Урок по теме «Семейные конфликты и взаимоотношения»

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель урока: формирование ключевых языковых компетенций на уроке английского языка.

Задачи урока:

Практическая: активизировать лексику по теме "Семейные конфликты и взаимоотношения"; совершенствовать навыки устной речи по теме "Семейные конфликты и взаимоотношения"; развитие навыков изучающего чтения; совершенствование навыков аудирования; развивать навыки спонтанной диалогической речи по теме "Семейные конфликты и взаимоотношения".

Образовательная: активизировать и совершенствовать актуальный словарный запас обучающихся.

Воспитательная: развивать настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности для достижения намеченной цели; активизировать познавательную инициативу обучающихся и формировать их социальную компетентность. 

Развивающая: формировать умение находить необходимую информацию в предъявленном тексте; умение высказывать своё мнение по обсуждаемым вопросам.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Форма урока: фронтальная, парная и групповая.

Оборудование: диск с записью текста для аудирования, мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, презентация, карточки с заданиями.

Ход урока

Lesson stage Teacher's activity Student's activity
1 Presentation of the theme. Look at the screen and read the thoughts by Joyce Brothers' "When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses"

(Slide 1)

What are we going to speak about?

Students formulate the theme of the lesson and give their opinions.
2 Warming up activity. Now, we are going to revise family words by doing the quiz orally.

(Slide 2)

(Keys: 1 uncle, 2 aunt, 3 cousin, 4 nephew, 5 niece, 6 brother-in-law, 7 mother-in-law, 8 ex-wife.)

Students work all together and call the right words.
3 Vocabulary and speaking. Look at the two pictures at the screen, which one do you think shows the typical family of the future?

(Slide 3)

Read the first part of the article " Families have a great-great future" and find out the answer. (Application 1)

Read the whole article, pay your attention on the highlighted words, explain the meaning of them in pairs.

Teacher monitors. Check all together.


Now, hand in the articles and take the exercise.

The next task will be to fill in the blanks with these words. (Application 2)


Look through the seven predictions again. You have to discuss each prediction using three questions. (Slide 4)

Teacher monitors and helps where necessary.

Students answer the question and try to predict.

Students read and answer.

Students read the whole article and focus on the meaning of the highlighted words. In pairs explain the meaning.

Students work individually, fill in the blanks in the text. Check all together.


Students work in a group of 3, discuss each prediction and give reasons for their opinion.

Discuss predictions with the whole class.

4 Reading In a family with two children, do you think it's better to be the older or the younger brother or sister? Why?

Now, look at the photo (Slide 5). There are two sisters, Wendy is the younger and Carnie is the older sister. You have to predict the answers to the questions.

Teacher gives the article. (Application 3)


What things do you thing are typical and surprising in their relationship.


Look at the highlighted words and phrases in the article. Chose the right meaning (Slide 6).

Teacher monitors.


Do you think their relationship is typical of brothers and sisters?

Students answer the question.

Work in pairs. Predict the answers to the questions.

Students read the article, check and correct their predictions.

Students answer the question.


Students work individually, choose the meaning of each word or phrase, then compare with the partner.

Check all together.

Students answer the question.

5 Vocabulary work

Personality adjectives

Now, look at the screen. We are going to work with the personality adjectives.

The first task is to match the personality adjectives with the appropriate pictures. Work in pairs. (Slide 7)

Teacher monitors.

Teacher checks.

Write them down.

(keys: 1C,2O,3I,4J,5H,6B,7G,8F,9E,10A,11M,12L,13N,14P,15D,16K)

The second task is to match the adjectives with their definition. Work with cards with the task in pairs.

(Application 4)

Teacher monitors.

Teacher gives keys with the answers.

And the third task is to find the appropriate opposites to the personality adjectives. Work all together.

(Slide 8)

(Keys: 1B,2A,3E,4F,5I,6J,7K,8M,9N,10O,11L,12H,13G,14D15C.)

Students work in pairs with matching.


Check all together. Write the words down.


Students work in pairs.


Students check individually.

Students work with the Slide, try to find the right opposites.

6 Listening and speaking What is your position in the family? Are you the oldest child, a middle child, the youngest child or an only child?

Teacher creates the class statistics to see how many the oldest, a middle, the youngest or an only children there are?

You are going to listen to a psychologist talking about the influence your position in the family has on your personality. (Listening 1)

Teacher gives the tables. (Application 5)

Complete the tables by writing adjectives of personality in each column.

Teacher monitors.

Teacher asks students to choose one card

(Application 6)

Oldest child

Middle child

Youngest child

Only child

Teacher divides class into 4 groups of 3.

Listen to a psychologist talking and write more detail information about the child in your group and then say (Slide 9)

- if you think it is true for you - if not, why not.

- if you think it is true for your brothers and sisters or your friends. Give reasons.

Students answer the question.






Students listen to the tape, complete the tables in pairs.




Check all together.

Students choose the card. Work in 4 groups of 3.




Listen to the tape, add more detail information to their table. Answer the questions.

Answer all together.

7 Role play Choose a role-play from the scenarios. (Slide 10) Write it up with your partners, and perform it for your classmates. Work in groups. Students choose a role-play. Work in groups, discuss and perform for classmates.
8 Home task To learn personality adjectives.

To write essay "When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses"

9 Feed back Today we have spoken much about families. What have you learnt today? Do you like the lesson?

I am satisfied with your work on this lesson. Thank you.

Students answer the questions.

Приложение 1

Приложение 2