Урок "Table manners"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Образовательная цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции.

Развивающая цель: развитие способности к догадке, коммуникабельности, способность осуществлять репродуктивные и продуктивные речевые действия.

Воспитательная цель: воспитание культуры поведения за столом.

Задачи: введение лексики по теме, ознакомление с модальным глаголом “should”, развитие диалогической речи, развитие навыков чтения с извлечением необходимой информации.

Ход урока

T. Good morning, my dear pupils. I hope everyone is OK today, so let’s begin our lesson.

Today we’ll talk about table manners. (Слайд № 1. Презентация) To begin with, I want to give you the definition of this term. So, table manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which may also include the appropriate use of utensils. (Столовые приборы). I’m sure you’re well-bred and know how to behave at the table, but there is still something new to learn about table manners. Therefore, our lesson’s objectives are to learn the table manners and to practice using lesson vocabulary. (Слайд № 2)

Now I want you to look at the screen. There you see lesson vocabulary. Let’s read and translate them one by one. (Слайд № 2). (Pupils are reading and translating new words and expressions).

T. Well done! Try to memorize these words and expressions during the lesson. Now I’ll show you the pictures and you should name them. (Слайд № 3). What is it?

Pupils’ possible answers “This is a dessert spoon”. ….

T. Great job! Well done!

It is important to know how to set the table, especially if you want to invite guests. You see the model on the screen, so try to make up the rules of setting the table using the model. Remember: “to the right of ” – справа от, “to the left of” –слева от. So, you are welcome! (слайд № 3). (Pupils are making up sentences using the model.)

T. Excellent! I’m satisfied with your sentences. Well done!

Today we’ll get to know the modal verb “Should/shouldn’t”. So, "Should/ shouldn’t" is most commonly used to make recommendations or give advice. For example: You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables to be healthy. You shouldn’t waste food. As you see, my pupils, in these sentences I give advice. Also, remember, “should” is used without the particle “to”. Let’s do the exercise given on the screen. Fill in the blanks with should/ shouldn’t (Слайд № 4)

T. Hey, you are doing your best! Well done! I see you understand our topic. Besides, you’ve made up table manners. Whenever you sit at the table, please do remember all these table manners, OK?! Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people who don’t follow the table manners. For example, Lou’s grandchildren. She is taking her grandchildren out for a meal. However, they don’t have good table manners. Look at the picture and give a piece of advice to each of them. (Student’s book, page 188 ex. № 19).

T. Thank you, pupils. Let’s hope Lou’s grandchildren will behave properly at the table.

Now, I want to draw your attention to the screen. Here is the dialogue “Pat and Anne want to make shortbread biscuits.” Your task is to put sentences A-E in the correct place. (слайд № 5).

T. Excellent job! I’ve prepared a story about table manners for you. Now we’ll read it and then answer the questions. The story is rather difficult, so I’d like to introduce some new words. Let’s read and translate them. (Слайд № 6)

Table Manners

Story by Andrew Frinkle

Thomas burped loudly at the table. Father chuckled. Grandma shook her head disapprovingly.

“Thomas!” His mother growled, eying her husband grumpily as well. She’d quite had enough of this behavior, and decided to finally fix it.

He burped again, and then he wiped his mouth on the table cloth. “Man, I am so charming!” He chuckled.

“Thomas, unless you want to do the laundry AND you want to start eating out of a dog bowl, I suggest you find some manners.”

“Like what?” Thomas groaned, leaning on the table with both elbows.

“Elbows off the table.”

Thomas lifted his elbows and fidgeted with his napkin.

“The napkin goes on your lap,” Mother ordered, “and no eating with your fingers.”

Thomas sighed and did those two things, too. Peeking out of the corner of his eye at his mom, he grabbed his spoon and started shoveling food into his mouth with his face about two inches off the table. Speed-eating was fun. He liked to see how much he could get into his mouth at once.

“Try using a fork, sitting up, and closing your mouth when you chew. If you can’t get the fork to your lap, you are overloading it”. Mother said.

“Then it takes forever to eat and I want to go watch TV. ”Thomas whined.

“You will eat properly, and you will stay and have a discussion with us until we are all done with our meals. Eat slowly and neatly, and then help me clear the dishes”.

“But…” Thomas began to protect.

“Dog bowl?” mother ordered.

“No, thank you.” Thomas said softly.

T. It’s very funny story, isn’t it? Do you like it? Now choose the correct answer to the questions using the information in the story.

1. What does Thomas do wrong at the beginning of the story?

A. He picks his nose.

B. He farts.

C. He burps.

D. He chews with his mouth open.

2. How does his father feel about Thomas’s behavior?

A. He thinks it is scary.

B. He thinks it is funny.

C. He is angry about it.

D. He doesn’t care.

3. Which of these is NOT one of Mother’s suggestions?

A. Chew with your mouth closed.

B. Use a knife to eat your peas.

C. Sit up straight.

B. Put your napkin on your lap.

4. Which of these IS one of Mother’s suggestions?

A. Never pass dishes to your left.

B. Put your napkin on your plate.

C. Say “Thank you!” after meal.

D. Elbows off the table.

T. Well, pupils, today we’ve talked about table manners. You see, you can’t enjoy your meal if someone doesn’t follow table manner. (Слайд № 7) In conclusion, I want you to remember all these rules and be well-bred in all aspects. Thank you for an excellent lesson! Take care and good bye!