People's Appearance (описание людей, внешность)

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Презентация к уроку

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Цели и задачи урока, целевая аудитория

Данный урок разработан по теме: “People’s Appearance (Описание людей. Внешность)”. Продолжительность урока – 90 минут.

Учащиеся – студенты 2-го курса ГОУ СПО. Уровень учащихся от Elementary до Pre-intermediate.

Цель урока: в результате изучения данной темы учащиеся смогут описывать внешность людей, используя тематическую лексику, необходимую грамматику и стиль речи.

Задачи урока:

  1. обучающая задача – формирование у учащихся навыков и умений описывать внешность людей, используя тематическую лексику, глаголы to be, to have, в соответствии с предложенным стилем речи;
  2. развивающая задача – совершенствование лексических, грамматических и речевых навыков и умений, ознакомление учащихся с разными стилями речи и соответственно стилями описания внешности;
  3. воспитательная задача – формирование у учащихся социокультурных компетенций.

Тип урока: урок изучения нового материала.

Оборудование: доска, компьютер, проектор (к уроку прилагается слайд-шоу).

План урока прилагается.

Ход урока

Условные обозначения: S – студент, Ss – несколько студентов/все студенты, T – учитель, G – группа студентов, P – пара студентов.

I. Greeting and checking the presents/absents. 1-2 min.

II. Lead-in (to introduce the topic, to motivate the learners). 5 min

T: Look at the photos (slide 2). What can you see in the photos?

S: People.

T: Are they of different age?

S: Yes, they are.

T: Are they of different sex?

S: Yes, they are.

T: Are they of different nationalities?

S: Yes, they are.

T: Are they alike?

S: No, they aren’t.

T: How did you know about this?

S: They look like differently. They have different appearance.

T: You are right. This lesson we are to remember how to describe people’s appearance, to know some knew words and to learn in what ways you can describe people. So, the topic of our lesson is … (showing (slide 3))

S: “People’s appearance”.

III. Eliciting (to revise known topic lexis). 3 min

T: What do people usually describe if they want to get known how this or that person looks like? (showing (slide 4))

Ss give their ideas.

T: Let’s check your ideas. Look at this slide (showing (slide 5)).

IV. Presentation (to present new topic words, to drill their pronunciation, to explain their meaning). 16-18 min

T: Now look at these words (showing (slide 6)). Match the words, which you know, to the headings from the scheme. Do it in pairs 5 minutes.

T (in 5 minutes): Which words are unknown for you?

S: A dark complexion, a scar, a birth-mark, pimples, a pony-tail, chestnut.

T: (slide 7) You have these words on the left and what they mean on the right. Match them.

S (in 1-2 min): 1-3, 2-4, 3-5, 4-1, 5-2, 6-6.

Then T asks CCQ (Concept Checking Questions) to be aware that all students understand the meaning of the new words, e.g. Is a dark complexion about people’s character? Is a dark complexion about people’s appearance? Is it a colour of the skin? Is this colour light or dark?) and Ss answer. T asks Ss to repeat these words all together. (5 min)

T: Finish your scheme with the new words.

T (in 1-2 min): What have you got?

S: Hair: …, nose: …, … general appearance: ….

T: Everything is right. You can compare your results (showing (slide 8)).

T: In “General Appearance” there are some words. Order them from the most negative to the most positive like in the slide (showing (slide 9)). Do it individually 2 min.

T: What is your order?

S: Ugly, plain, good-looking, handsome, beautiful.

T: Is there any difference between ‘handsome’ and ‘beautiful’?

S: Yes, there is. ‘Handsome’ is about men and ‘beautiful’ is about women.

T: Absolutely right. And we order these words like this (showing (slide 10)).

V. Practice (to memorize new words, to teach Ss how to use them in collaboration with other words, how to use them in different styles of speech, to organize pair work). 25-27 min.

T: Look at these sentences and pictures (showing (slide 11)). Your task is to match the sentences to the pictures. One picture is odd. Do it individually 2 minutes.

T (in 2 min): What is your result? Read the sentences and name the pictures.

S: ‘He has a dark complexion, dark hair and a scar on his face.’- Picture F, ‘…’ – Picture B, … .

T: Do you agree? Now you are to finish the given sentences with your own words (showing (slide 12)). You can do it in pairs 5 minutes.

P (in 5 minutes): 1) This man is only 1 metre 52. He’s quite short. 2) Every morning she twisted her hair into a bun. … 10) She has a small snub nose, like a knob.

T: Slide 13 shows the right answers (showing (slide 13)). Now you can see 3 people (slide 14). Tell me what they look like. The students in the first row will describe the left picture, the second row will describe the middle one and the third – the right one. Each student is to say a sentence. Do it in chain. Try do describe all points from slide 5 (showing (slide 5). The first row, begin.

Ss (in 10-12 min): say their sentences one by one.

T: We remembered how we described people last year. But people’s appearance can be described differently. Look at slide 15 (slide 15). You can see some styles of texts. Are people described similarly in these texts?

S: No, they aren’t.

T: You have 3 texts. Briefly read these texts by yourself and choose their styles from given in slide 15.

