Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме "Saint-Petersburg's Sights". 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6

Цели урока:

Практическая: совершенствование речевых умений по теме "Достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга"

Задачи урока:


  • развитие умений монологической и диалогической речи;
  • активизация изученных лексических единиц и речевых образцов;
  • развитие понимания иноязычной речи на слух;
  • развитие умений систематизировать и обобщать полученные знания.


  • развитие творческого воображения и мышления;
  • формирование умения взаимодействия в парах и группах;
  • развитие речевой активности, языковой догадки;
  • развитие межпредметных навыков и умений.


  • формирование лингвистической и социокультурной компетенций;
  • воспитание уважения к вековой культуре Санкт-Петербурга;
  • воспитание культуры учащихся средствами иностранного языка.

Ход урока

Организационный момент. Постановка задач урока.

Teacher: Today we'll have an unusual lesson. The delegation from Great Britain is going to visit our city. We are going to show them around one of the beautiful cities in the world, around Saint-Petersburg. The whole city is itself a wonderful monument, a museum. It is "music fixed in stone". Today we're going to visit the most interesting places in it. You can see these places, listen to the information about them and can do some tasks. Some of you will be guides !

(Слайд 1)

Основная часть урока.

Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: Do you know how people called the city? The name of our city has changed several times (Слайд 2).

Saint-Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad - Saint-Petersburg

(Фонетическая отработка слов )

Besides 3 official names the city has got a lot of unofficial ones. It was named Paradise - Petropolis - Rome of the North - Venice of the North ( Слайд 2).

(Слова отрабатываются фонетически)

Активизация изученной лексики.

Teacher: What sights can people see in Saint-Petersburg? (Слайд 3) Work in pairs and make up your own dialogues using: "Have you ever been to anywhere"? or "Have you ever seen anything"?

The Peter and Paul Fortress

The Hermitage

The Admiralty

The Bronze Horseman

The Rostral Columns

The Kazan Cathedral

St Isaac's Cathedral

The Church of the Savior on Spilt Blood

The Winter Palace

The Anichkov Palace

The Summer Gardens

The Spit of Vasiliyevsky Island

The Kunstkamera

The Zoological Museum

For example:

P1: Have you ever been to the Hermitage?

P2: Oh, yes, I have.

P3: Have you ever seen St Isaac's Cathedral?

P4: No, I'm sorry to say, but I heard it was worth seeing.

(Учащиеся читают названия достопримечательностей, составляют мини-диалоги в парах, затем выполняют задания)

- Match the words (Слайд 4);

St Isaac's

The Russian

The Anichkov


The Mariinsky

The Neva

The Menshikov










- Find the odd word in each line (Слайд 5):

1. Saint Petersburg, Manchester, the Neva, Venice. (The Neva)

2. Rossi, Rastrelli, the Winter Palace, Rinaldi. (The Winter Palace)

3. Admiralty, the Winter Palace, Engeneer's Castle, Anichkov Bridge. (Anichkov Bridge)

4. Peter I, Pushkin, Nekrasov, Blok, Dostoyevsky. (Peter I)

- Choose the correct answer:

(Тест выполняется индивидуально)

St Petersburg is the centre of Russian :

Art, culture


Art, culture, industry

The main street in St Petersburg is :

Veteranov Street

Nevsky Prospect

Moskovsky Prospect

: founded the city.

Peter I

Catherine II

Nicolas II

The most famous park is :

The Alexander Garden

The Summer Garden

The Mikhailovsky Garden

The monument to Peter I is called :

"The Bronze Horseman"

"Peter the Great"

"Tsar the Great"

The longest river in St Petersburg is :

The Moika

The Neva

The Fontanka

The highest building in St Petersburg is :

The Peter and Paul Fortress

The Admiralty

The Hermitage

The city was founded in :




The main square in St Petersburg is :

Sennaya Square

Palace Square

Isaac's Square

Keys: 1 - C, 2 - B, 3 - A, 4 - B, 5 - A, 6 - B, 7 - A, 8 - B, 9 - B.

Совершенствование навыка устной речи. Ролевая игра.

Teacher: These ladies and gentlemen are guides from the Saint-Petersburg Tourist Information Office and we'll have a bus tour around Saint-Petersburg.

Guide 1: Dear guests! You are welcome on board. I'm your guide. I'll show you around

Saint-Petersburg today. Where would you like to go first?

English tourist: We would like to visit the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Guide 1: Have you heard anything about it? Do you know the history of it?

