Разработка внеклассного мероприятия “The Party of Festivals”

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа


  • Совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, эмоциональной и эстетической стороны в процессе обучения иностранному языку.
  • Развитие творческих способностей, памяти, внимания, воображения.
  • Повышение познавательного интереса к иностранному языку в процессе игры, драматизации.
  • Расширение кругозора.
  • Формирование самостоятельности, организованности, точности и аккуратности в выполнении порученных заданий.


1. Аудиомагнитофон.
2. Фонограммы песен.
3. Костюмы и маски.
4. Камин, елки, подарки, праздничное оформление (мишура, снег, серпантин, свечи, картины).
5. Балкон.
6. Облака.


(На сцену выходит ансамбль девочек и исполняет песню)

Песня: «What’s the weather like today?»

Ведущий: Dear guests, we invite you to have a talk about the seasons of the year. All of them are beautiful and different people like different seasons.
Children, tell us, please, what seasons you like best and why?

P1: There are 4 seasons in a year but I’d like to tell you about autumn. There are a lot of fruits and vegetables in autumn. It is a tasty season and we can see different colours in autumn: yellow, green, red, brown and orange. I like to go to the forest and enjoy it.

P2: My favourite season is winter. I like it very much, because it’s so beautiful in winter. You can ski, skate and sledge a lot. We usually play snowballs, hockey and make snowmen. We celebrate Christmas and New Year in winter and Santa Claus gives us presents.

P3: As for me, I like summer, but I can’t say, that only summer is my favourite season. Every season gives us a lot of fun and I like all of them.

Ведущий: Yes, each of them brings us different weather and different dresses. But we’ll speak today not about their weather and about their special features .We’ll speak about their holidays. So, dear guests, you are welcome to our “Party of the festivals.” And we’ll start our party with the merriest autumn holiday with ghosts, skeletons, witches and draculas.

Вбегают ведьма, кошки, привидения. Танец под музыку Backstreet boys.

Ведущий: Sh-sh-sh. Do you hear? Who is it?

Сценка “The Ghost Who Couldn’t say “Wooo”

(Gilly Ghost (G.G.), Polly Pig (P.P.), Thomas Turkey (T.T.), Whippoorwill (W.W.), Which, Mr. Owl)

G.G: (медленно бредет по дороге, садится и плачет)
P. P.: What’s the matter, Gilly Ghost?
G.G: Oh, Polly, I’m so unhappy. Tonight is Halloween and I can’t say that word.
P.P.: What word?
G.G: The word all ghosts say when they go out haunting on Halloween.
P.P: (хихикая) I’ll be glad to teach you.
G.G: Polly, you are a real friend.
P.P: Now, listen (наклонив голову) Oink, oink.
G.G: (грустно) No, Polly, that isn’t the ghost word.
Появляется Thomas Turkey.
T.T: Of course it isn’t. Such a silly pig. And such a silly ghost.
G.G: (смущенно) You are right.
T.T: Well, I’ll teach you.
G.G: Oh, thank you.
T.T: (гордо вытянув шею) The word is – Gobble, gobble, gobble.
G.G: (качая головой) I’m sorry but that isn’t the ghost word, either.
Появляется Whippoorwill
W.W: I can teach you the word.
G.G: Can you?
W.W: (прочистив горло) Whip-poor-will.
G.G: Oh, no.
W.W: I know someone who’ll teach you the word.
(За сценой звучит голос Who-oo-oo)
G.G: That’s it, that’s it. (Вылетает сова)
Mr. Owl: That’s what?
G.G: The ghost word. You’ve just said it.
Mr. Owl: You mean “Who-oo-oo?”
G.G: Yes. Oh, Mr. Owl, will you teach me to say that word?
Mr. Owl: Of course I will. Watch me closely. (Привидение внимательно смотрит на сову и округляет рот, затем закрывает глаза и говорит: Who-oo-oo! Появляется ведьма на метле.)
Which: Gilly Ghost, that’s the best Who-oo-oo I’ve heard tonight. I’m so proud of you. Hop on my broomstick and I’ll take you out to haunt with the other ghosts.
(Gilly Ghost вскакивает на метлу и, повернувшись к сове, говорит счастливым голосом)
G.G: Thank you for the lesson Mr. Owl.
(Ведьма и привидение улетают на метле с криками Who-oo-oo, оставшиеся звери рассказывают стишки.)


Halloween is coming,
What will you wear?
I might wear a blanket
And be a brown bear.


