Викторина "USA"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цель: закрепление изученного материала по теме “США”; тренировка навыков устной речи по теме; обобщение страноведческого материала.


Организационный момент

For some time we have been learning many interesting things about the USA. You’ve got to know that the USA is the richest and highly developed country in the world. It stretches from one coast to another.

So, today we are going to play. What do you know about the USA?

Проведение викторины.

Step 1.

On every right answer you’ll have 5 points. Answer the questions:

  1. Where does the name “America” come from? (It comes from the name of cartographer Amerigo Vespucci who prepared the first maps of the southern part of the New World).
  2. What is the capital of the USA? (Washington).
  3. What language do they speak in the USA? (No official language).
  4. Which is the largest state in the USA? (Alaska).
  5. Who gave the Statue of Liberty to the USA? (France gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States in the nineteenth century).
  6. When is Presidents’ day in the USA? (The 20th of February).
  7. How is the American flag called? (Old Glory).

Step 2.

Name the places and you will get 10 points.

Places: Hollywood Walk Of Fame, Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore, Sears Tower, Niagara Falls, Times Square, Times Square).

Step 3.

Guessthehero. (учащиеся воспринимают на слух мини-тексты и определяют их главных героев.На обдумывание дается 30 секунд).You’ll get 8 points.

Step 4.


  1. Washington D. C. is situated in.... (Columbia)
  2. The first Native Americans were called...(Indians)
  3. Piligrims’ ship was called ...(Mayflowers)
  4. The Declaration of Independence was written on... (July)
  5. In what state is Hollywood situated? (California)
  6. The ocean which the USA is washed by on the east is... (Atlantic)
  7. The ocean which the USA is washed by on the west is... (Pacific)
  8. The biggest state of the USA is... (Texas)
  9. Grand Canyon is situated in... (Arizona)
  10. What do the stars symbolize on the US flag? (states)

Step 5.

Imagen your own state. Give the name to your state, draw a symbol and interesting places. Say about it. The best team will take 15 points to everyone.

Заключительный этап

Подведение итогов, подсчитываются баллы.