Пасхальный фестиваль "Easter Joy"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа

Цель: Повышение мотивации изучения английского языка; развитие навыков коммуникативного общения в группах; развитие индивидуальных личностных качеств участников игры.


  1. Развитие разговорных навыков по теме «Пасха и Пасхальные традиции в России и Великобритании»;
  2. Закрепление пройденных лексических и грамматических тем.


  1. Плакаты: ‘Cheer up!’, ‘Fine’, ‘Right you are’, ‘Keep your spirits up!’
  2. Эмблемы с именами участников игры.
  3. Раздаточный материал для каждого этапа игры.
  4. Музыкальное сопровождение.

Участники: 2 команды по 6-7 человек, болельщики, ведущие, жюри.

Ход игры

 (Приложение 1)

  1. Вступительное слово ведущих. Представление жюри, команд. Представление капитанов команд.
  2. Представление капитанами членов команд.
  3. Разминка – право на открытие (максимальное количество слов из слова EASTER)
  4. Проверка Домашнего Задания
  5. Конкурс капитанов
  6. Конкурс «Приготовь блюдо» (по 2 участника)
  7. Лексический конкурс «Пасхальный кроссворд»
  8. Грамматический конкурс «Составь предложение»
  9. Конкурс «В кафе»
  10.  Конкурс пословиц с болельщиками
  11.  Конкурс кроссвордов со зрителями
  12.  Конкурс со зрителями: Easter symbols
  13.  Подведение итогов.

Приветственное слово учителя: Christ is risen!

Ladies and gentlemen, our guests and participants, boys and girls, we’re glad to welcome you at our Easter Festival! It’s called "Easter Joy" and we’re here to share our Easter joy and happiness with you and to show you what our pupils have learnt this school year. I’m glad to introduce you our Jury………., our Hosts………… and our teams……….. .

1. Ведущий1 (Host1):

I am a host of this festival. I want to introduce our contestants. On the left – the pupils from the 6b& 7b forms. Their team is called “Eggs Hunters”. And on the right- the pupils from the 6a & 7a forms. They’re “Sunny Rabbits”. Let's cheer up our teams!

2. Ведущий2 (Host2) представляет капитанов:

Host2: This is the captain of EH. His name’s (A) and he’s ready to start the competition. How are you? How do you feel about the contest?

A: I’m OK and I think it'll be great!

Host2: Now I’d like to tell you a few words about A. …

Host2: And this is the captain of another team – SR. Her name is (B). Hello, … ! Are you OK? What about your friends?

B: We’re fine, thanks. …Can’t wait to start.

Host2: B is an experienced captain. ...

And now, dear captains, I want you to introduce your teams.

3. Капитаны представляют участников.

The head of the first team: With pleasure.

This is O. He does well at school. His favourite subjects are History and English. But he isn’t a bookworm. He gets along with his friends and often helps them with their studies. His hobbies are reading, listening to music and playing the guitar. In fact, he wants to be a music producer! ...

The head of the second team: My friends are as great as yours!

This is S. She’s a good student, but she’s got a lot of things to do besides school. She’s in the school theatre club, she plays basketball with her friends twice a week. She even writes poetry and often cooks for her family and sometimes for friends too. …

4. Ведущий1 (Host1) начинает Разминку.

(Host1): Thank you for the information. Now let's warm-up. You’ve got a word "EASTER". Try to make up as many words as you can out of this word. You have only 5 minutes to do the task. Your supporters can help you. Be careful. The winners of the warm-up will start the game.

Well? If you are ready, read your words in turn then pass your lists of words to the Jury.

(Тот, кто составит больше слов, получает право на открытие первого раунда Home Presentation. Слова зачитываются командами по очереди.)

Well, SR have …. points and EH have ….. points. So the winners …… get an opportunity to choose the colour of their tasks for the game (two different colours, e.g. yellow and green, correspond to two variants of the tasks – they are not the same, but similar)

5. Проверка домашнего задания Home Presentation

[Home Presentation: Write an essay of how people celebrate Easter in our country. (Be ready to tell the story to the audience).]

