Урок-проверка лексико-грамматических навыков. 7-й класс (учебник English VII. О.В. Афанасьева)

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

I четверть


  1. Знать и понимать значения изученных лексических единиц.
  2. Формирование умений использовать фразовые глаголы.
  3. Контроль навыков употребления времен и артиклей.

I. Use the verbs to get and to turn in the correct form

  1. We get … very well with our new neighbours.
  2. I asked the bus driver where I should get… .
  3. I never noticed when the little girl turned … a lady.
  4. It’s funny how Jeff always turns … when we want to see him most.

II. Complete the sentences using the new words

  1. In the picture you can see a narrow w… river running in the field.
  2. Look at this lovely salad b … , I have bought.
  3. The Smiths are at home: there is l … in there windows.
  4. They are r … by marriage.
  5. Mary is so d … about her new house.
  6. P … makes perfect.
  7. Can you in … the meaning of the word “isolation”?
  8. I won’t go there. This is my f … decision.

III. Translate

  1. Не покупай это платье. Оно выглядит старомодным.
  2. Я люблю овощи и фрукты.
  3. ЯЯЯ никогда не работал переводчиком на конференциях.
  4. Ник сказал, что он сожалеет, что разочаровал нас.
  5. Тебе видно что-нибудь при свете свечи?

IV. Choose the correct tense: Present Perfect, Past Perfect or Future Perfect

  1. Don’t water the flowers! – I already (water) them.
  2. After she (be) on holiday, she felt much better.
  3. I (finish) my article by the end of April.
  4. Tomorrow I (be) here for a year.
  5. After we (eat) fish, we began to feel ill.
  6. My father (mend) my bike. Now I can ride it again.

V. Choose the right article – a) a, b) the, c) no article

  1. They live in …South of France.
  2. Turn on …radio, please.
  3. John is ill. He is in … hospital.
  4. My mother goes to … church every Sunday.
  5. The night was warm and … moon was shining.
  6. … meat we had for lunch was tough.
  7. … elephant is the largest animal on the Earth.

VI. Rewrite the sentences using other ways of saying I think.

  1. I think classical music is boring.
  2. I think learning English is useful.
  3. I think football is not for girls.

VII. Write the plural for each noun

1) photo 2) penny 3) wife 4) army 5) hero 6) zoo 7) ox

II четверть


  1. Знать и понимать значения изученных лексических единиц.
  2. Контроль навыков употребления времен.
  3. Формирование навыков образования сравнительной и превосходной степеней сравнения.
  4. Контроль навыков употребления артиклей.

I. Use Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous

  1. Hurry up! You (talk) on the phone for hours.
  2. Oh no! The bus (just / leave).
  3. I’m tired. I (work) since 8 am.
  4. …(you / post) the letter yet?
  5. He (play) the piano since 6 o’clock in the morning. He (only /just /stop).
  6. Why (you/ not/ bring) me the letters? …(you/ not /type )them yet?
  7. Are you going to sunbathe? – Don’t be funny. It (rain) all day.

II. Use the correct comparative and superlative forms

Bad, gently, funny, useful, sad, shallow, uneasy

III. Adjective or adverb?

  1. The children played quiet / quietly.
  2. She feels bad / badly.
  3. She gave a careful / carefully look.
  4. She looked nice / nicely
  5. The story sounded serious / seriously.
  6. Coffee tastes bitter / bitterly.

IV. Use the correct phrase verbs

  1. Will you turn the television …? The baby is sleeping.
  2. It turned … that she hadn’t arrived yet.
  3. She turned her bag … but couldn’t find the key.
  4. She left without turning … .
  5. The thief got … with my bag.
  6. If you don’t get … to work, you won’t pass your exam.

V. Write 5 sentences what you will have done by 5 o’clock tomorrow.

VI. Use present Perfect or Past perfect

  1. My father (travel) a lot in his life. He ( be) to many countries.
  2. I phoned Mr. Williams to find out if Pat (go) away.
  3. Wait! I’ll go and see if she (go) out.
  4. Jack (play) tennis three times this week. He said he (not/play) tennis a week before.

VII. Use the correct articles

  1. Henry …VIII had six wives.
  2. In summer they seldom go to … school.
  3. I prefer to stay at … home on cold evenings.
  4. He will return in … hour and … half.
  5. The Russians like … good cold winter.
  6. What … witty man! How witty … man is!
  7. I don’t understand what … main question is.
  8. What is the difference between … story and … novel.

III четверть


  1. Знать и понимать значения изученных лексических единиц.
  2. Контроль навыков употребления времен и артиклей.
  3. Контроль навыков образования множественного числа существительных.
  4. Формирование умений использования фразовых глаголов.

I. Multiple choice

  1. He phoned to say he … his bag on the plane.
    a) forgot b) has left c) had left d) has forgotten
  2. He decided to save some money and put … in the bank.
    a) it b) their c) them d) its
  3. It … to rain soon.
    a) going b) is being c) is going d) will
  4. I’d like to … the question of your future education.
    a) talk b) speak c) say d)discuss
  5. The journey took a long time but we arrived … .
    a) in fact b) actually c) perhaps d) at last
  6. Would you … closing the window, please?
    a) mind b) object c) agree d) like
  7. … something strange in this situation.
    a) There is b)It is c) This is d) That is

II. Fill in the articles

  1. Brazil exports a lot of … coffee.
  2. Gold is … metal.
  3. Jane always has … light breakfast in the morning.
  4. … lunch was served yesterday was really very good.
  5. Shall we go for … walk after … supper?
  6. Would you like … ice-cream?
  7. Pass me …sugar, please.
  8. Has she ever eaten … brunch?
  9. Do you like … fish and chips?

