Открытый урок по английскому языку "Welcome to Great Britain and the republic of Mari El". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Цель урока: Развитие коммуникативных умений и навыков у учащихся по теме: Великобритания и республика Марий Эл.

Задачи урока:

  • Образовательные: формирование целостного мировосприятия у учащихся.
  • Развивающие: развитие кросс-культурной грамотности учащихся, развивать умение видеть общее и индивидуальное в культуре других народов, осознавать ценность каждой культуры в мировом поликультурном пространстве.
  • Воспитательные: воспитание патриотических чувств, уважение к культуре своей республики, воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре англо-говорящих стран.
  • Практические: практическое исполнение структур и лексических единиц, усвоенных на предыдущих уроках на уровне свободного говорения в диалогической ситуативной работе, контроль навыков аудирования и чтения.

Ход урока

I. Начало урока. Фонетическая зарядка.

Good morning, children. We have learnt a lot of information about the republic of Mari El and Great Britain, London and Yoshkar-Ola to be exact. And today we have the last lesson based upon this. And our main aim is to find out contrasts and similarities between the republic of Mari El and Great Britain, London and Yoshkar-Ola.

We are going to do:

1) Ask each other questions on the general geographical description of the republic of Mari El.

2) Speak on the map of the republic.

3) Listen to some music.

4) Speak about the national instruments of the Maris and Scots.

5) Read some interesting facts about Big Ben.

6) Watch some video pieces and name the sights of London.

7) Listen to some past events of London.

8) And sing a funny song.

II. Телемост.

It would be convenient for us to be divided into 2 groups –one group – students from London, and another from Yoshkar-Ola. Let it be a satellite between these cities, so called a TV bridge. Now we are going to watch 2 video pieces. (группа делится на 2 команды)

And the first task is to recognize them and pronounce correctly, and the second task is to predict the film. What is it going to be about?

And your next task will be: a group of students of London is going to visit the republic of Mari El and they know some information about it, but they want to know more. Ask your friends from Yoshkar-Ola about the republic. Work one by one without my interference.


1. When was the republic called Mari El?

2. Where is Mari El situated?

3. Into what parts does the Volga River devide the republic?

4. What regions and republics does Mari El boader on?

5. How big is the territory of Mari El?

6. How many administrative regions are there in the republic?

7. Why does Mari El have a favourable geographical position?

8. Is the climate of our republic temperate-continental or continental?

9. What tributaries of the Volga run on the territory of Mari El?

10. Why is your republic called the lake land?

11. What animals live in our forests?

The Republic Mari El.

The Mari republic was formed on the 4 of November, 1920. In October 22 1990 it was renamed the republic Mari El. The Mari El Republic is situated in the European part of Russia, along the bank of the Volga river. The Volga river divides it into 2 parts: the left-bank lowland and the right-bank highland. The Mari Republic has a favourable geographical position. The territory of the republic stretches 275 km from west to East and 150 km from North to South. The Mari republic borders on Nizhegorodskaya region in the West, on Kirov region in the North, on Tatar republic in the south-west and on the Chuvash Republic in the South. The area of our republic is above 23 thousand sq.km. There are 14 administrative regions in the republic. Its population is about 750 000. At present there are 4 towns, 19 settlements, 1645 villages. Different nationalities inhabit the Mari Republic: Maris, Russians, Tatars, Chuvashes and others.

The majority 60 % of people live in towns. Our republic is rich in some minerals: sand, gravel, clay, peat, limestone. Many of them are used as building material.

The general features of our climate temperate-continental are determined by its geographical position. We have a long cold winter and a warm summer. The usual summer temperature is 20 above zero. The highest temperature is in the middle of July. Autumn is cool and rainy, winter begins in December. The average January temperature is 12 below zero. The coldest month is January. Spring is cool and sometimes dry. Our republic is rich in inner rivers. Almost all of them are tributaries of the Volga. The total length of all the rivers is more than 7 km. In winter the rivers are covered with thick-ice. The longest river are the Vetluga, the B. Kokshaga, the M. Kokshaga, the Ilet. The Volga and the Vetluga are navigable, the rest – floatable. There are about 200 lakes in our republic, many of which are situated in the lowland. The biggest and the deepest is the lake Yalchic. Its depth is 34 meters. Due to their attractive nature many lakes have become resorts where a great number of people have their rest. The forests occupy 56 % of the territory. More than 1000 species of different plants grow on the territory of our republic. The most common trees are: pine, fur, birch, aspen, lime, oak. Various animals inhabit our forests, fields, rivers and lakes. Among them 280 species of birds. Fur of many beasts are highly valuable: e.g.: fox, polar cat, mink, marten, linx and others.

  • Settlement – поселок
  • Inhabit – жить, населять
  • Clay – глина
  • Peat –торф
  • Limestone –известняк
  • Species – виды
  • Valuable – ценный

Such curious Londeners! Londeners, we are short of time. No more questions, because we have a lot of guides who are going to tale you on a tour round the republic.

III. Контроль монологической речи.

Speak on the general geographical description of the republic of Mari El. And now there is a surprise in our studio (a musical pause). Your task is to listen to the music attentively and say: what is the main instrument playing in it (a bagpipe). What people does this music belong to? It belongs to Mari people. And we know that a bagpipe is a national instrument of the Scots (Scottish people) and the Maris.

