Открытый урок по теме "Let's visit London"

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Цели и задачи урока:

  • познакомить учащихся с интересными фактами о Великобритании, с достопримечательностями Лондона,
  • практиковать учащихся в аудировании с пониманием основного содержания текста, с извлечением конкретной информации,
  • формирование навыков и умений составления диалога по предложенной ситуации на основе услышанного диалога-образца и наглядной опоры.
  • совершенствовать грамматические навыки (превосходная степень сравнения имён прилагательных)
  • учить детей проявлять интерес к стране изучаемого языка;
  • повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;
  • воспитывать любовь к культуре страны изучаемого языка;
  • учить умению выслушать собеседника и ориентироваться в ситуации общения, использовать речевые клише и формулы вежливости;
  • учить соблюдать правила культуры поведения.

Оснащение урока: P.C., мультимедийный проектор, карта Лондона, флаг страны, картинки с изображением достопримечательностей Британии.

Ход урока

I. Warm-up.

Teacher: Good morning boys and girls! I’ m glad to see you. We are glad to see our guests at the lesson. We have an unusual lesson today. We are going to visit London.

London is one of the biggest cities in the world.

London is the capital of Great Britain.

There are a lot of places of interests in London. Let’s start our traveling!

II. Listening.

Teacher: Look at the screen!

(Достопримечательности Лондона – слайды)

1 слайд. Let’s visit London!

2 слайд. Buckingham Palace is the most famous place in London. It is the home of the Queen. There are 600 rooms in it. It has an indoor swimming pool and a cinema.

3 слайд. When the flag is flying on the top, the Queen is at home.

4 слайд. Trafalgar Square is the most popular place for people to meet.

5 слайд. In the middle of the square there is Nelson’s column, which is 51 meters high.

6 слайд. Big Ben is the biggest bell in the clock tower in London.

7 слайд. This is the biggest wheel in Britain. It was opened on 1 February 2000. There is a wonderful view from it.

8 слайд. Let’s climb into the sky! Up, up and down!

9 слайд. Here is the river Thames. It runs below the wheel. It is the deepest and the most beautiful river in Britain.

10 слайд. Tower Bridge is one of the oldest bridges in London. It’s over a hundred years old.

11, 12 слайы. The Tower of London is a very big castle. It’s the oldest place in London. It was a castle, a palace, a prison, a zoo and a museum. The most famous things in the Tower are the Crown Jewels. They have the biggest diamond in the world “the Star of Africa”

13 слайд. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall.

14 слайд. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food.

15, 16 слайды. Hamleys is the biggest toy shop in London. There are 6 floors with millions of toys.

17, 18 слайды. Hide Park is the most famous park in London. It’s pleasure to watch Londoners walk and jog in the park, play games, eat their sandwiches, read books, and enjoy music.

19 слайд. Madam Tussaud’s is the most famous wax work museum. Over 2 million people go there every year.

20 слайд. They can see wax figures of presidents, film stars and pop stars.

Teacher: We stop here. Our tour has finished. I hope you have enjoyed this tour of London.

III. Speaking.

Teacher: You see some proper names, you need to read them correctly. Repeat them after me! 21 слайд.

Big Ben, the Thames, the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, Hamleys, Madam Tussaud’s, Hyde Park

Teacher: Remember, please, places of interests of London and do the London Quiz! 22 слайд.

  1. Listen and guess. What is this?
  2. Which is the noisiest place in London?
  3. Where can you see the most famous people in the world?
  4. What is the most popular place to meet in London?
  5. Which is the most beautiful bridge?
  6. Where can you buy any toy you want?
  7. Which is the deepest river in Britain?
  8. Where is the most beautiful view of the city?
  9. What is the “Star of Africa”? Where it is?
  10. Where can you play on the grass?

Teacher: And now, we check up our task. Read the questions and answer them!

(Pupils answer the questions)

Teacher: And now answer my question: What do you want to visit in London and why?

23 слайд.

I want to visit… because it is…

Buckingham Palace Tower Bridge Hide Park
Trafalgar Square Thames Hamleys Madam Tussaud’s
London Eye Big Ben Tower of London
  • …the biggest bell in the clock tower
  • …the most famous place
  • …the most popular place to meet
  • …the biggest wheel in Britain
  • …the biggest toy shop in London
  • …the oldest bridge in London
  • …the most famous park in London
  • …the most famous waxwork museum
  • …the most beautiful river In London

IV. Speaking. Dialogs.

Teacher: Imagine you are in London. Read the conversation and act out it. Make up your own conversations. 24 cлайд.

A: Excuse me?

B: Yes?

A: Could you tell me the way to the market, please?

B: Yes. It’s in Milford Street. Go straight on. Turn left. It’s next to the post office.

A: Thank you.

(Pupils speaking about the way in London in pairs). 25 слайд.

P1: Excuse me.

P2: Yes?

P1: How can I get to Big Ben?

P2: Go strait on. Go past Trafalgar Square and St. James’s Park. Big Ben is next to the river Thames.

P1: Thank you.

P2: Not at all.

P3: Excuse me.

P4: Yes?

P3: Could you tell the way to the Hyde Park?

P4: Go straight on, turn right. Hyde Park is in Park Lane.

P3: Thank you.

P4: Not at all.

P5: Excuse me.

P6: Could you tell me the way to the University of London?

P5: Go straight on Shaftsbury Street, turn left. University of London is behind the British Museum.

P6: Thanks.

P5: You are welcome.

V. Reciting poems about London.

26 слайд.

The bridge. by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


I stood on the bridge at midnight,
As the clocks were striking the hour,
And the moon rose o'er the city,
Behind the dark church-tower.


I saw her bright reflection
In the waters under me,
Like a golden goblet falling
And sinking into the sea.

27 слайд. Impressions du Martin. by Oscar Wilde


The Thames nocturne of blue and gold
Changed to a Harmony in grey:
A barge with ochre-coloured hay
Dropt from the wharf: and chill and cold.

P4: Утро.

Ноктюрн уснувшей Темзы, сине-золотой
Аккорды пепельно-жемчужные сменили.
Тяжёлый бот проплыл над сонною водой.
И тени дрогнули – безвольно отступили.

VI. Homework

WB p.62 ex.1-3

Список использованной литературы:

  1. londonmania.ru/london-photo?id=15
  2. www.tournet.ru/great-britain/
  3. www.famouspoetandpoems.com/poets/henry_wadsworth_longfellow
  4. www.bartleby.com/143/26html
  5. Томахин Г.Д. Лингвострановедение: что это такое? Иностранные языки в школе №6, 1996.
  6. Деревянко Н.Н. New Millennium English. Книга для учителя к учебнику английского языка для 5 класса. Издательство Титул, 2002.