Урок на тему «Профессии». 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цель: расширение и активизация словаря по теме «Профессии».


  • Образовательные:
    • развитие умений и навыков монологической и диалогической речи,
    • активизирование и расширение словаря по теме урока;
    • закрепление лексико-грамматических структур.
  • Развивающие:
    • развитие языковых способностей и устойчивого интереса к изучению английского языка;
    • развитие интеллектуальных способностей-памяти, воображения, мышления;
    • развитие коммуникативных умений и речевых навыков;
    • развитие познавательного интереса обучающихся.
  • Воспитательные:
    • воспитание уважения друг к другу во время работы, чувства взаимопомощи;
    • расширение кругозора, ознакомление с новой лексикой;
    • воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре другой страны.


  • учебник EnglishVI (I.N.Vereshagina, O.V.Afanasyeva);
  • компьютер,
  • презентация professions.ppt;
  • картинки по теме «Профессии»;
  • карточки для фонетической зарядки и работы в группах;
  • магнитофон, аудиокассета, микрофон, поощрительные призы.


Данный урок является уроком закрепления знаний. Тема «Профессии» с большим удовольствием изучается обучающимися. По программе шестого класса лексика по этой теме недостаточно раскрыта, поэтому был проведен урок с целью расширения словаря учащихся по данной теме. Цели и задачи представленного урока соответствуют уровню подготовки обучающихся в данном классе. В ходе урока использовались различные задания: фонетическая и речевая разминки, определение названий профессий, заполнение таблицы по итогам аудирования и опросу самих одноклассников, сочинение своего стихотворения, а также ответить на вопросы, защитить проект «Опасные профессии» и «Популярные профессии». Ведущим героем урока выступает Гарри Поттер, на уроке учителем используется презентация, поэтому урок интересен по своему сюжету. Атмосфера доброжелательная и деловая.


I. Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning, children!
Pp: Good morning, teacher!
Teacher: I am glad to see you.
Pp: We are glad to see you too.
Teacher: How are you?
Pp: We are fine, thanks. And how are you?
Teacher: I’m fine, thank you. Let’s start our lesson. Children, will you look at these pictures on the blackboard and guess the topic of our lesson.
Yes, of course. Today we will speak about different jobs, your future professions interview the classmates, sing songs, recite your own poems, help our guest to choose his job.

II. Фонетическаязарядка

Teacher: I want you to look at the blackboard. Let’s remember some English sounds which are very important for us today.

Запись на доске:

[s] – sportsman, housewife, curious;
[v] – vet, clever, creative;
[p] – polite, responsible, typical;
[n] – naughty, independent, kind;
[h] – Hogwarts, History, Harry;
[m] – impolite, impossible, humour, main;
[z] – pleasant, close, unzip

Teacher:  Thank you, children. Good for you.

III. Речевая разминка

Teacher: We have a guest today. (На доске появляется изображение Гарри Поттера). I am going to ask you some questions about him. I want you to answer quickly and loudly. How old is he?
Pp: He is fourteen.
Teacher: Where is he from?
Pp:  He is from England.
Teacher: What’s his name?
Pp: His name is Harry.
Teacher: Has he got a family?
Pp: No, he hasn’t.
Teacher: Has he got friends?
Pp: Yes, he has. He has got many friends.
Teacher: Where does he study?
Pp:  He studies in Hogwarts.
Teacher: What is he going to be?
Pp: He is going to be a great magician.
Teacher: Does he like to read?
Pp: Yes, he does.
Teacher: What kind of people does he like?
Pp: He likes brave, responsible, clever people.
Teacher: What kind of people doesn’t he like?
Pp: He doesn’t like naughty, rude cruel people.
Teacher: What are his main characteristics?
Pp: He is brave, clever, responsible.

IV. Закрепление и совершенствование лексических навыков по теме «Профессии»

Teacher: Look at the blackboard. There you can see some pictures. Harry Potter wants to change his future profession. What professions can you recommend him?

На доске иллюстрации профессий (a doctor, a driver, a teacher, a pilot, a fireman, a cook, a worker, a shop-assistant, an artist, a hairdresser, a military officer, a police officer, an engineer, an actor, an actress, a photographer, a vet, a nurse, a builder).

Teacher: There are a lot of different professions.
And what other names of professions and jobs do you know?

