Урок английского языка по теме "At the match". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Класс: 7

Презентация к уроку

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Используемый УМК: «HappyEnglish. ru» авторы: К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман

Цель: повышение коммуникативной и познавательной активности обучающихся по теме «Спорт».

Задачи урока:

  • Ознакомить учащихся с новой спортивной терминологией.
  • Развивать навыки  поискового чтения и чтения с полным пониманием текста.
  • Формировать и развивать грамматические навыки по теме Present Perfect
  • Tense, языковые речевые умения в устной речи на базе прочитанного текста, навыки восприятия иноязычной речи на слух.
  • Способствовать формированию положительного отношения к спорту, умению работать с партнером, умению слушать других, уважать их точку зрения.
  • Пропагандировать здоровый образ жизни.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Форма организации деятельности учащихся: фронтальная,  парная, дифференцированная.

Методы обучения: объяснительно-иллюстративный, репродуктивный, частично-поисковый, обучение в сотрудничестве.

 Технологии обучения: развивающее обучение, информационно- коммуникативнаятехнология, здоровьесберегающая технология,  личностно-ориентированное обучение.

Оснащение урока: текст (зрительно) “Atthematch”,  карточки с новыми словами, микротекст (аудитивно) “Misha’sattack”, карточки
для занесения информации, полученной в процессе аудирования, карточки с диалогами.

 Оборудование: интерактивная SMART-доска, компьютер, проектор, мультимедийная презентация в MS POWERPOINT, магнитофон.                                   

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Goodmorning, pupils. I’m glad to see you again.

Pupils:    Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see too.

Teacher: Thank you. You may take your sits. Pupils, who can tell us the name of the unit we are learning these days?

Pupil 1:    Sports.

Teacher:  Right you are. And today we’ll continue talking about sports.

Today on our lesson we shall:
watch your presentations;
consolidate the building of exclamatory sentences;
learn new words and expressions;
read the text and do the tasks;
complete the dialogues

But firstly I want to know how sporty you are. Answer my questions, please.

Do you play any kinds of sports?

Pupils :   Yes, I do.

Teacher: What sport do you play?

Pupil 2: I play basketball.

Pupil 3: I play football.

Pupil 4: I play tennis.

Pupil 5:  I do taekwondo.

Teacher: Have you ever taken part in any competitions?

Pupil 6: Yes, I have. I’ve taken part in the swimming competitions.

Pupil 7:  I’ve taken part in tennis competitions.

Pupil 8: I played volleyball for the school cup.

 II.  Проверкадомашнегозадания.

Teacher: OK, pupils, it was warming-up and you did it perfectly. And now I’d like you to demonstrate your presentations about sport clubs in our school. May be, some pupils after your adverts will join them. The rest pupils, be ready to express your attitude towards the projects. The first presentation is about our school football club. It’s Maxim’s presentation. I know, Max, that you are the fan of some Russian and foreign football players. Tell us about your favourite sport.

Pupil 1: Do you need a challenge? We have one for you! Our team is called the best one in this season. We need a new player for our football team. You must be really fit and fast and you will learn quickly. Come every day from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Teacher: The next presentation is about taekwondo club. Valera, you are welcome to demonstrate your presentation.

Pupil 2:  Do you want to live dangerously?  Taekwondo is a beautiful and exciting sport,
but it is also hard work! If you are super brave, super strong and super enduring come and train with us! Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Teacher: Natasha, advertise your basketball club.

Pupil 3: For boys and girls of any age. Everybody is welcome. If you join us, you will find the best friends you have ever had. You’ll become stronger, faster and taller. If you have a great desire and shooting talent our school basketball club is a good place to start
Every day from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Teacher:Asel says that she attends the school table-tennis club with pleasure and we are also ready to listen to you with pleasure.

Pupil 4: Table tennis is for you if you want to make your life smarter better, faster and wiser. Do you know that table tennis became a medal Olympic sport in the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul? Do you know how many balls two players can hit back and forth in 60 seconds? Do you know that China, Sweden and South Korea are currently the world powers in table tennis? We wait for you in our school Tennis Club from Tuesday to Friday at 5 p.m.

Teacher: Pupils, we've just listened and watched four presentations.  Now I want you to give your own opinions about them and these expressions will help you to make up sentences.
•  I like the idea of  Ving
•  He/she gave a good description of …
•  He/she offered a clear / poor explanation of
•  Now I want to join … club.

Pupil 1: I liked Natasha’s presentation because she gave a good description of basketball club.  I want to be as tall as Natasha.

Pupil 2: I like the idea of playing tennis. I also want to be alert as Asel.

Pupil 3: I liked Max’s presentation because he offered clear explanation of football club and I want to join our school football club.