What do you know about the bagpipe?

The bagpipe was known to the ancient civilizations of the Middle East. It has been used in most European countries. It is also native to India and China. To the stirring sound of bagpipes soldiers used to go into battles.

A lot of Mari and Scottish folk songs and melodies consisted of several parts, each reflecting different emotions: joy and sadness, love and hatred, happiness and grief. Mari and Scottish music is based on the pentatonic scale which makes so attractive and unusual. The pentatonic scale is also typical of Chinese, Japanese, Hungarian, Tatar, and Chuvash music.

V. Now close your eyes (and just imagine) don’t open them until I tell you and just imagine that we are in Hyde Park with its famous speaker’s corner. Open your eyes and guess: Who is this boy? He is a tourist from the republic of Mari El. He saw a lot of Scottish bands playing the bagpipes in Hyde Park and recollected a poem about a bagpipe. And he is going to recite it in Mari language.

Шокталге, шувыр!
Эх, шувыр, шувыр. Кадыр шувыр
Шум кылым рончышо узгар.
Пера тосет, йомартле тумыр.
Туге лыжан колтет ызгал
Шокталте, Вожылын ит шого
Куаным ылыжте шумеш
Яндар памаш – марий мурпого
Тек ынже кошко курымеш.

I have given you only translation of this poem and your home task was to give me Russian and English variants of this poem.

Oh, bagpipe you look so plain
That I’m ready to listen again and again
To tunes and to melody
Which are so sweet
That makes heart beat stronger
Whenever we meet.

The drum is your friend
And far in the hills
Together you wonder
Hear the sounds of passion and tender
Of hatred and miss.

Волынка, эх, волынка! Невзрачен вид твой,
Но какая радость переполняет сердце,
Когда услышим мы твои напевы,
Ударит барабан – твой друг
И звуки слышатся далеко.
А ты – тихо, но голос нежный заполняет душу.
Играй же, не стесняйся,
Зажигай в сердцах людей
Ликующую (торжественную) радость
Пусть не иссякнет никогда
Родной и чистый
Марийской музыки
Живительный родник!

VI. As we have been to London now, I think it’s time to travel into the past of it. We are going to listen to the TV programmers and your task will be to guess which events are the four TV programmers are about. You will

VII. come across some new words (on the blackboard). You will listen only once, because your task is rather simple and you don’t need to understand in details, only the gist. Find only necessary pictures and captions match them and put them in order according to the tape.

Programme number one.

Man: Yes, it was here, in Pudding Lane, right in the heart of the old City of London, that it all began, on that fateful day over three hundred years ago. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? Now there are cars and buses and huge modern buildings. But three centuries ago this area was filled with cramped wooded buildings and narrow streets. The disaster started somewhere here, in a baker’s shop, very early quickly for about two or three kilometers, in every direction. Amazingly, very few people died, although thousands were made homeless. It was such a big event in the history of London that children today still sing a song about it. London’s burning! London’s burning! Fetch the engines! Fetch the engines! Fire! Fire! Pour on water, pour on water. Now at this point in our programme about the history of London, I should like to introduce you to ...

Programme number two.

Mary: Oh, I remember it well. It was a great day for London.

Jim: Yes, we...

Mary: I was only 10 years old at the time. It was early June. June the first, I think.

Jim: No it was the second. I remember that...

Mary: And, of course, it was raining. We didn’t have a TV then, did we, Jim?

Jim: No, we only...

Mary: We only have a radio.

VII. Returning to the main idea of our lesson. Let’s call contracts and similarities of Great Britain and the republic of Mari El.

1. We call the Mari republic and Scotland the lake land.

2. A bagpipe is a national instrument of Mari and Scottish people.

3. Mari and Scottish music is based on the pentatonic scale.


1. London was originally founded 2500 years ago and Yoshkar-Ola first came into being as a military fortress in 1584.

2. About 9 ml. people live in London and only 280 000 in Yoshkar-Ola.

3. London used to be a small place, with mostly white Anglo-Saxon now it has changed a lot since medieval times and it become the largest city of Europe and we can’t say the same about Yoshkar-Ola.

That’s enough for contrasts and similarities. British experts sent us some interesting information by e-mail. Let’s read it and say what is your point of view.

(read the text “The leaning Tower of London”)

The world famous Big Ben is now leaning. According to experts it has inclined 3 millimeters to one side because of work going on for a new London Underground line.

However, experts say that the tower is definitely not going to fall. Now, there is an increase in the number of tourists to see the “new leaning tower of London” on the banks of the river Thames.

  • Lean –наклоняться
  • Incline – наклоняться

VIII. Заключительный этап. Today you have mentioned about the lake district several times. By the way what is the famous lake in Scotland? (Loch Ness). And what is it famous for? (for its monster Nessy). Maybe one day we shall find out such animal in our Mari lakes. It will attract a lot of tourists from different countries. And we shall live richer and happier.

Let’s sing a song about this monster. “The purple people eater”

Really well done! I’m greatly satisfied today and I’ll give you only excellent marks. Now there is the last surprise for you. Our native girls are going to dance for you. Greet them. Applause, please. (Дети танцуют марийский танец.) Today you have said that the favourite meal of the Maris, Russians, British is pancakes. Now pancakes – in studio!