Урок-обобщение по теме "Man the Believer". 10-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 10

Презентация к уроку

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Тема: Человек верующий (Man the Believer).



  • закрепить лексический материал по теме «Человек верующий»;
  • совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения монологической и диалогической речи;
  • совершенствовать навыки поискового чтения, аудирования по теме;
  • отрабатывать навыки постановки вопросов;


  • развивать навыки самостоятельной систематизации материала по теме;
  • развивать творческий потенциал учащихся, интерес к познанию, осознанному и самостоятельному получению информации;
  • развивать умение работать в группе, анализировать информацию, выделять главное, сравнивать;


  • воспитывать уважение к культуре и традициям народов мира;
  • прививать любовь и интерес к изучению иностранного языка;
  • воспитывать активную жизненную позицию, умение слушать и уважать мнение товарища

Оборудование: доска, проектор, компьютор, картины учащихся с изображением дома, сада и т.д.

Используемые технологии: здоровьесберегающая, ИКТ, проектная, элементы технологии развития критического мышления, личностно-ориентированное обучение.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

– Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am very glad to see you here. Do sit down, please.

II. Определение темы урока.

(слайд 1, 2)

– To begin with, I’d like to draw your attention to the smartboard. Please watch a very short slideshow and try to guess the topic we are going to talk about.

– Can you guess the problem? Right we are going to talk about beliefs. Man the Believer – is the topic of the lesson.

III. Речевая разминка. Беседа по теме.

– There are so many countries on the Earth and so many people living on it. We are different. We have different skin colour. We have different political views. We believe in one thing or another.

– What do our beliefs depend on? (character, background, experience)

– What can you say about people who believe in supernatural? (for them the world can’t be explained scientifically is as real as anything)

– Who are fatalists? (they believe that all the events in our life can be predetermined by fate and therefore cannot be altered)

– What do their opponents say? (people themselves make their choices and decisions and responsible for what happens to them)

– Still a great number of people confess religions. What world religions do you know?

– What do you believe in? Why? (the world progress, the postulate “beauty will save the world”, reincarnation, life after death, horoscopes, yourself, love at first sight, the idea that all events are predetermined, the postulate that money and power cannot make you happy, the postulate that every new generation is wiser than the previous one, magic, etc.)

IV. Символы.

(слайд 3)

– No matter what you believe in, you can’t but believe. Belief is of primary importance in our life. We shall start with religions. You have mentioned 4 main religions. Each of them has its symbols, sacred texts and books. Look at the screen, name the symbols and the religion they belong to.

V. Поисковое чтение.

– Apart of sacred buildings, sacred texts they have the places of pilgrimages. What are they? Look through the texts and try to guess the places and the religion. Prove your choice.

1. Lourdes a) a city of Israel, which is of great historical importance to Jews, Christians and Muslims. It has many important places for all these religions, such as the Wailing Wall, the Mount of Olives and the Dome of the Rock, an ancient and very holy Muslim building. This city is regarded by Israel as its capital city, but many Arab people do not accept this.
2. Bethlehem b) a town on the Western Bank of the River Jordan, in Israel, thought to be where Jesus Christ was born.
3. Mecca c) a small town in south-western France where Roman Catholics believe that Saint Bernadette saw the virgin Mary appear. They consider this town a holy place, and many sick people go there because they believe that the water there is holy and has the power to cure them.
4. Jerusalem d) a city in Saudi Arabia where the prophet Muhammad was born. It is considered the holiest city of Islam. People who are not Muslims are not allowed to go there, but every Muslim must try to make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in their lifetime.

VI. Составление диалогов.

– Thank you very much. That was great. Now you can see a table in front of you with some significant words concerning 3 religions. Answer my questions about Islam.

– What is the Muslim Holy Book called? What does this name mеаn?

– Who is the founder of their religion?

– What is а mosque and what is а minaret?

– How often do Muslims pray and what do they use for praying?

– Why is Месса such аn important place for Muslims?

– What is the main Muslim festival called?

Ask you questions about Judaism and Buddhism

(учащиеся задают вопросы «экспертам» по иудаизму и буддизму)

Christianity Islam Judaism Buddhism
  • Jesus Christ
  • Holy Land 2000 years ago
  • Bethlehem
  • to be crucified
  • teach love and fellowship
  • Lent, Christmas, Easter
  • the Catholic Church, the Church of England, the Orthodox Church
  • worship
  • Church, Chapel, Cathedral
  • The Bible
  • Old and New Testament
  • Arabia
  • Muhammad(570-632)
  • Mecca
  • the Koran
  • Allah
  • a mosque
  • a minaret
  • to use prayer mats
  • Ramadan
  • 3500 years old
  • Israel
  • Abraham
  • Jewish people
  • the Torah
  • Moses
  • synagogues
  • Hebrew
  • Rabbis
  • the Sabbath
  • Passover
  • Matzah
  • Pesach
  • 2500 years old
  • Nirvana
  • Siddhartha Gautama
  • Nepal
  • Enlightenment
  • Buddha
  • Temple
  • Cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth
  • meditation

VI. Мини-проект по христианству.

(слайд 4)

– If you mentioned we still haven’t talked about Christianity, the first world religion. Let us listen to the speaker and complete the table with some facts about this religion.

