If you would like to have a small experience in making electronic dictionary, choose the text, write down the words unknown to you, translate them, and make a program in Visual Basic which is built in Microsoft Word. Insert the UserForm, place several controls, for example TextBox, Label and, and write the programming code for CommandButton based on the operator If… Then, ElseIf… Then. The program code can be the following: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click () If UserForm1. TextBox1 = “entry” Then UserForm1. Label1 = “cëîâàðíàÿ” ElseIf UserForm1. TextBox1 = “headword” Then UserForm1. Label1 = “çàãëàâíîå ñëîâî” ElseIf UserForm1. TextBox1 = “noun” Then UserForm1. Label1 = “èìÿ ñóùåñòâèòåëüíîå” ElseIf UserForm1. TextBox1 = “adjective” Then UserForm1. Label1 = “èìÿ ïðèëàãàòåëüíîå” ElseIf UserForm1. TextBox1 = “verb” Then UserForm1. Label1 = “ãëàãîë” End If End Sub Press Run - Run Sub/UserForm and check the program up.