Урок английского языка по теме "Школа". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 5

Презентация к уроку

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Урок в 5 классе по теме “Школа”, учебник “Английский язык нового тысячелетия”

Lesson objectives: Pp will:

  • Be able to talk about school subjects
  • Become aware of cultural differences connected with education

Skills development: Pp will practise:

  • Reading for detail
  • Interviewing each other
  • Learn to deduce the meaning of new words


Active: Russian, English, Literature, Mathematics (Maths), Biology, History, Geography, Technology, Music, PE, IT, Art, subject

Passive: now, leisure, play

Revision: favourite


Active: to be good at...

Revision: What’s your favourite...?

Reading rules: ph [f], ch [k].

I. Warm-up:

Hello my dear friends. I want to say “hello” to you singing a song.

- песня “Hello”

- слова на слайде

Hello, hello, hello,
Hello, how are you?
I like to be with you
And you, and you and you.
La la la la la la la la la la

II. Class:

Take your seats please.

My dear friends today I am your teacher. And you are my pupils. But don’t afraid, it’s only today. My name is Svetlana Alexandrovna and What is your name?

(надеваем бэйджики)

we are going to make an interesting journey to a great and beautiful country. It’s name is SCHOOL. (слайд)

Tell me: SCHOOL.

III. Reading:

People can do a lot in this country. They can write and read, they know alphabet. And we know alphabet too. Lets sing a song “The ABC”

- песня “The ABC”

- слова на слайде

W X Y and Z
Now I know my ABC’s.
Next time won’t you sing with me?

Look, what’s this. (слайд).

Ph [f] Ch [k]
Alphabet School
Photo Technology

Ученик читает правило: (Приложение 1)

В английском языке можно встретить латинские, греческие, французские, немецкие, скандинавские слова, а также слова из других языков, в том числе и из русского. Во многих словах греческого происхождения звук [f] передается сочетанием ph, а звук [k] передается сочетанием ch. Эти слова относятся к группе интернациональных слов. Их значение легко понять.

There are a lot of subjects at school.

Tell me: subject. (слайд).

They are:

Subject - предмет

  • Russian
  • English
  • Literature
  • Mathematics (Maths)
  • Biology
  • History
  • Geography
  • Technology
  • Music
  • PE (Physical Education)
  • IT (Information Technology)


Let’s read them.

IV. Group. To practice new vocabulary.

I have got a map of the country SCHOOL by name. What subjects are there in it? Look at your badges. If it is red, you come here. If it is green, you go there.

Open the map. Look at the pictures and find the right name.

(Карта страны “Школа” изображена на листе формата А3 в виде контура выдуманного государства, в беспорядке на ней изображены картинки (Приложение 2) с изображением школьных предметов, стикеры с названием предметов выдаются детям для работы (Приложение 3). Дети приклеивают стикеры около подходящих картинок.)

Физ. минутка:

You are very clever boys and girls. Let’s clap your hands. And sing a song “Clap your hands”

- песня “Clap along with me”

- слова на слайде

Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap along with me.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap along with me.
Clap a little faster now,
Clap along with me.
Clap a little faster now,
Clap along with me.
Clap a little slower now,
Clap along with me.
Clap a little slower now,
Clap along with me.

V. Class, Individual / chain. To practice the pronunciation of the new vocabulary.

When we come to a new place, we take a map ask the question: “What is this?”

Let’s play the game “What subject is it?”

Дети по одному берут картинку и задают вопрос, остальные отвечают (Приложение 4).

VI. Coctail. To practice asking about favourite subject

My dear friends, I like English very much. My favourite subject is English.

What’s your favourite subject?

Каждому ребенку раздается карточка и он начинает интервьюировать своих друзей (Приложение 5)

  Leonid Anton Kostya Katya

What’s your my favourite subject?

My favourite subject is .....

My favourite subjects are ......

Anton’s favourite subject(s) is (are)......

Leonid’s favourite subject(s) is (are)......

Kostya’s favourite subject(s) is (are)......

Katya’s favourite subject(s) is (are)......

VII. Individual. To practice reporting about favourite subjects.

Who can make a report?

VIII. Class. To introduce the new structure.

Open your books at page 47, Ex. 6.

Look at Dima’s diary, listen to the text and try to guess what it is about.

Read the text and answer the question: “What is Dima’s favourite subject?”

IX. Class. To practice speaking about progress in school subjects.

Когда англичане говорят о себе, что у них есть способности к какому-либо предмету, они используют структуру I am good at ...

Когда англичане говорят о другом человеке, что у него есть способности к какому-либо предмету, они используют структуру He (She) is good at...

Когда англичане говорят о нескольких людях, что у них есть способности к какому-либо предмету, они используют структуру They are good at ...

Let’s play the game “What subject are you good at?” (ИГРА С МЯЧОМ)

Make the round, take the ball, throw it and ask: “What subject are you good at?” and you answer “I am good at ...

X. Homework. To practice writing about progress in school subjects.

Ex.9, p. 47

At home write what subjects the pupils are good at.

Our trip is finished. Now you know what a beautiful country school is and you like it very much. You are very clever boys and girls; you have got only fives today. Thank you very much. At the end let’s sing the song “Good bye, little friend.”

- песня “Good bye, Little Friend.”

- слова на слайде

Little friend, goodbye to you.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye to you.
May our Lord bless you!
May our Lord bless you!
See you, see you, see you again,
See you again.

The lesson is over. Bye, bye.

Упражнение, если время останется. Составить предложение из карточек (Приложение 6).

What is your favourite subject?

My favourite subject is English.