Урок английского языка по защите окружающей среды “Why not recycle?” 8-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 8

Презентация к уроку

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  • ввести новую лексику и активизировать уже изученную ранее по теме «Protecting the environment»; расширить знания учащихся о том, какой вред наносят загрязнения окружающей среде и способах переработки мусора;
  • способствовать развитию любознательности, речевой догадки, языковых навыков устной и письменной речи на иностранном языке, смекалки, абстрактного мышления;
  • воспитывать уважительное отношение к окружающей среде, культуру поведения, способствовать формированию целостного представления о мире, об общих проблемах, стоящих перед человечеством в XXI веке.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Методы и приемы: беседа, объяснение, рассказ, показ, словесное поощрение, наглядные, просмотр видео.

Наглядность и оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, экран, презентация выполненная в формате Power Point, видеозапись The smashing story of recycling Glass, раздаточный материал с заданиями: Приложение 1, 2.

Условные обозначения: Т – teacher, P – pupil (-s).


Деятельность учителя и учащихся

I. Организация начала урока – Good morning pupils. I’m glad to see you, sit down please.
T: How are you today?
P1: I’m fine, thank you. Lena, how are you today?
P2: I’m brilliant, thank you. Andrew, how are you today?
Р3: ( …)
II. Постановка целей и задач

1. Определение темы урока

T: Today we are going to study one of the greatest problem that humanity has been providing for many years. What is it? Try to make the crossword on the blackboard and the main word is a key to the theme of our lesson. I’ll read you the questions in Russian, your task is to write down the answer in English. Is that clear? Let’s start, be very attentive!

1. Вероятность, возможность того, что может произойти какое-то нежелательное событие (опасность).
2. Герметичный жестяной контейнер для долгосрочного хранения пищевых продуктов (консервная банка).
3. Синоним слова rubbish.
4. Существительное, образованное от слова запрещать (запрет).
5. Человек, человеческое существо.
6. Многолетний режим погоды (климат).
7. Отрицательное воздействие на окружающую среду (загрязнение).

T: What is the main word?
P: Environment – окружающая среда.
T: You are right! Very good! So the greatest problem is the environmental pollution. What should people do?
P: Protect the environment!
T: Right! And the theme of our lesson today is “Protecting the environment”. [Слайд 1] We will speak about environment and its protection, get to know some new words and remind the words from previous lessons, watch the video, play and answer the questions.
The words from the crossword are connected with the environment, aren’t they? What other words come to your mind?
P: Waste, forest, disease,  research etc.

2. Ассоциативный набор слов. T: That’s right. The word “environment” itself includes a great amount of different things. But we can divide all these things into three large groups [Слайд 2]:
1) natural geographical features,
2) man-made geographical features and
3) living organisms.
– What is the difference between these groups?
P: First group includes unchanged natural features, second – features changed by people, third – animals, birds etc.
T: Very well. So let’s make the list of words. You see the table on the screen, there are also mixed words under it. Your task is to classify these words according to the types of environment. I’ll give you 3 minutes to do the task in written form on your hang outs (Приложение 1). Are you ready? Let’s check, who would like to be the first? Good job!
III. Основная часть

1. Защита окружающей среды

– Now we have a full view of what the environment is. It seems so enormous and rich, people use it in every day life. But is the environment so wide and strong to prevent itself from wasting? People use minerals, water sources, lands and often don’t think about the consequences. What do you think: should people use the environment light-mindedly?
P: No, humanity has to protect the environment, to clear it up, plant the trees etc
T: I agree with you, that is the right relations but are they easy to get?
P: Now but we should try to do the world better.
2. Дискуссия T: Changes begin not from the world but from the person, do you agree with these statement? [Слайд 3]
P: Yes, every person should try to do his best to do the place where he lives better.
3. Изменим мир! T: Exactly! Now I’ll give you 3 minutes to write the answer to the following question: What would you like to change in the place where you live? [Слайд 4] You can use the words on the screen. Is everything clear? Then you may start writing.
Are you ready? Let’s listen what ideas you have. Who would like to begin?
P1: I would like to make a group of volunteers and paint some grey dark houses in bright colors.
P2: I would like to create a band and perform for charity.
T: You have such amazing ideas, how clever of you!
4. Переработка мусора. – There are many factories that pollute the air, water, forests and lead to diseases, animals’ dying and become a real disaster. What would you advise to the owners of those factories?
P: To use ecological-friendly materials, to set up filters etc.
T: And what about recycling? Look at the screen [слайд 5], what do you see on these pictures?
P: There are bins for rubbish.
T: They are not common for our country, I should say. Do you see the labels? Paper, plastic, clear glass, green glass. What do they mean?
P: These containers are for special kind of waste.
T: Exactly! But why do people divide the rubbish into special groups?
P: So that it could be recycled easily.
5. Удивительная история переработки стекла. T: Very well! You know that we can get new books from the recycled paper and we don’t need cut the trees at the same time! That is fantastic! And what can the glass be used for? Why are there two bins, clear glass apart from the green? To find the answers to these questions we have a video “The smashing story of recycling Glass”. Before watching, let’s remember some words that will help you to understand the story. We have three teams (1, 2, 3 rows) and three rebuses for every team. Your task is to unravel rebuses in Russian and translate them into English. Is that clear? Let’s start! [Слайд 6] Read these words all together after me.
а) Ребусы – Now, write them in your dictionaries. This is how we work now. Very well! Now, unravel the following rebuses [Слайд 7]. Are you ready? Let’s check. Very well! Don’t forget to rewrite the words. And the last rebuses [Слайд 8]. Do you understand the meanings of all these words?
б) Первый просмотр видео – Put your pens away, now you are ready to watch the video [слайд 9]. Have you understood the story?
в) Заполни пропуски – Now it’s time to work with text on your hang outs and watch the video once more. While watching, you have to fill missed words. (Приложение 2) Are you ready? Let’s start. Have you done? We’ll check, who is the first?


1) endlessly
2) approximately
3) curbside boxes
4) bins
5) depot
6) curbside
7) reprocessing
8) “cullet”
9) raw materials
10) the cycle

г) Что ты понял? – Great job! There are some questions for you on the screen [Слайд 10] Read the first question and answer please.
P1: This story is about recycling glass.
T: Is that right? Very well! Next question.
P2: This story takes place in Devon, the United Kingdom.
T: Good job! Who is the next volunteer?
P3: 200 thousand tones of glass were recycled.
T: Is that true? Thank you, next question!
P4: People can make new bottles, add the cullet into building materials, use it for building roads.
T: Very well! And the last question.
(Several volunteers are asked for the last question).
V. Подведение итогов. – Thank you for your hard work! That was the last task for today. I hope you enjoyed the lesson. Did you like it? What did you like the best of all?
P1: Yes, I liked rebuses, they were funny.
P2: I liked watching the video. I was watching video in English and understood it! It was amazing!
P3: I liked answering the questions, they made me mull over some important things.
T: I liked the lesson too because you were such bright students! Thank you for interesting conversation.
VI. Информация о дом.задании.

1. Выставление отметок.

– Now open your record books and write down the home task. Your task is to write a composition and answer one of the following questions [Слайд 11].
– I’ll give the following marks … to … .
– Thank you for the lesson, good bye!
P: Good bye.