Ведущий2 (Host2): Well, (…) will start the first contest – Home Presentation. Captains are allowed to choose a presenter for this contest. Are you ready?

Now, the second team ……..

6. Ведущий1 (Host1): The next contest is – Captains’ Competition. Our captains are welcomed to do the EASTER QUIZ (Приложение 2). Here are your quizzes. You’ve got 5 minutes to do the task.

While our captains are doing the Quiz we have a great opportunity to listen to an original British Easter song Here comes Peter Cottontail. I think you remember that Easter bunny (or rabbit) is a symbol of Easter. Peter Cottontail is a funny hero of a popular British cartoon. Our guest ….. will present this song to us. Let’s greet her/him.

Song: Here comes Peter Cottontail (Приложение 3) – a pupil from a senior class plays the guitar and sing.

Ведущий1 (Host1): I think we should thank … with applauds.

Dear captains, your time has finished, you should pass your Quizzes to the Jury.

7. Ведущий2 (Host2): And now – our most unpredictable contest – Easter recipes. 2 pupils from each team are invited to take part in this competition.

Are you ready? Here are your recipes (Приложения 4, 5). You can find all you need in the Technology class on the second floor. Our assistant (…) will help you. You’ve got 10 minutes to prepare these delicious dishes. Then our Jury will test them and … who knows, you may get a point for your team.

8. Ведущий2 (Host2): Well, it’s high time to return to our game. The next contest is – Vocabulary contest. Each team is asked to do the crossword (Приложение 6). You’ll get as many points as many words you’ll find. Time limit for this task – 5 minutes.

While the teams are doing the task, their supporters are welcomed to do the crosswords (Приложение 7) and bring their teams an extra point. It will get the team whose supporters will be the first.

Dear friends, your time’s over. Pass your crosswords to the Jury.

9. Ведущий1 (Host1): I suppose you are ready to our Grammar contest. You’ll have to make up three correct sentences from the given words (Приложение 8). The words are mixed up, of course. You’ve got 5 minutes to do the task. (Каждая команда получает сувенирное яйцо, внутри которого по 3 разрезанных на отдельные слова предложения, слова каждого предложения одного цвета, например, желтого, зеленого и розового).

And … our new competition for the teams supporters. How many Easter symbols do you remember? Each right symbol gives your team an extra point. Let’s start!

10. Ведущий2 (Host2): We are nearly the end of our contest. Now our last competition: At the café. We ask 2 pupils from each team to come here: 2 boys and 2 girls. They’re in a Brighton Pier Café. Here are the Menus (Приложения 9, 10) of the day. After 5 minutes we’ll listen to their dialogues.

And now – the last contest for the supporters. Here are the lists of English proverbs (Приложение 11). Try to find as many Russian equivalents to them as you can. You’ll get 1 point for each correct sentence for your team.

Ведущий1 (Host1): Our game comes to the end. Thank you, dear friends. It’s time for the Jury to sum up. (to the jury) What is the score of the game?

Jury: We want to declare the results.

The “Sunny Rabbits” got _______ points.

(перечислить баллы по раундам), the “Eggs Hunters” got _________ points.

 Let's cheer the winners.

Teacher: Our game is over. It was really great. Thank you very much for the game. The participants will get some souvenirs.

Thank you all.

Christ is risen! 

Источники (Sources):

  1. printables.kaboose.com/holidays/easter/word-searches/easter-word.html
  2. recipes.kaboose.com/holidays/easter-recipes/easter-recipes.html
  3. Е.В. Глебова, Н.А. Прохорова Уроки английского языка Кирилла и Мефодия // Английский язык. – 2009. – №13 (495).

Список приложений:

  1. Приложение 1. Ход игры
  2. Приложение 2. Easter Quiz [3]
  3. Приложение 3. Here Comes Peter Cottontail
  4. Приложение 4-5. Egg in a Boat [2], Egg in a Hole [2]
  5. Приложение 6. Easter Word Hunt [1]
  6. Приложение 7. Easter Crossword [1]
  7. Приложение 8. Grammar contest.
  8. Приложение 9-10. Menu1, Menu2
  9. Приложение 11. List of Proverbs.