Путешествие в страну "Букволяндию"

Разделы: Иностранные языки


воспитательные – формирование позитивно-ориентированной личности;


  • развитие интеллектуальных способностей учащихся:
  • развитие логического мышления и памяти;
  • развитие навыков общей культуры;
  • развитие навыков и умений самостоятельной работы, работы в группах, умение общения друг с другом.


  1. Активизировать речевые навыки на уровне представления информации о человеке;
  2. Использовать умение счёта до 10 при решении логических задач и в ситуациях, максимально приближенных к условиям общения;
  3. Реализовать стимулятивное (подражательное) общение как элемент игрового моделирования, которое является основой деятельности учащихся на начальном этапе обучения;
  4. Приобщение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

Оснащение урока

  • картинка с изображением известных людей, страной «Буквляндия»;
  • буковки-магниты;
  • буковки-карточки;
  • верёвочки для игры;
  • костюмы актёров;
  • сумки идеального ученика, продавца, доктора, шофёра;
  • рисунки игрушек.
  • карандаши;
  • кассеты с песенками, музыкой;
  • леденцы Orbit.


I. Warmer.

Hello, boys and girls!

Let’s say “hello” to everybody and sing a song.

II. Presentation of the situation.

Today we’re going to visit a new country. It’s “Letter land”. Look! These are little magic men. They are letters. To get into this country we should sing the “ABC song”. Let’s sing it together.

III. Look! What’s this?


Yes, it’s a bell. Let’ring it. My God! Letters! They’re mixed up. Let’s sort them all. One by one you’ll come here. Every time you come you’ll help the letters to take the right place. Who wants to be the first to start a rescue action?

IV. All the letters are like people, they have different characters – but all of them are curious. W is the most curious. She wants to know everything about you. Would you like to answer her questions?

What’ s your name?

Where are you from?

How old are you?

How are you?

W has got a surprise. Here it is – photos of famous people! I think letter W wants you to act them. It’s easy! I’m taking a photo. OK. It’s Madonna. Now it’s not me. I’m acting Madonna.

- Hello! I’ m Madonna. I’m from the USA.

I’m 10+10+10. I’m tip-top.

Now you try.

Name: Alla Pugacheva

Age: 10+10+10+10+10

Place: Moscow


Name: Nicholay Baskov

Age: 10+10+10

Place: Moscow


Name: Natalia Oreiro

Age: 10+10

Place: Brazil

50 x 50

Name: Philip Kirkorov

Age: 10+10+10

Place: Moscow


V. Letter W can’t live without her friends – letters. It’s great they are here. Where? All around you. Can you find them? Sure you can because now you’re hunters. Follow me and do seaching for the letters, like I do. Oh, Nastya, you’ve found the letter D. Give it to me, please.

VI. Now we’ll play the game. The colours will help you. Look! I’ve got red letters, blue letters, yellow letters. Now everyone will get a letter. Take it. Here you are. This is your card. Would you like it? Yes, it’s for you. Look at each other. Find your colour. Have you found? Now have a word. Are you ready?

VII. Let me see what you’ve got in your bags today? Oh, Renat, you’ve got one book, one workbook, a pencil case. But where is your diary? Don’t forget it next time.

My dear pupils. Today I’ve got an ideal bag. Look. It’s so heavy. Its owner forgets nothing and always remembers about his friends.

Let’s count everything. Now tell me please how many books are there?

Let’s sing our song about books, pens, rubbers.

VIII. Let’s have a short but tasty break. I press the button and you hear the music. I take an Orbit candy and put it in my mouth. Oh, it’s so nice.

IX. OK, now to the game and two teams again. Do you see those ropes here? 5 here and 5 there. You should join the parts to make one. Like this. It’so easy for you but not for animals. Because every time you go, you have to act a bear or a fish, a lion or a monkey.

You are a frog now. You are a frog too. Start here and jump like a frog. Be fast to tire up the rope. Show me how a frog can jump. Let’s see whose rope is longer.

X. You’ve been wonderful! I see you like to play, letters like to play, too. With their toys. And here are their toys. Oh? What’ s the matter? No, toys, only dots and letters. I don’t think it’s a problem! Take your pencils and draw the toys. How? Just join the dots. Yes. Can I help you? May I draw a line, too? Oh, you do it so well. I see a toy! And I’ve got a toy, too. Great! So many toys! Show me your toy, please. Do you know what is it? A plane? Yes, sure. And what have you got? If we add some colour they will become even better. Let’s paint them! What colour do you need? A red one? Take it. Show me your toy and name it. I’ll put all your pictures here and we’ll sing a song.

XI. By the way whose bags are these? Is it yours? No? Someone has left them here. Do you know who? No? We’ll try to guess. Oh, it’s so interesting: tablet pills, some cotton wool, a prescription, ointment, an injection, a stethoscope, etc.. Whose bag is it? It’s a doctor’s bag.

Look at the second bag: a weel, a driving licence, a car key. Whose bag is this? It’s driver’s.

Look at the last bag. It’s so heavy! There are apples, chips, a bar of chocolate, oranges, cakes. Whose bag is this? It’s shopkeeper’s.

Why do you think these thinks are here? A shopkeeper brings them to you to make you happy.

What would you like?

I want a banana. Etc.

Treat each other.

XII. The end of the lesson.

Now listen to me carefully. Today we’ve been to the “Letter land”. We’ve met the ABC letters. We have played with them and sung a lot of songs. I’m very glad to be with you today. Now, it’s high time to say Goodbye. Do you like the lesson?

I think it was wonderful. Stand up and sing the song “Goodbye”.

Список литературы

  1. Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе/ Г.В. Рогова, Ф.М. Рабинович, Т.Е. Сахарова. М.: Просвещение, 1991. – 287 с.
  2. Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка: справ. пособие/ Е.А. Маслыко, П. К. Бабинская, А.Ф. Будько и др. – Мн.: Выcш. шк., 1996. – 522с.
  3. New Hotline/ Tom Hutchinson. – Oxford University Press, 1998.
  4. Get Set Go/ Cathy Lawday. – Oxford University Press, 2002.