Проект внеклассного мероприятия для 7–8-х классов "Great Patriotic War"

Разделы: Внеклассная работа

Приложение 1

Речь ведущего: Good morning, Class! I’m very glad to see everyone today! Take a seat please.

Презентация. Slide 1

As far as you know the year of 2015 marks a very important date. On the 9th of May, 2015 it will be 70 years of victory in The Great Patriotic War. Today we’re going to discuss some important issues and recall what we know about the war. Before the start of our discussion, I must divide you in two groups:
you are team №1 and you are team №2. You will work together. We won’t compete, vice versa we will try to cooperate and listen to each other’s opinion. (2 min)

Slide 2

Well, let us start our discussion. We shall work together first. Who remembers how long the war lasted?  Can you answer the questions? Let us check how well we know history.

Slide 3

The War lasted 4 years. It started on the 22th  of June 1941 and finished on the 9th of May 1945. It was a horrible period in history. It was the war between the Soviet Union and the Nazi Germany. (2 min)

Slide 4

In my opinion, it is impossible to talk about wars without knowing the notion -war- itself. Look at the slide. –A war– as a term is an organized and often prolonged conflict that is carried out by two or more states. It is usually an arm-used event. Bu there are different opinions about the war. Look here. Some scholars see warfare as an inescapable and integral aspect of human nature while others argue that it takes place only due to socio-cultural circumstances.

And what’s your opinion? Teams, I want you to think of these questions. Look at the slide. Here you have some questions to answer. Please, sit close to your group mates and discuss the questions. You have 2 minutes for discussion. Then one member from each group will present the team’s answer for the questions.

(Ведущий зачитывает вопросы)

– Are you ready to present the opinion of the group?
– Well, very interesting views, different opinions. I see you can work together. That’s great!
When we talk about the war as a notion we speak in terms of theory but for the people of Leningrad the Great Patriotic War was a horrible truth. (5 min)

Slide 5

Leningrad’s siege (блокада Ленинграда)  was one of the most horrible events in world history. It lasted for 900 days, from September 1941 to January 1944.  Let us check what we remember about the siege. Teams, please join each other in discussion. You have 2 minutes, then we shall listen to both teams.

(Ведущий зачитывает вопросы)

– Well, are you ready to present the opinion of the group?
– Of course the life in that period was not easy. These were hard times. Not only soldiers who participated in the war faced troubles. Ordinary people could hardly survive. It was harsh winter. It was cold. The food supplies were restricted. People received special cards for bread. They were given only from 100 to 200 gm of bread a day. Most people died because of starvation. The siege lasted for 900 days. 5 (min)

Slide 6

Look at the pictures. These are real photos of that time. Here you can see a steam train which supplies flour, a card for bread. The photo on the right deserves attention. You know, there was no water system. But at the beginning of the siege there was some water left in the pipes. So here you can see the people collecting water from the underground in the shell-holes which appeared after the air attack.

Slide 7

Here is one more picture of people collecting water. There are both adults and children.

Slide 8

What can you see in the pictures? What do you feel looking at them? (спросить по два человека от команды). In the middle of the siege period people couldn’t find water in broken mains or underground. There was no water left. The Neva river became the only source of water for people. The famine and the harsh winter made people weak. Many people died because they had no strength to carry the water buckets. (8 min)

Let us have a break Slide  9

Listen to this soft melody. Look at me. Let us warm up our fingers. Repeat after me. 1st keep your fingers tight together and then spread them apart like this. Next exercise. Make a tight fist. Hold it, hold it, hold it and release it. Again. Good. One more exercise. Hold your fingers locked like this and move them in a lock. I suppose the music helped us to relax/ Let us go on working. (1 min)

Slide 10

Everyone remembers the diary of Tanya Savicheva. Teams you have 1 minute to recall what you know about the diary. Think of why it is so important to us now. (3 min)

You are all quite right. Tanya wrote down the dates of her relatives’ death. The diary of Tanya shows how dreadful were the consequences, how ordinary people suffered. It makes modern people think of the war and realize that not only soldiers were killed by the enemy but ordinary people, the citizens of Leningrad struggled for life. (3 min)

Slide 11

Well, how could people resist the force of the enemy? Teams, you have 2 minutes for discussion. Sit close to each other. (Ведущий зачитывает вопросы)


Let us make a sum-up. The Soviet partisans were united by the idea of resistance movement. The partisan movement was created by ordinary people. They were both city dwellers and people living in villages. Not only men participated in the partisan operations. There were women and even children among them. The partisans wanted to protect their families, their villages or cities. They did everything possible to protect themselves from the german military operations. The partisans attacked rail lines, killed the german soldiers, destroyed tanks and military supplies of the enemy. (5 min)

Slide 13

Now we have the picture, the dreadful picture of the war. The fact is that Over 20,000,000 Soviet citizens and soldiers died in the struggle to liberate the Motherland from the fascist aggressors. Please discuss these questions in groups. You have 2 minutes for discussion.
Of course the figures are shocking/ So many people died and these are only official figures. But the deaths were not in vain (не напрасны).


On the 9th of May the enemy capitulated and the war came to an end. The people were finally free. For people of that times the 9th of May was the day of Victory over the Nazi Germany. It was the day of liberty and freedom. For modern people the 9th of May is the day when we commemorate those who participated in the Great Patriotic War. The 9th of May of 2015 marks the 70 years of victory of the Soviet Union. (5 min)

Slide 15

Of course we, modern people, can’t feel what the people of Leningrad felt but there are veterans who can recall those times who have memories and stories to tell. Teams, this is our last point of discussion today. You have 2 minutes.

When it comes to the Great Patriotic War there is much to discuss. We quickly recalled the time from the viewpoint of the people living at that period. I think the history is not just official facts, it is the memories of people, it is the message to us and a chance to correct our mistakes today. We did a great job today. Thank you for the job, for the interesting opinions and for cooperation. Goodbye! (1 min)

Приложение 2