(Who is the founder of Christianity? Where was he born? How did he die? 2. Who are Christians? Why are they called like that? 3. Where do they worship and in what shape are most Christian places of worship built? 4. What parts does the Bible consist of? 5. What are the main Chris­tian holidays? )


– What significant words you have written in your table. Why?

VII. Релаксация. Просмотр видеоролика “Silent Night”.

(слайд 5)

– What are the most important Christian Festivals? What Festival will be celebrated in 4 days? (Christmas)

– Why do Christians celebrate it? (the birth of Christ)

– One of the most popular song at Christmas is a carol called “Silent Night”. Let’s enjoy it all together.


– What did you see in this video? (Mary and Joseph, stable, shepherds (3 Wise Man came to worship the Savior, a star, Bethlehem)

VIII. Чтение и соотнесение текстов о религии.

Match the names of the religions with the facts about them

Christianity Islam Judaism Buddhism

  1. The followers of this religion do not believe that the world that the world was created by God (bud)
  2. In these religions men and women usually don’t worship together. (islam, bud)
  3. This religion is the youngest of all. (islam)
  4. This religion has more followers than the others. (Christ)
  5. According to this religious teaching people can achieve happiness on earth. (bud)
  6. Followers of this religion eat a special type of food during their holiday. (jud)
  7. Followers of this religion try to visit the place where the creator of their religion was born. (islam)
  8. Followers of this religion are allowed to eat only after sunset during one of their holidays. (islam)
  9. Men following this religion cannot be bareheaded when in the place of worship. (jud)
  10. A key concept of this religion says that one of their holy men sacrificed his life for them. (Christ)

IX. Беседа по теме “MYSTERIES”.

– There are some people who do not believe in God but they believe in different mysteries of the world.

– Draw a spidergram called “Mysteries”. What mysteries are people interested in?

– Do you believe in ghosts? UFOs? Loch Ness monster? In dreams and predictions?

– Last time we discussed some psychological tests. Do you believe in them? Look at the pictures, drawn by some students of our school, what can you say about them and their attitudes to life.

– ОБСУЖДЕНИЕ КАРТИНОК (с опорой на стр. 92-93 учебника)

– Are there any mysteries you don’t believe in? (слайд 6)

– Look at the pictures. Match the statements

  • Nobody knows how they were built and why
  • It was found at sea and all the sailors had disappeared
  • Nobody knows where this underwater city was

X. Аудирование по теме.

– Now we are going to listen to four people talking about these mysteries. Listen to four dialogues and choose which pictures show what the people are talking about. (1B, 2A, 3C, 4A)

– What can you see there?

– Let’s check it up.

– Now we shall listen to the dialogues once more and choose the correct answer.

Dialogue 1

The boy …

  1. is surprised to hear about the photographs
  2. doesn’t believe what the girl says
  3. thinks that hunting yeti is wrong

Dialogue 2

Amy is going to…

  1. read more about The Lost City of Atlantis
  2. meet Jackie for a coffee later in the evening
  3. see The Lost City of Atlantis with her other friends

Dialogue 3

The girl doesn’t…

  1. understand the boy’s explanation
  2. have any idea how these things were built
  3. think there isn’t anything mysterious about the buildings

Dialogue 4

When the Marie Celeste was discovered…

  1. the food had mysteriously disappeared
  2. the crew had left unfinished meals
  3. the people were dying of starvation (голодание)

XI. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

– What problems have been discussed today?

– What do you feel about religions and world mysteries?

– What conclusion have we come to?

– We are all religious people, some people believe in God, some people don’t believe. In our society, in our class, in our school there are students of all religions and we should respect each other’s choice, should be tolerant.

– Well done, great job.

XII. Домашнее задание.

(слайд 7)

– Your hometask is to get ready to answer all the questions about religions and mysteries of the world. Ex.44 p.88

– Will you tell me, please, what the main function of the religion is, what it teaches us, people. (They teach us kindness, respect each other, to be tolerant to each other. They teach us live in peace)

– Are you tolerant to each other in the class, at school, in you company?

– So, you are tolerant, but there are some groups of people aren’t tolerant. There are some ways, some ideas of how common people can help to keep peace. Which of them in your opinion are the most effective and why?

Используемая литература:

  1. УМК «Английский язык-10» Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка.
  2. Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylor-Knowles. MacMillan Exam Skills for Russia. Speaking and Listening. Учебное пособие для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку: Говорение. Аудирование.- MacMillan Publishers Limited, 2006.