Teacher:  Good job, pupils. Your presentations were wonderful. And I’m glad that some of your classmates decided to join the clubs you’ve presented.
At the previous lesson we learned how to build exclamatory sentences?
At home you had to do the ex. 1 on page 34 in your work books. One of you come to the blackboard and write down the sentences on it.
And the other pupils tell me what an exclamatory sentence is? Что выражают восклицательные предложения.

Pupil 1: Восклицательные предложения выражают внезапную эмоцию и показывают чувства человека.

Teacher: Right you are. Any sentence expresses sudden emotion and strong feelings is called an exclamatory sentence. С чего начинается такой тип предложения?

Pupil 2:Cо слова “what”

Teacher:  А чем заканчивается? 

Pupil 3:  Восклицательным знаком.

Teacher:   Что следует за словом “what”?

Pupil 4:  Артикль “a/an”, если существительное исчисляемое и в единственном числе
For example: What a funny kitten!

Teacher: Всегда ли мы используем артикль “a/an”?

Pupil 5: Нет. Если в предложении существительное неисчисляемое или оно во множественном числе, то никакой артикль не употребляется.
For example: What exciting games!
(Проверка домашнего письменного упражнения)

Teacher:   Children, you can ask me why we learn this type of sentences and I answer you because the text which we are going to read is full of the exclamatory sentences. Youwillnoticethemwhilereading.

III.  Раскрытие новой темы при помощи названий видов спорта.

Teacher: And now, pupils, I’d like you to find out the theme of our lesson today. You will know it if you write down the names of the sports alongside of these pictures.
What is the name of this kind of sport? How do we call this sport? Do you know how to write the name of this sport?
Now let’s check your ideas. Read the first letters of each word. You have discovered the secret! So the theme of our lesson today is “At the match”.

IV.  Ознакомление с новыми словами и выражениями.

Teacher: The first step of working on this theme is learning of new words and expressions.Children, look at the board. Here you can see some word combinations, and their translations. But they are mixed. Your task is to match them. Read the word or expression in English and try to find its Russian equivalent. 

brilliantly - [′briliəntli] – замечательно
to make a save - [tәmeik a seiv] – спастиворота
pass - [pas] – пас
to dodge - [dodз] – обводить
toblock - [blok] – блокировать
towards - [tə′wo:dz] – по направлению к
to hit-  [hit] – ударять
to be in possession - [pə′zəSn ] – владетьмячом
to have a clear field - [hǽv ə kliəfi:ld] – иметьпередсобойоткрытоепространство
tobeanatural - [bi ə nǽtSərl] – быть прирожденным (футболистом, хоккеистом)
to miss - [mis] – промахиваться
to dive - [daiv] – бросатьсякмячу
Excellent work. Let’s repeat them in chorus after the speaker. Well done, boys and girls. 

V.  Физкультминутка. Песенка «HokeyCokey»

Teacher:  You’ve worked hard and now it’s time to have a little rest. Let’s sing the song “Hokey Cokey” and do some physical exercises.

VI.  Работа с текстом «На футбольном матче»

Teacher: Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. We’ve done some physical exercises and now let’s read the text 3 on p.179. In this text Mr. Smart’s comments the final match for the St David’s cup. Pupils, pay attention that he uses the Present Simple in his speech. As a rule the Present Simple or the Present Progressive tenses are used in sports commentaries. You will read it by paragraphs and after each paragraph you’ll do the task. 

Teacher: Let’s do the first task. Find the right ending to each sentence. Be careful one ending is odd.

Paragraph 1

Complete the sentences using the endings given below.

1. The Bears are playing brilliantly because …
2. The Tigers are really nervous because …
3. Mr. Smart doesn’t believe that the score is still nil-nil because …
4. The goalkeeper of the Tigers is very good because …
5. The Tigers have no chance today because …
there is only a little time till the end of the match.
he has saved his goal ten times.
their team is much weaker than their opponents.
their excellent leader has left the team.
he is a great defender.
they are the best football players at school.

Answer key

1. The Bears are playing brilliantly because they are the best football players at school.
2. The Tigers are really nervous because their excellent leader has left the team.
3. Mr. Smart doesn’t believe that the score is still nil-nil because there is only a little time till the end of the match.
4. The goalkeeper of the Tigers is very good because he has saved his goal ten times.
5. The Tigers have no chance today because their team is much weaker than their opponents.
The odd one is: he is a great defender.

Teacher: You are on your way. And now we continue reading.  Read the second paragraph.
Here you can see four sentences and three variants of translations to each of them. Your task is to choose the right translation. Read the sentence and read the translation which you think is proper.

Paragraph 2

Choose the right translation.

1. O’Neillinpossession.
A.  О. Нейл занимает позицию.
B.  О. Нейл владеет мячом.
C.  О. Нейл на позиции.

2. He has a clear field.
A.  Перед ним открытое пространство.
B.  Он очищает себе путь.
С.   У него чистое поле.

3. Stabber dives after the ball.
А. Стаббер ныряет за мячом.
В. Стаббер занимается подводным плаванием.
С. Стаббер бросается к мячу.

