Урок решения практических задач по теме "Around the world in 80 days. Literature". 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 10

Цель: развитие умений и навыков чтения с извлечением нужной информации


  • Воспитательная: актуализировать и развивать знания учащихся о зарубежной литературе; воспитывать умения слушать других, работать в парах.
  • Образовательная: тренировать навыки перевода и лексические навыки
  • Развивающая: развивать умения монологической и диалогической речи.

Средства обучения:

  • УМК «Spotlight 10» Н. И. Быкова, Д. Дули, М. Д. Поспелова: книга для учащихся, книга для учителя;
  • компьютерная презентация, компьютер, аудиозаписи.

Ход урока

1. Приветствие

- Stand up, please! Good morning, boys and girls! I am very glad to see you.

- Sit down, please.

- Речевая разминка.

- How are you today? , Who is on duty today?

- What is the date today? - What is the weather like today? - Who is absent today?

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

Т: Look at the blackboard and match the author and his or her book (Приложение 1. Слайд 1)

3. Определение темы урока.

- Children, please, open your books at p. 88 and look at the picture and the title of the text!

- What will we do today?

3. Установка на деятельность на уроке. Сообщение плана урока. (Приложение 1.Слайд 2)

- Excellent, pupils! You are right! Today we are going to read the text “Around the world in 80 days” by Jules Verne.

Who are the characters in the picture?

What are they about to do?

Let’s read the biography to find out.(Pupils read and translate ex.1 p.88 in turn)

What do you think Phileas Fogg and Passepartout took with them on their trip?

4. Чтение с поиском нужной информации

a) Now, please, read the text by yourselves and complete the gaps 1-6 with the phrases from ex.2b p.88

b) Now listen to the text and check your answers (Приложение 2)

5. Работа с лексическим материалом

a) ex.3 p.89 . Complete the collocations with words from the text.
Let’s check your answers. ( Приложение 1.Слайд 3)

b) Use each collocation in a sentence of your own.

c) Now let’s translate the highlighted verbs from the text. (Приложение1. Слайд 4)
Let’s check your answers. (Приложение 1.Слайд 5)

d) ex.4a p.88. Complete sentences 1-6 with these verbs. (Students read the sentences and use the proper verb )

e) Find five verbs in the text which have been used instead of “said”.
“Let’s check your answers.” (Приложение 1 .Слайд 6)

f) ex.5 p.89 . Complete the phrases using “shake” or “nod”. Let’s mime their meaning.
Are these gestures the same in Russia?

6. Активизация пройденного материала (Приложение 1 .Слайд 7)

Let’s answer the questions on the text

  1.  Why did Phileas Fogg decided to travel around the world in 80 days?
  2.  Why was Passepartour glad to visit Paris?
  3.  Whom did Mr Fogg give twenty guineas to?
  4. When did Mr Fogg have to be back in London?

7. Работа в парax

a) Now let’s work in pairs. Fogg and Passepartout managed to arrive back in London. Write a possible final paragraph of the book.

b) Who wants to read their ending of the story?

c) Now let’s listen to the actual ending of the book. (Приложение 3)

Was it anything like your ending?

8. Рефлексия

Have you known anything new at the lesson?

What did you like at the lesson?

What didn’t you like? What would you recommend to your classmates?

9. Итог урока

10. Домашнее задание

Ex.7 p.89. Make up sentences using ten new words or phrases you have learnt in this lesson. (Приложение 1. Слайд 8)