Открытый урок английского языка «Seasons and weather». 3-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 3

(По УМК Верещагиной И.Н., Бондаренко К.А., Притыкиной Т.А. “English 3”) 

Место в учебном процессе: итоговый обобщающий урок по темеSeasons and Weather”.

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных навыков обучающихся; обучение учащихся описывать картинки с изображением различных уголков природы с использованием изученного лексического и грамматического материала по теме «Природа и погода» и визуальных средств (картинок, фотографий учащихся).

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: создать условия для

  • повторения и активизации лексического материала по теме «Времена года и погода» в устной и письменной речи учащихся;
  • развития грамматических навыков (использование конструкция there is/are в устной речи (при описании картинок);
  • для развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения и письма по темам.

Развивающие: обеспечить условия для

  • развитие коммуникативных навыков по темам "Природа», «Времена года», «Погода» (умений монологической речи: описание, включающее эмоционально-оценочные суждения);
  • развитие памяти, внимания и мышления;
  • развитие умений письменной речи (орфографических навыков и навыков письменной речи (рассказ описательного характера);
  • развитие умений самостоятельной работы (формирование навыков проектной деятельности (подготовки мини-проектов в качестве домашнего задания);
  • повышения мотивации к изучению английского языка как средству коммуникации.


  • формировать основы экологической культуры: принятие ценности природного мира, развивать чувство прекрасного (научить видеть красоту родной природы;
  • воспитание умения работать в коллективе (в парах, в группе), умение слушать своих одноклассников; и выражать свое мнение.

Тип урока: обобщение и закрепление пройденного материала.

Формы урока: фронтальная работа, индивидуальная работ, работа в парах, групповая работа.

Оборудование: доска, ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор и экран, CD-проигрыватель, аудио-приложение к УМК Верещагиной И.Н., Бондаренко К.А., Притыкиной Т.А. “English 3”, картинки с изображением времен года (печатные материалы (плакаты, копии с картин) и Интернет-ресурсы с изображением природы), карточки с кроссвордом, карточки с заданием на пройденную лексику.

Ход урока


T.: Good morning, dear boys and girls! – P.: Good morning, dear teacher!

T.: How are you today? – P.: Fine, thank you! And how are you? – T.: I’m great, thanks! Sit down, please! Today we’ll speak about seasons, months, weather and nature. We’ll read poems? Sing our song about seasons, revise the new words, read a new text and discuss it. And then we’ll learn to describe pictures. First of all, I’d like you to answer some of my questions.

T.: What day is today? – P.: It’s Thursday.

T.: What days of the week do you know? – Ps together.: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

T.: What months do you know? – P1: January, February, March, April, May, June, P2: July, August, September, October, November, December.

T.: What is the date today? – P3: It’s the 24-th of April.

T.: What season is it now? – P4: It’s spring.

T.: What seasons do you know? – P5: Winter, spring, summer, autumn.

P.: Let’s sing our song about seasons. Ps together.: sing the song “Spring is green’ to the music on CD

Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white

T.: Well done! How many months are there in a year? – P5: There are 12 months in a year.

T.: What spring months do you know? – P6: March, April, May.

T.: What summer months do you know? – P7: June, July, August,

T.: What autumn months do you know? – P8: September, October, November

T.: What winter months do you know? – P9: December, January, February

II. ACTIVE VOCABULARY REVISION (on the topic “Nature”)

a). T.: Now I’d like you to work in pairs and to do the crossword. You’ve got 2 minutes. The first three pairs who do the crossword correctly will get good marks. (Приложение 1) (The Ps get the cards with the crossword and work in pairs) … Well, your time is up. So … are the winners. You get “fives”.

b). T.: And now we’ll revise some more words. Please look at the screen (or the blackboard). Here are some letters. Make up the words. You’ve got 2 minutes. (Приложение 2). - Ps: guess the words. The three first pupils to do the task correctly get good marks.

III. Reading Skills Development (Reading for detail) 

T.: Now, please open your textbooks at page 101. We’ll read the text about seasons. It is a dialogue, but we’ll read it as a text. – The Ps read the text one after another. After each part the teacher asks questions about the text: (The pupils answer the questions. They shouldn’t look into the text, but try to say what they remember)

Part 1:

  1. Does Ted like autumn?
  2. What does he say about autumn?

Part 2:

  1. Does Ted like summer?
  2. Why does he like summer?

Part 3:

  1. What does Tom think about winter?
  2. Why does he like winter?

Part 4:

  1. What season does Tom like?
  2. What does he say about autumn?

Part 5:

  1. Does Tom like spring?
  2. Why does he like spring?

IV. Speaking Skills development (monologue) 

T.: Now I’d like you to tell me about your favourite season. Say why you like it. The Ps speak about their favourite seasons one by one. Everybody listens to the rest of the group a chooses the most interesting story.

V. Rhythmic Pause. 

T.: Now stand up and let’s play “The Please Game”. Who’d like to be the commander? (The Ps do what the “commander” tells them to only if they hear the word “please”).

VI. Listening skills development

(CD Folder 6, File 6) (Приложение 4) 

T.: Now you’ll listen to a story. Listen and say who the story is about. What season is the story about? (The Ps listen and answer the questions). T.: Now listen to the story again and try to answer the questions:

  1. Why does little bear go for a walk?
  2. Where does he go?
  3. What does he want to do? Can he do it?
  4. Does he go home?
  5. What does his mother do when he comes home?

After the pupils answer the questions, one of them (a volunteer) tries to retell the story.

VII. Speaking skills development (Monologue: pictures description, expressing one’s attitude to the described pictures)

a). T.: Well, and now we’ll learn to describe (описывать) pictures (on the topic “Nature”). Have a look!Here are some words and phrases that will help you. (The material can be shown on the blackboard or on the screen). (Приложение 3). Now look at the picture (on the screen or on the blackboard, or the copies of the same picture can be given “to every desk”. The whole group one by one makes up a joint story about the picture…. –

b). T.: very good! Now I’d like you to work in small groups (3-4 pupils). So look at your pictures. Be ready to say as much as you can. Try to say what you feel looking at the picture. The group that will make the longest story will win. So listen attentively and count the sentences the other groups make. The Ps describe their pictures? Expreesing their attitude to what they see in the pictures.. Then they choose the longest description. This group is the winner. T.: That’s great! Thank you.

VIII. HOMEWORK explanation.

T.: At home you’ll have to find beautiful pictures of nature. You can use your photos. And write a short letter to your friend or granny where you’ll describe it.


T.: Today we’ve done a lot of things. What have we done? What have you learned to do?

Which of you worked better today? What marks would you give each other and why? (THE pupils try to evaluate each other’s work.) Great, you’ve been fair. But I’d give.. a higher/ lower mark.

Thank you for the work!

Our Lesson is over.

Collect your things. Good-bye! – Ps.: Good-bye!