III. Open the brackets

Far away in a small country, there lived two artists –a stoat and a lion. They (be) both good painters, but each of them (think) that he (can/paint) better. One day the lion (say) to the stoat.” I (paint ) pictures for 10 years next month. Meet me in the market square in a month at noon. Each of us (bring) a painting and the public (be) the judge.”

On the day of the contest the whole town (come) to the market place. The two paintings (hang) on a wall, each (cover) by a curtain. “I (show) my painting first,” (cry) the lion and he (draw) back the curtain. The crowd (begin/clap). Suddenly some birds (fly) down to the painting and (try) to peck at the grapes in the picture. “ I (win)”. (roar) the lion. “My painting (look) so real that it (fool) the birds. And what (be) behind that curtain of yours?” The stoat smiled. “There (be) no curtain. It’s my painting of a velvet curtain. The grapes in your picture (fool) the birds and my picture (fool) you.

IV. Translate

  1. Сколько времени тебе требуется, чтобы заполнить этот контейнер?
  2. Джейн представила своего нового друга бабушке и дедушке, и он произвел на них хорошее впечатление.
  3. То было опасное приключение.
  4. Ты знаешь содержание того романа?
  5. Подарок Алисы произвел впечатление на Венди. Это была крошечная кукла в крошечной квартире.
  6. Мне бы хотелось стать библиотекарем.

V. Fill in the gaps with the correct plural form

  1. They say that cats have nine (life).
  2. The (child) divided the pie into two (half).
  3. In general (person) are happy to be away on holiday.
  4. (Deer) are plentiful in these woods.
  5. (Thief) are often very busy during holidays.

VI. Select the correct form

  1. Of the four dresses I like the red one better/best.
  2. Phil is the happier/happiest person we know.
  3. Pat’s car is faster/fastest than John’s.
  4. Jim has a little/few opportunities to play golf.

VII. Fill in the gaps with one suitable word

  1. Shakespeare’s poetry is … .
  2. She made … that she would call.
  3. We listened to the most … news.
  4. The dress looked … because of the lace on the sleeves.
  5. She was … as she waited to see a doctor.
  6. They … their way through the crowd.
  7. I … the money with her.

VIII. Use the correct phrase verb

  1. When I gave him the news, he ran … at once.
  2. The bath is running … .
  3. Why do you always run … my words.
  4. He had to be rushed … to hospital.
  5. I rushed … my dinner.
  6. She turned her room … but didn’t find the passport.

IV четверть


  1. Знать и понимать значения изученных лексических единиц.
  2. Контроль навыков употребления времен.
  3. Формирование умений использования артиклей.
  4. Формирование умений использования фразовых глаголов.
  5. Формирование умений использования страдательного залога.

I. Open the brackets

Dear Nicole,

Thank you for your letter. Has it really been two months since I (write). I’m sorry, but I (be) very busy lately.

I (get ready) for my exams now. Everyday I work hard until midnight. I (just/finish) making a report and I write a letter to you. I (not/only/study). I (go) to the cinema and (see) a very nice film yesterday. It (call) “Flying high”. You (see ) it?

I (hope) to visit France again next year. I (have) a nice time there last year. It would be great to see you again. I (try) hard to save some money.

How are you? I hope your parents (be) alright. Please, (write) to me soon.

II. Choose the right word

  1. Who was the last/latest person to leave the room?
  2. Have heard the last/latest news?
  3. She is three years older/elder than him.
  4. Little Bobby wants to do everything as his older/elder brother does.
  5. What is your next/nearest question?
  6. The further/ farther problem for discussion is air pollution.
  7. Last/the last week we had fewer visitors.

III. Put in the missing articles

  1. … giraffe is … animal that lives in Africa and has …long neck.
  2. It was …wonderful day: …sky was blue, …sun was shining, … sea looked warm and calm; … world was …great place to live in.
  3. Can I speak to Olga? – Sorry, you have got … wrong number.
  4. I’m planning to go to college after I leave …school.
  5. How long can …human stay and work in …space?
  6. What’s on …television tonight?
  7. It was … high afternoon.
  8. … day was bright but rather cold.
  9. … winter has come.
  10. I love it when it is … frosty and snowy winter.
  11. Andrew understood that he couldn’t sleep on …morning like that.

IV. Fill in the blanks with turn, rush, do, run, get, set

  1. In a warm room ice soon … into water.
  2. I’m afraid we’ll have to … with these books.
  3. The news is a shock for her. She can’t … over it.
  4. Poor Joe didn’t say anything, he got red in the face and … out of the room.
  5. When I go with my granny, I help her to … on and off the bus.
  6. It is seven o’clock. It’s time for us to … off.
  7. I … the bag inside out looking for the key.
  8. I don’t like it when people … their friends down.
  9. I think you should … out your room before your party.

V. Choose the right word

  1. I am afraid you are standing on my fingers / toes.
  2. Bears have four paws / hooves and deer have four paws / hooves.
  3. Lulla by, lulla by , go to sleep / fall asleep, little baby.
  4. I can’t hear you when you mumble / murmur.
  5. Where did you buy this dictionary / vocabulary?
  6. The work of a/an interpreter / translator is very hard; you have to think very fast and be inventive.
  7. Gold / golden hair always looks beautiful.
  8. Are you going to mend / repair the watch yourself?

VI. Choose the right form of the verb in the Passive

  1. The students were examined / were being examined when the professor came.
  2. The computer is used / is being used at the moment.
  3. Vegetables are bought / are being bought at the greengrocer’s.
  4. Such films are not made / are not being made easily.
  5. During the festival this theatre will be visited / will be being visited by lots of tourists.
  6. The doctor was sent / was being sent for.