Называют другие профессии.
Знают слова: a secretary, a singer, a musician, a dancer, a miner, a book-keeper, a lawyer, a gardener, a businessman (woman), a sportsman, a librarian, a computer programmer, a farmer, a housewife, a cosmetologist, a sailor, a dentist, a postal worker (a postman), an electrician, a plumber, an architect, a manager, an yard-keeper, an astronaut  (a cosmonaut), a sailor, ajournalist, a bodyguard. Thank you! Very good!

V. Актуализация лексико-грамматических навыков. (Present Simple)

Teacher: Find the correct definitions for what these people do. For example: A doctor is someone who helps and treats people.

Картинка: A vet is someone who treats animals and helps our pets.
A teacher is someone who teaches pupils and students.
A journalist is someone who writes for newspaper.
A mechanic is someone who repairs cars.
A cook is someone who cooks for restaurant.
A lawyer learns a lot of laws and knows about social problems.
A librarian gives us books we need.
A computer programmer works with computer and writes his own programmers.
A sportsman is someone who plays sport games.
A farmer is someone who plants vegetables.
A builder is someone who builds houses for people.

VI. Физкультминутка

All jobs are well, let’s sing together.


We, we
We are, We are
We are working!
We are working!
They, They
They are, They are
They are working!
They are working!
Are, Are
Are you, Are you
Are you working?
Are you working?
Yes, Yes
Yes, sir Yes, sir
Yes, I’m working!
Yes, I’m work

VII. Развитие навыков аудирования

Teacher: What do they want to be? Explain that we can say instead the question what are you going to be-what do you want to be?
The four children in the photos are talking about what they want to be in the future.
Ask the class what they think the children want to be. This chart shows three possible choice for each of the four children. You can draw a circle round the job that they think each wants to do.
Pupils listen to the recording, they circle the jobs they hear, this time in pen. Then they write a sentence about each child, following the model. Then they write what they want to be.

VIII. Работа над развитием навыков диалогической речи

Alan doctor mechanic football player
Lisa mechanic police officer doctor
Alison police teacher film star
Mark teacher film star football player

Teacher:  It is interesting to know what professions are popular among your friends. You will work in groups of four and find out what the members of your group are going to be. Ask the questions and fill in the table. It is interesting to know what professions are popular among your friends. What question will you ask? (What are you going to be?)

Jobs Nastya Kostya Igor Sveta

Children, answer the following questions. What job is the most popular in your group?
What job is not popular in your group?
What jobs are typical for women?
What jobs are typical for men?
Well done! Thank you! And now interview your classmates.
Hello! How are you?
Fine, thank you.
Could you answer some of my questions about your future profession?
With pleasure.
Sveta, what do you want to be?
I don’t know.
Do you like books?
Yes, I do. But I don’t want to be a librarian I am going to be a lawyer.

IX. Совершенствование навыков выразительного чтения, сочинение нового стихотворения

Teacher: Please, recite your own poem? Have you make up your own poem about your future job?


What are you going to be?
What are you going to be?
I’ll be a teacher,
That’s the life for me.
What are you going to be?
What are you going to be?
I shall be a fireman,
That’s the life for me.

XI. Активизация навыков устной речи по теме «Профессии»

1. Игра с прилагательными. Open your textbooks at page 160 , we shall go on to ex. 8. Say what characteristics are necessary for the following jobs.
2. Защита  проектных  работ  по  темам: «Popular professions» и «Dangerous professions».
3. Harry wants to change and to choose another job. Let’s tell him about different interesting jobs. Will you present your newspaper «Jobs for Harry Potter».

Защита проекта:

If you like your pets you should be clever and kind.
If you are going to be a bodyguard you should be brave strong and responsible.
A super model should be handsome, pleasant and athletic. A real hairdresser should be creative friendly and polite. If you want to be a military officer you should be brave, strong and athletic. You shouldn’t be shy and cruel. If you want to be a teacher you shouldn’t be unsociable, rude and unfriendly. You should be clever, loving children, kind and creative. May be Harry will be a teacher?

Let’s sing a song for Harry Potter:


He teaches all day long.
He reads and writes
And sometimes shouts
And then he sings this song! I’m a super teacher!
I teach all day long.
I read and write
And sometimes shout
And then I sing this song!

XII. Итог урока

Thank you very much for your work. Let’s sum up our work!
Your marks are only good and excellent!

Teacher:  Our lesson is over. We have done enough. What did you like to do at our lesson? (I liked singing, playing, speaking to my classmates, reading, reciting poems, taking interview, answering and asking the questions).

Homework: WB ex.17 р.204.

Приложение 1