? What do you know about them?

Your homework was to make a short report about one of the famous persons of our Republic, to find pictures and photos and tell us about a person you are proud of.

Who are you proud of? -I am proud of...
Who would you like to tell us about? -I would like to tell you about...

 X. Подведение итогов урока.

Today we’ve talked about famous people of the world and our country.

  • Can people do their life better, more interesting, healthier?
  • Did famous people do much to improve our life, to find cures for diseases, to make us happier?
  • Can you become famous in the world?
  • What must we do to become famous?
  • Must you learn well? - We must learn well, do our homework regularly.
  • Must you improve your knowledge in different fields? -We must be good at studying different subjects
  • Do you want to be like one of these persons?
  • Is it very important for you to be famous? Isn’t it more important to be just a good person, to love parents and our country?

Thank you for the lesson. Your marks...

Stand up. Say good by to each other, to our guests and you may be free.

See you tomorrow.

Приложение 1. Презентация “Speaking about Famous People”