S (in 2 min): Text1 – a police report, Text2 – a novel, Text3 – an article.

T: Yes, it is right. The styles of these texts are different and, therefore, people are described differently. Now in pairs read Text1 and in 2 minutes say what information makes this text a police report. Find 5 points as shown in slide 16 (showing (slide 16)).

P (in 2 min): gives his/her answer.

T: Let’s check (showing (slide 17)). Of course, the main point here is the appearance of the person. What does the police report tell us about the two criminals? What do they look like? Can you read?

S: reads.

T: What points of appearance are described here? In pairs, 2 minutes to find 7 points (showing (slide 18)).

P (in 2 min): Age, height, …, clothes.

T: (slide 19) This slide shows these points. So you know what information a police report contains and how to describe people’s appearance and now you can do very important work. I am giving you 3 pictures. Don’t show them to anybody.

VI. Production (to encourage students to describe people’s appearance in groups using a certain style (a police report), to organize work in groups). 17 min.

T: Work in groups of four. Each group has got a picture. Your task (showing (slide 20)): “The person from the picture is wanted by the police. You saw that person and now can help the police to describe his or her appearance and the details of the incident. You have 15 minutes. If the police get all necessary information, they will find that person.”

So, you have 15 minutes to write a police report where you must describe your person and what happened with him or her. For presenting you will get 3 minutes. Whose report will be more detailed and the portrait will be more relevant to the person in the picture, that group will win. Don’t show your picture to other groups.

Then T asks ICQ (Instruction Checking Questions) to be aware that all students understand the final task.

T: How many students are there in each group?

G: 4.

T: How much time are you to write your police report?

G: 15 minutes.

T: Are you to write what the person looks like in details?

G: Yes, we are.

T: Are you to write what happened to the person?

G: Yes, we are.

T: Are you allowed to show your picture to others?

G: No, we aren’t.

VII. Presentation (to demonstrate the result of students’ work, to check their work, to motivate students for the future creative work). 13 min.

T (in 15 min): You are ready and can present your police reports. Do you remember each group has 3 minutes to do it? At first, stick your picture on the board. Now you may show it everybody. Then read your report. As for the rest students, each one should listen to each group, compare the portrait of the person in their report and picture and put your mark to it: “very detailed”, “rather detailed”, “not very detailed”. Let us begin and remember: 3 minutes and put your marks.

G1 (3 min): …

T: Thank you. Students, have you put your marks? OK, the next, please.

G2 (3 min): …

T: Thank you. Have you put your marks to this portrait? G3 is wellcome.

G3 (3 min): …

T: Thank you. Each group has done very good work. You are very attentive witnesses. But each portrait has got your marks. What are they to G1? Who put “very detailed”, raise your hands.

Ss raise their hands and T counts and asks Ss to raise their hands for “rather detailed” and then for “not very detailed”. T repeats this procedure twice to know students’ marks to G2 and G3.

T: And the best portrait and, therefore, police report is of … . The police will find your person by all means.

VIII. Feedback (to give T’s feedback and marks). 2-3 min

At this stage T analyzes the students’ mistakes and explains them to the class group.

IX. Homework. 1-2 min

It would be logical if T gives homework which helps students to work on their mistakes. Also, it would be logical if T gives a home task to learn the new words and make up some sentences with them.

X. Comments

Комментарии к уроку

Урок построен на основе методов PPP (Presentation/Practice/Production) и TBL (Task Based Learning).

Использован метод PPP, так как на данном уроке учащиеся знакомятся с новой тематической лексикой и учатся использовать ее, выполняя различные упражнения.

Так как на стадии Production учащиеся выполняют творческое задание и выполняют его в группе (количество учащихся в группе может меняться, но оптимальный состав – 3-5 человек), то преподавателю необходимо тщательно подготовить их для подобного задания, выполнить Pre-task задания. После выполнения творческого задания учащиеся имеют возможность продемонстрировать полученные результаты, свои речевые навыки и умения. При этом они могут сравнить работы всех групп и оценить их. В то же время преподаватель может оценить работы, выявить недочеты и слабые места и затем провести с учащимися работу над ошибками. Данная работа может быть выполнена в классе, на следующем уроке или дома.

Таким образом, для выполнения данного творческого задания или Task, учащиеся выполняют Pre-Task и Post-Task задания, что соответствует методу TBL.

Однако, если темп урока кажется быстрый и на выполнение заданий учащимся требуется большее количество время, то преподаватель может завершить урок объяснением творческого задания и задать его в качестве домашней работы. При этом задание может выполняться индивидуально, в парах или группе.


  1. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell. English Vocabulary in Use/Elementary/Second Edition. – Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  2. Raymond Murphy. Essential Grammar in USE/Third Edition. – Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  3. Oxford English Dictionary/Third edition. – Oxford University Press, 2000.
  4. Моэм У. Сомерсет. Театр. Книга для чтения на англ.яз. – М., Издательство “Менеджер”, – 304 с.
  5. Michael Jackson. Moonwalk. – Doubleday, 1988.
  6. Интернет-сайт: