Урок английского языка на тему "Описание картинок". 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Продолжительность урока: 45 минут.

Цель: научить детей составлять описательные высказывания монологического характера с использованием картинки.


  • Образовательная: Развитие умения составления монологического высказывания описательного характера с опорой на картинку. Совершенствование навыков употребления настоящего простого времени и настоящего продолженного времени. Тренировка лексических единиц по темам «Природа», «Свободное время», «Моя семья», «Животные».
  • Развивающая: развитие интеллектуальных операций анализа, синтеза, отбора и аранжировки фактов и деталей, развитие внимания к структуре языка, способности логично излагать свои мысли, совершенствовать умения речевого взаимодействия при работе в микрогруппах, с учителем.
  • Воспитательная: развитие культуры взаимоотношений при работе в парах, группах, коллективе; развитие эстетического вкуса, культуры речи; развитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка; повышение уровня мотивации на уроках через средства обучения; воспитание культуры общения, потребности в самовоспитании; воспитание уважения к культуре другой страны и собеседнику.
  • Личностно-ориентированная: создание условия для повышения интереса к изучаемому материалу, создать условия для развития умений общения и совместной деятельности.

Brief plan of the lesson

I. Introduction. The aim of the lesson.

II. Task 1: What questions do we need to describe the picture?

III. Task 2:  Follow the certain plan while describing a picture: Description of the picture in the screen (together).

IV. Task 3: Audio: find the mistake in the description. What’s wrong?

V. Task 4:  What points of the plan in the description of the picture are missed?

VI. Task 5:Project work.

VII. Reserve task 6.

VIII. Conclusions. Reflection.

Introduction. Hello, guys! – Hello! I’m glad to see you, sit down, please.

Look at the screen. What can you see there? There are three pictures. So, what shall we do today? What’s the aim of our lesson? We’ll learn to describe pictures.

(Task 1: What questions do we need to describe the picture?)

Look at the questions and choose the ones that we need to describe a picture.

1. When did you take this photo?

2. Where did you take it?

3. How long did it take you to find the suitable view?

4. Who is in the picture?

5. What is in the picture?

6. Are you going to show this picture to your teacher?

7. What is happening?

8. Why did you take this picture?

9. Do you like this photo?

10. Why do you keep this photo in your photo album?

11. Where will you put this picture?

12. Why did you decide to show the photo to your friend?

As you see we don’t need some of these questions if we want to describe a picture.

(Task 2:  Follow the certain plan while describing a picture.)

Look at the photo on the board. Let us describe this picture together using the plan.

You know that any description must have a certain plan. What do we do first to describe a picture?

1) Student 1Firstly, you should make an introduction. Student 2 Give an example.

2) Then we should say when and where the photo was taken. Give an example. When did you take this picture?…..What do we do next?

3) We say what and who is in the photo. Give an example. Who can we see in this photo? The following point…-

4)  What is happening. That’s right. Remember, while describing the action, you should use Pr. Progressive. Let me remind you of the form: to be + Ving. Now I’m going to show some phrases in the screen. They will help you in your descriptions. (To do fishing, smile, to catch a fish, deserted beach, to sit on smb’s knee, to wear sunglasses, to wear light clothes)

Ok, let’s describe what is happening here. … What goes after the description of action?

5) Then you should explain our friend why you keep the photo in your album. So, what can we say here? Give an example. What is the next step?

6) The next step sounds in the following way: why you decided to show the picture to your friend. Can you give some examples? And what do we do in the end?

7) Finally, you must draw a conclusion. What can we say in conclusion?

(Task3: Audio: find the mistake in the description. What’s wrong?)

Let’s listen to a boy describing a photo. After that you should say if you like or don’t like his description and why.

What don’t you like this answer? What part of the plan is missed? As you see, the description is rather short. What can we add to it?

(Task 4: What points of the plan in the description of the picture are missed?)

Now, pay attention to this picture and read the text to it. What points according to the plan are missed? You need to enlarge this answer. First, let’s ask somebody to read it aloud. (1–2 persons read the text). Be attentive, please. Then, you should answer the question.

So, what does the text lack for? What points are necessary to add?

(Task 5: Project work)

I have a task for you.  It’s project work. So, please, split into two groups and describe pictures. You decide who will be the speaker in your group.

These phrases will be useful for your description (I will give the children some phrases to help them)I give you three minutes to complete this task. ……..Time is over.

Are you ready with your performances? So, which group is the first? Who is the speaker in your group? Please, come up to the board and start your description.

Reserve task 7

Observe attentively the picture and add sentences to make the whole text.

VIII. Conclusions. Reflection.I think you have worked really well today.

Our lesson will finish soon. Let’s draw some conclusions. What was useful and interesting for you? What things have you learnt to do? What was difficult? What challenges did you meet with? Do you think it was a fruitful lesson?

And now look at these phrases (reflection - в конце презентации) and say, why you will remember this lesson. Look through all of them, is everything clear? If somebody doubts in the translation, he can ask a question.

Thank you guys, today’s lesson is well done, I hope you have learnt a lot of necessary things and will be able to use them on the all-Russian test next year. Of course, we’ll repeat all of this so do not disturb that you will forget.

Thank our guests for attention, the lesson is over, I wish everybody a good day and happy weekends!