Интегрированный урок физической культуры и английского языка по теме "Волейбол. Правила игры"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Спорт в школе и здоровье детей

Тип урока: интегрированный. Физическая культура и английский язык.

Формы работы: групповая, парная, фронтальная.

Методы обучения: словесно-наглядно-практический.

Приемы: опорные схемы, обобщение.

Средства обучения: наглядные пособия (материал с использованием мультимедийного проектора для демонстрации слайдов в программе Power Point).

Задачи  урока: формирование у детей навыков игры в волейбол;

развивающие – развитие физических способностей учащихся, расширение кругозора;

обучающие – активизация лексических единиц в речи, развитие навыков аудирования;

воспитательные – формировать культуру общения, интерес к спорту, командный дух.

Цели урока.

  1. Познакомить учащихся с правилами волейбола.
  2. Развивать физические качества, необходимые волейболистам.
  3. Ознакомить с основными техническими приемами волейбола: передачей сверху, двумя руками, передачей снизу двумя руками, подачей.
  4. Совершенствовать технические приемы в эстафетах с элементами волейбола.
  5. Отработать и закрепить лексический материал по теме “Игра в волейбол как хобби и тренировка”, развитие навыков аудирования.

I. Построение в спортивном зале

Т: Right dress! Stand to attention!

Today we’re having an unusual lesson. You probably know that a lot of sport games originated in the English-speaking countries such as the UK and the USA. They are football, basketball, baseball and volleyball, of course. Today we’ve got a great opportunity of learning the rules of volleyball and how to play this game in English, the language of the fathers of the game. Thus, there are two of us here to run the lesson – the teacher of PE and the teacher of English. We’ll begin the lesson with the presentation so we ask you to follow us to the assembly hall first.

II. Переход в актовый зал.

Презентация “История возникновения волейбола. Правила игры”. (Презентация)

III. Переход в спортзал.

IV. Перестроение в колонну по 4. Разминка

Т: Right dress! Stand to attention! In fours, number! The first – one step forward, the second – 3 steps forward, the third – 5 steps, the forth – 7 steps forward. Go! At double arms intervals, dress! We’ll start with warm-up exercises.

1) Arms held sideward in shoulder height- руки в стороны, Clench your fists кисти в кулак: twist your hands вращение кистями, twist your forearms вращение в локтях, twist your arms forward (arms straight) - backward вращения прямыми руками вперед – назад.

That’ll do!

2) Bending sideways. Hands on the nape. Start! наклоны в сторону, руки за голову. Начали!

That’ll do!

3) Bending forward from the waist with knees straight. Preparatory position – hands on hips. We’re doing three strikes, arms touch the toes наклоны вперед, 3 рывка вперед руками достать до носка.

That’ll do!

  1. Preparatory position – feet astride, bend forward, Arms held sideward in shoulder height. Windmill arms. Start! ноги врозь, корпус наклонить, руки в стороны. “мельница”.
  2. Long step right forward. Spring-like movement 7 times, turn on the 8th /on the count of 8 turn, long step left forward. Do this 2 times each side. Выпад вперед правой/ левой ногой, 7 пружин, на 8-ой – поворот. Делаем по 2 раза в каждую сторону.
  3. Knee rotation. 8 times clockwise, then the other way around. вращение в коленных суставах.
  4. Squats. Preparatory position – hands on the nape. Boys – 15 squats, girls – 10 squats. Приседания. Исходное положение – руки за голову. Мальчики 15 раз, девочки – 10.
  5. Jump in place/feet bounce with high knee action. Boys – 15 jumps, girls – 10 jumps. прыжки на месте с высоким подниманием бедра. Мальчики 15 раз, девочки – 10.

T: That’s good. Now we’re going on to doing running exercises. Right turn! Направо!To the right close! Направо сомкнись!Turn about! Кругом!

V. Running exercises.

Беговые упражнения (Рисунок 1. Рисунок 2). Рисунки

T: You will do all the following exercises running up to the net and then backwards.

  • run with high knee action бег с подниманием бедра;
  • heel-slap run бег с захлестом голени;
  • left side step приставной шаг левым боком;
  • cross-step скрестный шаг;
  • bounce on your right foot to the net and on your left foot back прыжки на правой/левой ноге;
  • to the net-hop-running steps with knees upwards, race back.прыжки с подтягиванием коленей с продвижением обратно бегом;
  • windsprint (с ускорением) First you reach the central line, then run back to the 3-metre line, then again to the central line and finally race back to the team.

T: That’ll do! Full of energy yet? That’s good! Now it’s time for the race.

VI. Эстафета. The race. (Рисунок 3)

T: First, we are going to have the basic training. It’s going to be in the form of a race.

The task is the following: You’re divided into 4 teams. There are cards in front of you in the hoops - a card per person. You have to run to the hoop and pick up one. In each card you’ll find a task which describes first-the manner in which you have to approach the line, second – the type of the set you have to use to toss the ball. You set the ball 5 times. So follow the instructions of the card. After having accomplished the task you run back to the team. When one player reaches the team, another player gets off, takes a card and accomplishes the task. It is a speed exercise. The winner is the team that manages to come in an easy first with fewer faults.

Карточки с заданием:


cross-step.- overhead set


Sidestep – underhand set


Two feet bounce - overhead set


bounce on your right foot - underhand set


bounce on your left foot- overhead set


hop -running steps with knees upwards -underhand set


heel-slap run - overhead set

T: let’s draw up the results. The 1st team scores 00 points. The 2nd -…

VII. Подвижные игры.

Action-oriented games (Рисунок 4)

The ball to the captain.

T.: The teams cross the central line and line up on the opposite court. The four captains stay on the court where you are. Plant yourselves opposite your team. The point is to learn to set the ball over the net.

1. First you will train the overhead sets. That means that both you and your captain toss the ball overhead. The players are supposed to do it one after another. You toss the ball and go back to the bottom of the line. The captain counts the points for the sets made without losses. We do it for 2 minutes. Go!

How many points?

2. Now the combination is different. The captain of the team sets the ball overhead and the players receive the ball underhand.

How many points?

3. The third combination is as follows. The captain sets the ball underhand and the players receive it overhead.

How many points?

4. Finally you can set the ball either underhand or overhead. Go!

How many points?

5. We have trained the sets. Now it’s time to learn how to serve the ball over the net. You have to serve the ball at a 6-metre distance. Take your place behind the line. You’ll do it one by one. If the serve is successful, the player replaces the captain, if not – the player stays with the team.

VIII. Командная игра. Team Game.

T: Now we’ll pick two captains and divide you in two teams. Let’s practice playing volleyball.

IX. Задание на внимание. Alertness drill.

T: At double arms intervals, dress! Captains, take the balls away to the staff room and come back to your teams. The final task for today is Alertness drill. The forbidden position – hands on hips.

Hands up
Hands on the nape
Hands forward
Hands sideward
Hands down
Hands on hips

X. Подведение итогов.

T: At double arms intervals, dress! You’ve done well today. You’ve learnt the rules of volleyball, practiced playing it and all that has been done in English. We hope you enjoyed the lesson. Thank you very much.