English tourist: We know that the Peter and Paul Fortress is the start of Saint-Petersburg.

Guide 1: You're right. As you know, Saint-Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. In the mouth of the Neva River on a small island called Hare Island stands the Saint Peter and Paul Fortress. The history of St. Petersburg began on the northern bank of the Neva, where on May 27, 1703 Peter the Great founded the fortress named Sankt Petersburgh. The legend says Peter I marked the place for the fortress gates with two birch-trees. An eagle sat down on these "gates". It was a good sign and the eagle was taken and put on the arm of the tsar. He built the fortress to guard the lands on both banks of the Neva. ( Слайд 6)

Guide 2: The Fortress lost its military significance after it was built and served as a political prison. The first prisoner was Alexei, Peter's son. There were prominent Russian writers among the prisoners such as Radishchev, Dostoyevsky, Chernyshevsky and Maxim Gorky. The last prisoners of the Fortress were the members of the Provisional Government arrested during the storm of the Winter Palace. The prison cells were cold and dark, like tombs. You can see them in the Trubetskoi Bastion.

Guide 1: Now the main attraction in the Fortress is the Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. It is a remarkable monument. Till now it remains the tallest architectural structure in our city which is

122,5m high. Since Peter the cathedral was the sacred burial place of Russian tsars. There are 32 tombs there. Almost all Russian tsars from Peter the Great to Alexander III were buried in the Cathedral. (Слайд 7)

English tourist: How interesting!

Guide 2: In 1922 the Fortress was turned into a museum. The Peter and Paul Fortress plays a major role in the city life. Every day at noon the cannon is fired from the Naryshkin Bastion. By this shot people can set their watches. The Fortress is the place where the most important city festivals take place and people gather on the embankments to watch the fireworks over the fortress. (Слайд 8)

Guide 3: We are coming to the Spit of Vasilieyevsky Island where you can visit some interesting museums for children: the Kunstkamera and the Zoological Museum. The Kunstkamera is the first Russian museum. It is a green and white building. The word "Kunstkammer" comes from German. "Kunst" means "art" and "kammer" means "a room". It has Peter's collections of curiosities: Siamese-twins, infants, a tow-faced calf and other oddities. It also has many interesting things such as rare books, minerals, the collections of things of the people of North America, the Eskimos and Australians. (Слайд 9, 10)

Guide 4: The Zoological Museum has 40000 species of animals from all over the world. People can see the tiniest organisms, a large mammoth, a whale skeleton, different insects, fishes, reptiles, birds and mammals. The famous Russian traveler Nikolai Przhevalsky brought the wild horse, the wild camel and the yak from Central Asia. These animals are nearly extinct today. (Слайд 11)

Guide 5: Now we are coming to Palace Bridge and one of the most famous palaces in our city - to the Hermitage. The State Hermitage is the largest museum in our country. It's the second largest museum in the world. The Hermitage has 5 buildings: the Winter Palace, the Small Hermitage, the Old Hermitage, the Hermitage Theatre, and the New Hermitage. The oldest and the largest is the Winter Palace. The famous architect Rastrelli designed it. The palace building is 2 kilometers long, 22 m high. There are 5 departments here. The collection of the State Hermitage includes more than three million works of art and artifacts of the world culture. Among them are paintings, graphic works, sculptures and works of applied art, archaeological finds and numismatic material. It is worth visiting. (Слайд 12, 13, 14)

English tourist: It was the residence of the Russian tsars, wasn't it?

Guide 5: Yes, it was the residence of the Russian emperors such as Empress Elizabeth, Catherine II and Nicholas II.

Guide 6: Now we are going to pass the Admiralty - one of the symbols of Saint-Petersburg. A 73m high spire dominates the structure. The peak of the spire is a model of Peter the Great's private ship "Ingermanland". The Admiralty functioned as a shipyard. (Слайд 15)

English tourist: Excuse me, I've got a question. Is the Admiralty the highest building in Saint-Petersburg?

Guide 6: No, it isn't the Admiralty. The highest building in Saint-Petersburg is the Peter and Paul Cathedral.

English tourist: Thank you.

Guide 7: We are coming to "The Bronze Horseman" - a fascinating monument in the city. The monument was built by the order of the Empress Catherina the Great. You can see an inscription on the monument in both languages, Latin and Russian: Petro Primo Catharina Secunda -To Peter the First from Catherina the Second. The statue of Peter the Great was created by the French sculptor E. M. Falconet. The tsar's face was modeled by M.-A. Collot. The pedestal is made of a single piece of red granite shaped like a cliff. From the top of the cliff Peter I leads Russia forward. His horse steps on a snake which stands for the enemies of Peter the Great and his reforms. (Слайд 16)

English tourist: I know that there is a legend about this monument. What is the legend?

