Открытый урок на английском языке по теме "Health and Medicine"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентация к уроку

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Тип урока: комбинированный

Цели урока:

  • Практическая: формирование коммуникативной компетенции и приобщение к миру медицины;
  • Образовательная: подвести итог знаниям и умениям учащихся в рамках изученной темы;
  • Развивающая: развитие логического мышления, внимания, умения сопоставлять;
  • Воспитательная: воспитывать у учащихся чувство сострадания и милосердия к ближнему, заставить учащихся осознать, как важно заботиться о своём здоровье.

Задачи: совершенствовать у учащихся навыки аудирования и чтения на английском языке с использованием медицинских терминов в рамках подготовки к ЕГЭ и поступления в медицинские вузы.

Оборудование к уроку: ноутбук, проектор, экран, CD-проигрыватель, раздаточный материал (ответные листы).

Этап урока Приёмы и методы Время(мин)
1 Reading Чтение текстов и заполнение пропусков 3 мин
2 Fill in the prepositions Вставить предлоги по смыслу 3 мин
3 Complete the sentences Дополнить предложения словами по смыслу 3 мин
4 Match the parts of the sentences Подобрать предложению его недостающую часть 3 мин
5 Match the words with their definitions Найти значение слова 3 мин
6 Listening Аудирование с опорой на текст 4 мин
7 Paraphrase Переделать предложения, сохранив их смысл 8 мин
8 Word formation Словообразование. Образовать подходящие слова от предложенных. 3 мин
9 Choose the right variant Чтение текста и выбор правильных вариантов из предложенных 3 мин
10 Guess the word Угадай слово, начинающееся с определённой буквы 6 мин
11 Подведение итогов   1 мин

Пояснительная записка

Урок проводится в форме соревнования двух команд, что является сильной формой мотивации. В классе заранее приготовлены парты для команд-участниц. На каждой парте – раздаточные листы для записи ответов. Все материалы урока проецируются на экран.


Ход урока

Вступительное слово учителя.

The topic of our lesson today is health and medicine. Our lesson will be held in a form of a competition between two teams. Let’s look at the plan of our lesson.

Students look at the plan and see what stages it consists of.

The teacher: Read the text and complete the words from the beginning letter. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

Students are given sheets of paper to do the reading.

The teacher: While our jury is checking the points let’s see the answers.

The jury counts the points and gives the number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to fill in the prepositions into the sentences. Your time is limited up to three minutes.

Students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is counting your points let’s see the answers and read them.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the list. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is checking your points let’s look at the answers and read them aloud.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to match the first part with the second part of these sentences. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is checking your points let’s look at the answers and read them aloud.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to match the words with their definitions. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is checking your points let’s look at the answers and read them.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is listening. Listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information in your sheets. You will hear the conversation twice.

The students listen to the conversation and fill in the missing information.

The teacher: While the jury is checking your points let’s look at the answers.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to change the sentences using phrasal verbs so that they could remain similar in meaning. Do not change the given word. You will be given two points for every right answer. Your time will be limited to eight minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is counting your points let’s look at the answers and read them aloud.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is word building. Use the words in the boxes to form one word that fits in the same numbered space in the text. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. Let’s look at the answers and read them aloud while the jury is counting your points.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your next task is to read the text and choose the correct word for each space. Your time will be limited up to three minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. Let’s look at the answers and read them aloud while the jury is checking your points.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Let’s ask the jury about your points.

The jury gives the total number of points.

The teacher: Your last task is to complete the words beginning with the definite letter. They are all parts of a human body. Your time will be limited up to six minutes.

The students are given sheets of paper to do the task.

The teacher: Your time is up. While the jury is checking your answers and counting your points let’s read the answers aloud.

The students read the answers aloud.

The teacher: Now let’s ask the jury about your total score and see which team has won today.

The jury gives the total score.

The teacher gives every student a note and thanks for the lesson.

List of used literature:

  1. Jacky Newbrook, Judith Wison “Pet Gold Exam Maximiser”
  2. N. Kenny, L. Luque-Mortimer “First Certificate Practice Tests Plus 1”
  3. Diana L. Fried-Booth “First Certificate Practice Tests Plus 2”
  4. Nick Kenny, Peter Sunderland “CAE Practice Tests Plus 2”
  5. Luke Prodromou “Grammar and Vocabulary for  first Certificate”