Урок английского языка "How things used to be". 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цель урока: совершенствование коммуникативных навыков и умений.

Задачи урока: развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи,аудирования с целью извлечения информации,чтения с пониманием основного содержания,закрепление грамматического материала.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Приветствие. Good morning ,boys and girls !Today we are going to speak about states and habits in the past.

II. Warm-up activity. Look at the pictures. Can you name all the things ? (Showing the pictures with a slate, an ink pot, a penholder, a fountain-pen ,a ball-point pen, a piece of chalk, an exercise-book ,a calculator, a computer/)

Do you know what they are for? What were they for? Do we have them nowadays?

III. Reading for scanning. Read the text and say: Was the school different one hundred years ago ?What was different? What was the same?

Schools many years ago

One hundred years ago schools were very different. Children did not wear their everyday clothes to school. They learned to read write and do mathematics. They had History and Geography but they didn't learn Science. They used to write on slates with chalks. When the children finished their work, they cleaned their slates with a rag so that they could write on them again and again. When they were older, children learned to write with pens and ink. They didn't have biros or crayons like children today. They didn't have many books as they were very expensive. Teachers were very strict. If the children were naughty, they had to stand in the corner. They did exercises in the playground. The teacher blew a whisle and the children used to bend down and stretch up in time to the whistle. They didn't do sports like basketball or volleyball or football or table tennis.

IV. Reading for detail. Read and say: true or false?

a). Boys and girls used to go to school.

b). They used to wear uniforms.

c). They used to learn Science.

d). Teachers were not strict.

e). They did exercises in the classroom.

f). They used to do a lot of sports.

g). They had a lot of books.

h). Younger children used to write with pens and ink.

V. Speaking.

1.Think about yourself when you were little and finish a sentence: When I was five I used to... ( playing a game: “Don't break a chain”.)

2. Working in pairs. Make up short dialogues with your partner, ask him or her about his or her habits in the past, let him or her answer your questions, then change over.

3. Describing a picture .(Рисунок 1)Look at Mr Porter. Many years ago he was very rich, but now he is poor. So say what he used to do when he was rich.

4. Making up statements about other people's habits or states in the past .Think about your parents or grandparents. What did they use to do in their childhood?

VI. Listening .

1. Now listen to the old ladies' talking and find out what Mrs Brown used to do when she was young.

Old ladies' talking

Mrs Roberts : Oh, hello, dear! I'm glad to meet you. How are you ?This is my grand daughter Mary.

Mrs Brown :Nice to meet you, Mary. How are you?

Mary: Fine, thanks. Granny, can I wait for you somewhere?

Mrs Roberts: OK, Mary, go and buy an ice cream. Explore the bar.(Mary goes to the bar.) You know she is very shy when she meets new people.

Mrs Brown: I used to be that way when I was her age .Though I was always curious and ask my parents a lot of questions .

Mrs Roberts: Oh, she also does. She is much interested in History. She asks a lot of questions about kings and queens of England and their ruling. Oh ,I see her coming up to us.

2. Listen to the talk again and choose the correct sentences

a) Mary meets her friend.

b) Mrs Roberts meet Mrs Brown.

c) Mrs Roberts and Mary meet Mrs Brown.

d) Mary goes to the restaurant.

e) Mary goes to the bar.

f) Mrs Brown used to be very brave when she was young.

g) Mary is very curious.

VII. Writing. Complete with used to and the verb in brackets.

The Good Old Days

My grandparents live in a big city now .But they (live) in the country. They (keep) chickens and cows and (grow) vegetables but now they buy their vegetables from a greengrocer. There (not /be) any shops near them but in the city there are lots. My granny (make) bread, yoghurt and cheese but now she shops in the supermarket. But she isn't very happy about it. She says people (never eat) frozen food or food from tins when she was young. And my granddad says fresh food (taste) a lot better when he was a boy.

VIII. Learning a song. Listen to the song “The beauty of the world” and sing the song to the music.

The Beauty of the World

Part 1.

I used to see the stars at night.
I used to hear the birds.
I used to feel the warmth of the sun.
I used to smell the springtime flowers.
And sing so happily.
I used to sing a song about the beauty of the world.

Part 2.

It was a long long time ago,
I used to sing a song.
Before the black smoke filled the sky,
I used to sing a song.
I used to sing a song about the beauty of the world.
Did you use to see the stars shining in the night?
Did you use to hear the birds and feel the sun?
Did you use to smell the flowers ?
Their colours were so bright.
I used to sing a song about the beauty of the world.

IX. Conclusion. Dear children, the lesson is over. Did you like it? What have you learnt at the lesson? And now your marks and your hometask.

X. Hometask: write about your grandparents' childhoods and their lives now.