Открытый урок по теме "Great Places for Children". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Общепедагогические технологии, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 5

Ключевые слова: английский язык

Презентация к уроку

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Урок к учебнику учебно-методического комплекса «Сферы» по английскому языку для 5 класса под редакцией А.А.Алексеева, Е.Ю.Смирновой

Задачи урока:

  • способствовать развитию монологической речи на основе монолога-образца
  • способствовать развитию умений аудирования с извлечением необходимой информации
  • способствовать развитию умений чтения с пониманием необходимой информации
  • совершенствовать лексические навыки

I. Организационный момент

Учитель: Good morning, children. Glad to see you again at the English lesson. Sit down, please. Let’s start our English lesson.
Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? Thank you, take your seat, please.
Today we’ll speak about great places for children, read and act out dialogues and revise words on this theme.

II. Начало урока

1. Фонетическая зарядка

Учитель: At first, children, let’s do phonetic exercises. Listen and repeat the poems after me, please.

(2-й слайд)


Some people live in the country
Where the houses are very small,
Some people live in the city
Where the houses are very tall.
But in the country where the houses are very small,
The gardens are very big,
And in the city where the houses are tall,
The are no gardens at all.

2) Учитель: And now listen to the words, repeat them after me and then find the pair for each of them:


1. shopping centre

 a) театр

2. town

 b) город (большой)

3. theatre

 c) церковь

4. school

 d) библиотека

5. city

 e) квартира

6. flat

 f) стадион

7. park

 g) дом

8. church

 h) торговый центр

9. stadium

 i) парк

10. museum

 j) город (небольшой)

11. cinema

 k) школа

12. house

 l) музей

 13. library

 m) кинотеатр

2. Речевая зарядка

Учитель: Good for you, children! Now the task is: use these words and phrases from ex. 1, p.130 and talk about the place where you live.

III. Основной этап

1.Развитие умений аудирования с извлечением необходимой информации.

(4-й слайд)

Учитель: Now we’re going to listen to Mr. Kingsley in ex.2, p. 130. Before it let’ s learn some words which you’ll hear in the dialogue:

(5-й слайд)




раздаточный материал



 sort out

приводить в порядок

find out


 try out


(Учащиеся прослушивают аудиозапись)

Учитель: Now, boys and girls be ready to answer the questions in ex. 2, p.130.

2. Развитие лексических навыков и диалогической речи

Работа в группах.

(Учитель раздает карточки с таблицей)

Учитель: Now we’ll make LEISURE SURVEY. I’ll give some handouts. Divide into groups of four and ask each other where they like to go in their free time.

(6-й слайд)


  • How often do you watch TV?
  • How often do you listen to the radio (music)?
  • How often do you go to the theatre (cinema, zoo, concert)?


Places to go


Very often





watch TV







listen to the radio







listen to music on the phone


































Then one pupil of every group will make a report about the results of the survey.

Example: I want to tell you about the results of the survey. Two pupils in our group watch TV very often. Four pupils often go to the cinema and etc.

(7 слайд)

3. Физкультминутка

Учитель: Well done, children. Let’s have a rest.

Can you hop like a rabbit?
Can you jump like a frog?
Can you walk like a duck?
Can you fly like a bird?
Can you swim like a fish?
And be still like a good child,
As still as you wish.

4. Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением необходимой информации

Учитель: The next task is: read the text and try to understand it. Then you’ll do a task to it.

(Учащиеся читают текст на карточках)

My Free Time

If I have free time, I usually walk, read, or watch TV. I like to read books on history, detective stories, fairy tales.
I watch TV three or four times a week. I like adventure films.
I don’t like to go to the cinema. Sometimes I go to the theatre.
I don’t often go to see my friends. I meet them twice a week.
I go in for sports with my friends. We like to play football or tennis in summer or hockey in winter.
Sometimes I spend my weekend in the country.
When I stay in the country, I work in the garden, swim in the river and pick up berries and mushrooms in the forest.

5. Выполнение задания к тексту.

(Учитель раздает карточки)

(8-й слайд)

Учитель: Now read the sentences and insert proper words into them.

  1. If I have free time, I usually________________.
  2. I like to read books on____________________.
  3. I watch TV ____or ____ times a week.
  4. I don’t like to go to the__________.
  5. I don’t often go to see my________.
  6. I meet them_______ a week.
  7. We like to play______ or ______ in summer.
  8. Sometimes I spend my weekend__________.
  9. When I stay in the country, I work in the____, swim in the ____and pick up _______and ________in the forest.

Let’s check up your sentences.

(9-й слайд- эти же предложения с ответами)

6. Подготовка к проекту

Учитель: The next task is: pay attention to the words at p. 130 under the photo. Read them, try to understand and translate.

(10-й слайд)

each corner= every corner

agree on a place

Read the task of ex. 3, p. 130. You see two sentences which are wrong.. Correct them, please.

1. The students each make a place mat.

2. There is one idea that all the students have got.

That’s right.

We’ll work in groups once more. Each group receives a place mat. Every student must write three great places in one corner of the place mat. Use different colours, please.

(11-й слайд)

7. Аудирование и чтение диалога с полным пониманием

Учитель: Listen to the dialogue of ex.4, p.131 and read it. Do the task below.

Yes, you are right.

IV. Заключительный этап

1. Подведение итогов.

Учитель: Now, children, our lesson comes to an end. Thank you for your good work. What have you learnt at this lesson?

Your marks are:

2. Задание на дом. It’s time to write down your hometask. Do the project “Great places for children” using your place mats and the task of ex.5, p.131.

Boys and girls, stand up, please.

(12-й слайд)

Mind the clock
And keep the rule:
Try to come
In time to school.

Our lesson is over. Goodbye, my friends.