4. O’ Neilmisses.
А. О. Неил промахивается.
B. О. Неил пропускает мяч.
C. О. Неил теряет мяч.

Answer key
1B, 2A, 3C, 4A

Teacher: Remarkable job. Let’s read the third paragraph. Look at the blackboard. There are 3 sentences for this task. Firstly let’s revise in our minds the formula of the Present Perfect Tense.

Pupil 1: have/has V3/Ved

Teacher: You leaned it right. Practice makes perfect. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Present Perfect Tense.

Paragraph 3

Open the brackets and put the verbs in the Present Perfect Tense.

1. The attack ______ __________ (not finish) yet.
2. Harrison _____ already ________ (hit) the ball.
3. Stabber _____ just _________ (save) his goal.

Answer key
1. The attack has not finished yet.
2. Harrison has already hit the ball.
3. Stabber has just saved his goal.

Teacher: Pupils, you’ve made me happy. Now we have come to the last paragraph. And I offer you to listen to it. Close your books, take cards with the task. On your cards there is the last paragraph with some missing words. These words have jumped in the goal like balls. Let’s read them. While listening you will fill in the gaps with these words. But before listening I’ll give you 15 second to look through the text. Have you got any questions? Is the text clear to you? Now listen to the text.

Paragraph 4 Listening

Fill in the missing words.
But the bears don’t give up easily. Another attack.Inin _________  it. Now there will be a _______. What’s happening? Inin wants to attack. What a stupid idea! Let’s watch him. Inin is still in _______.  Inin is running  _________  the Bears’ goal. The defenders are ready. Fantastic!  Inin ________ Morrison. I don’t believe it. He dodges Flint and Carrington! What an excellent move! The boy is a natural. Inin ______  the ball AND HE SCORES!!!
What a game! The Tigers have won for the first time in twenty years.

Answer key
But the bears don’t give up easily. Another attack.Ininblocks it. Now there will be a pass. What’s happening? Inin wants to attack. What a stupid idea! Let’s watch him. Inin is still in possession.  Inin is running towards the Bears’ goal. The defenders are ready. Fantastic!  Inindodges Morrison. I don’t
СатеноваЖ.А. 203-175-311

believe it. He dodges Flint and Carrington! What an excellent move! The boy is a natural. Ininhits the ball AND HE SCORES!!!
What a game! The Tigers have won for the first time in twenty years.
Teacher: Pupils have you finished? Change your cards with your desk mates, check your ideas. Put the marks according to this criterion:

Quantity of correct answers








Less than 3


Teacher: Pupils, may be you have noticed in this text some adverbs, such as: brilliantly, quickly, easily. Whocantellus как образуются наречия образа действия?

Pupil 1: Наречия образа действия образуются путём прибавления суффикса  -ly к прилагательному и отвечают на вопрос как, каким образом.

VIII. Составление диалогов на закрепление наречий /прилагательных.

Teacher: The next stage of our lesson is the consolidation of adverbs of manners and new words. On your desks you have cards with dialogues. Pay attention that they are of two colours. On the yellow cards there are the words of the first speaker and on the green cards the words of the second speaker. Your task is to
find a partner to your dialogue. At the end of some sentences you can see two words in the brackets, one of which is the adjective and the other is the adverb. Choose the right word which fits to the sentence and complete the dialogues. Let’s read the dialogues.

Dialogue 1

 – Yes, I agree with him. I think that the Tigers played (nervous/ nervously) because their great forward
Ben Black left their team.
– More than that the Bears played (brilliant/ brilliantly).
– I’m of the same opinion. And the game was (exciting/ excitingly).

 Dialogue 2

–  I want to say that the match was really (difficult/ difficultly) both for the Tigers and  for the Bears.
–  But the Bears didn’t give up (easy/ easily).
– You are right. And what a (brilliant/ brilliantly) goalkeeper is Jim Stabber!
– Yes, he is. He made ten (fantastic/fantastically) saves.

 Dialogue 3

– When Misha ran (quick/ quickly) towards the Bears goal I didn’t believe that it was a good idea.
– Neither did I. To my mind everybody was shocked when he dodged three defenders. And he did it
(excellent/ excellently).
– I absolutely agree with you. I was (great/ greatly) surprised when he scored.

Teacher: In conclusion I’d like you to look through the text once more, find and read all exclamatory sentences in the text. What wonderful pupils you are! Open your day books and write down your homework. Ex. 1 p 179 Write down the new words in your vocabularies and learn them by heart. Ex.7 p. 181 Imagine that you are the journalists take an interview with the questions given in the exercise. Our lesson is coming to its end I want to tell that during the lesson you tried and worked hard. I am proud of you. You’ve brightened my day.