Halloween is coming,
Who will you meet?
I might meet a princess
Skipping down the street.


Halloween is coming
What will you do?
I might go trick or treating
How about you?

Mr. Owl:

Halloween is coming
What will you be?
It’s a secret,
So, wait and see.

Влетает ведьма с приведением и с криками Who-oo-oo разгоняет всех. С криками и смехом все убегают. Звук вьюги.

Ведущий: Oh, it’s getting cold. Winter comes with the most favourite holiday of all children and their parents.

Выбегают дети и поют песню We wish you a Merry Christmas.


Every year at Christmas time
You can hear the church bell chime.


They ring out at Christmas morn,
For that’s the day that Jesus was born.


And each year from Heaven above
Your own special angel
Brings you her love.

Сценка The Little Angel.

(Angel (A), Saint Peter (S.P.), Santa Claus (S.C.), a little girl, a little boy)

Ведущий: The little angel with the silver hair was in trouble.

S. P.: Come here naughty one. You don’t understand that everyone in heaven has work to do, especially at Christmas time. We all have to make someone on Earth happy. But you have been lazy and can’t stay with us. Go down to Earth and make someone happy. Until you do you can’t come back.
A: Oh, how beautiful is the Earth. Everything is covered with snow. Oh, how nice. But it’s very cold. (Звучит песня Jingle Bells) Listen, listen! Such a wonderful sound of sleighbells. Santa Claus is coming.
S.C: What are you doing here?
A: I’ve been naughty and lazy in Heaven.
S.C: Lazy? Eh! Then you can come and help me tonight. Come on. Would you like to help me to decorate these Christmas trees?
A: Oh, yes, I would.
S.C: Jolly good, let’s decorate them. (Звучит песня Silent Night. Cанта и ангел наряжают елки и раскладывают подарки. Вскоре Санта Клаус исчезает, ангел подходит к маленькой елке.)
A: Oh, there are no decorations for this tree. What shall I do? … Yes, I have a wonderful idea. I’ve got some gold stars on my dress. And my silver hair.
S.C: That was a very lovely idea. Let me take it to the village to a very poor family. They have no money to buy presents for Christmas and decorations for a Christmas tree.
A: Good-bye, Santa.
S.C: Thank you very much for all the help you’ve given me. I’m sure your teacher hears all about it. (Звучит песня  Jingle Bells)
A: Thank you and good-bye. (Прячется за елки)
Санта Клаус ставит елку у камина. Вбегают дети и танцуют танец под музыку.
Girl: Oh, Bobby, what a lovely tree.
Boy: Wow, who could bring it? It’s so beautiful.
G: Let’s call our Mummy. (Дети убегают под музыку Jingle Bells)
S.P: Come here my dear. I see you have made someone happy. Good of you, thank you my dear. I’ll give you some more gold stars. And as for your silver hair … well, that will grow again.

Ведущий: Spring with its holidays comes after winter. But between them we celebrate a very beautiful and delightful holiday which leads us from winter to spring. On that day people sent Valentine cards to their husbands, wives and friends. You can also send a card to a person you don’t know. But traditionally you mustn’t write your name on it.

(Звучит песня  My funny Valentine.)

Ведущий: St. Valentine’s day is a day of lovers. And all of us know that the most unforgettable lovers of all ages were Romeo and Juliet. (Сценка из пьесы “Romeo and Juliet”)
Затем учащийся читает стихотворение

This is my song

Why is my heart so right?
Why are the stars so bright?
Why is the sky so blue?
Since the hour I met you?
Flowers are smiling bright,
Smiling for our delight,
Smiling so tenderly
For the world, you and me.
I know why my love is smiling.
Smiling so tenderly.
It’s the same old story
Through all eternity.
Love, this is my song,
Here is my song, a serenade to love.
The world cannot be wrong
If in this world there is you.
I cannot know
The world may be same
Without your love there is no day,
So, love, this is my song
Here is my song - a serenade to you.

Ведущий: Spring and summer months come after it with St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Mother’s and Father’s Day. But the most enjoyable are summer holidays with hiking, songs around the fire and of course, dances. (Танец)

Ведущий: Our year has come round. We enjoyed some of its festivals. Some of them we haven’t mentioned at our party, because it’s impossible to celebrate all the festivals in an hour. But I’m sure we’ll enjoy all of them during the year. And during the next century which can be a century of beauty and peace if we  remember to love and  take care of one another not only on holidays but every day.

Звучит финальная песня FROM A DISTANCE.