Guide 7: A 19th century legend states that while the Bronze Horseman stands in the middle of Saint-Petersburg, enemies will not be able to conquer the city. The monument survived the 900-day Siege of Leningrad as it was covered with sand bags and a wooden shelter. (Слайд 9, 10)

Teacher: Thanks a lot our guides. Our excursion is over.

Аудирование. ( Приложение 1)

You will listen to 5 descriptions of St Petersburg's sights. Match each description to one of the pictures. There is one extra picture you will not need. Fill in the box. ( Слайд 17)

Palace Square

The Admiralty

St Isaac's Cathedral

Domik Petra

Nevsky Prospect

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. This house was the first dwelling in the city. It is hidden within a red brick building with large windows. The log cabin has only two rooms divided by a narrow hall. The right one was Peter the Great's study and reception room, and the left one he used as a dining-room and bedroom. Being a very tall man (2.04 metres) the Tsar had to stoop to go through the door as Peter the Great didn't like large rooms.

2. It is Saint-Petersburg's main street. A lot of theaters, shops, restaurants are located here. It was planned by Peter the Great as beginning of the road to Novgorod and Moscow. The avenue runs from the Admiralty to the Moscow Railway Station and, after making a turn at Vosstaniya Square, to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

3. This palace was built in Baroque style and designed by the famous Italian architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli. It was the residence of the Russian tsars. It has 1,786 doors, 1,945 windows, 1,500 rooms and 117 staircases.

4. It is the central and the most beautiful square in the city. It was the setting of many events of worldwide significance, including the Bloody Sunday (1905) and the October Revolution of 1917. In the centre of the square there is the Triumphal (Alexander) Column. The monument is crowned by the figure of an angel.

5. It is the city's main church and one of the largest cathedrals in Russia. It was built between 1818 and 1858, by the French-born architect Auguste Montferrand. One hundred and eighty years later the gilded dome of St. Isaac's still dominates the skyline of St. Petersburg. The church was closed in the early 1930s and reopened as a museum. Today church services are held here only on major occasions.

Keys: 1 - D, 2 - E, 3 - F, 4 - A, 5 - C, extra - B.

Развитие навыка чтения с полным пониманием. (Приложение 1)

Read the text and complete it.

(Peter the Great, Neva, Peter and Paul's fortress, street, museums, the Venice of the North, capital, population, industrial and cultural centre, the most important, theatres, cathedrals.)

Saint-Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It was founded by : in 1703. The start of Saint-Petersburg is the : .

The fortress was built on the place of a small wooden church in the centre of the city. Saint-Petersburg was the : of Russia from 1712 till 1918. In 1918 Moscow became the capital of Russia and is the capital now. The : of the city is about 5 million people. Saint-Petersburg is situated on the : river. The city is often called : because in Saint-Petersburg there are a lot of rivers.

Saint-Petersburg is an : of Russia. Saint-Petersburg has many different museums and theatres. There are over 80: and more than 20: . The Hermitage is : artistic museum in Russia. People from all over the world visit Saint-Petersburg and go to this museum. The main : is Nevsky Avenue. There are many beautiful : here: the Kazan Cathedral, St Isaac's Cathedral, the St Peter and Paul Cathedral.

Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

Let's do the conclusion. Today we have learnt a lot. We've talked and listened and watched about Saint-Petersburg - the treasure of Russia. I'm satisfied with your activity and your results in work. Children, there are colourful cards on your desks. I want you to evaluate your work at the lesson. If you think you work well, you have done your work properly, show me red cards. If you've done some mistakes and you're not satisfied with your work, show me green cards. And if you've worked so-so and haven't been very active, show me yellow cards.

Домашнее задание.

Подготовить туристический проспект о Санкт-Петербурге для зарубежного друга.


  1. Вакс Э.П., Е.П. Афонина. Дух Санкт-Петербурга. Учебное пособие "The Spirit of St Petersburg" на английском языке. - Игра, 2005.
  2. Vaks A.P., Aphonina E.P. The Spirit of St Petersburg. - St. Pb: "World and Family-95", 1998.
  3. Самойлова Л.Г. Three Centuries of St Petersburg. Три века Санкт-Петербурга. - СПб: Паритет, 2003.
  4. Интернет-ресурсы.
