Информационные технологии на уроках английского языка

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

Презентация к уроку

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Тема урока: It is time to celebrate!

Класс: 10


Развивающий аспект:

  • формировать устойчивый интерес к мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка,
  • вовлекать учащихся в творческую деятельность,

Воспитательный аспект:

  • воспитывать потребность практического использования языка;
  • воспитывать толерантность к различным культурам;

Учебный аспект:

  • практиковать умение писать личное письмо;
  • активизировать употребление лексики по теме «Праздники».

Во время работы на уроке предполагается выработка следующих компетенций:

Коммуникативная компетенция:

  • умения работать в группе, владение способами взаимодействия с окружающими и удаленными людьми и событиями; умение задать вопрос, корректно вести учебный диалог;
  • владение разными видами речевой деятельности (монолог, диалог, чтение, письмо), лингвистической и языковой компетенциями;

Информационная компетенция:

  • практиковать навыки работы на компьютере с Интернет.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, раздаточный материал: карточки, наглядное пиcьмо.

Ход урока

  1. Warm – up – Организационный момент (2’)
  2. Writing a letter to Santa: the beginning – Письмо Санте: начало письма (3’)
  3. Riddles - Загадки(3’)
  4. Symbols of holidays – Символы праздников (5’)
  5. Writing a letter to Santa: content – Письмо Санте: Основное содержание (3’)
  6. Listening – Аудирование «поздравления с Голливуда» (3’)
  7. A letter to Santa: wishes and ending – Письмо Санте: пожелания и заключение письма (4’)
  8. Hot seat –sync with typing e-mail congratulation to Santa(5’) Игра «Кто я?» синхронно с набором письма Санте для е-письма.
  9. Sending e-mail congratulation to Santa- Отправка письма Санте(2’)
  10. Santa’s congratulation - видео ответ – поздравление Санты (3’)
  11. Hometask – Домашнее задание
  12. Re- рефлексия(1’)

It’s time to celebrate!

A lesson of English in Class 10.
A teacher: Shestakova Zinaida Alexeevna


T: - Good morning, dear friends! How are you? Sit down, please. So, my name is Zinaida Alexeevna and I hope we’ll have a good time of English together today. What’s your name? Nice to see you!

-So, let’s start our lesson. Today we are going to have a lesson “It’s time to celebrate!” As you see we are to speak a lot about holidays and traditions during our lesson and practice in letter writing. Also you can use phrasal words in your speech, please. (There are names of holidays, a letter to Santa and useful phrases on the blackboard).

1. Warming up T-P1, P2

T: -Would you tell me do you like holidays?

T: What holidays do you know? Can you name them?

-What Russian holidays do you enjoy?

T: - Do you cook pancakes on Maslenitsa?

T: What can you say about Yakut holidays?

T: What British holidays do you know? T-Ps

? What is your favourite holiday, ……..?

T: - It’s well known that Christmas is the most favourite holiday of British people. Can you tell me who is the most important person of Christmas in Britain? Yes, you are right. It’s Santa Claus.

2. Writing a letter to Santa

-Have you ever written a letter to Santa when you were little?

-Would you like to write it again?

-let’s write a letter to Santa Claus today. I think he will be surprised to get a letter from Yakutia. Do you agree? Now look at the board.

- First, let’s remember the letter writing rules. (a list rules is on the blackboard). What do you think what should we write the first in the letter? Please,….go to the blackboard and choose the right answer.

-thank you, take your seat.

3. Riddles P1, P2-Ps

T: - Do you like riddles? Let’s guess some. Choose one and read. And the rest are to guess. Don’t forget to use phrases in your speech.

P1: We know that it is a favourite holiday for young people, because they give chocolate hearts and cards with love to each other.

P2: It is a religious holiday. People colour eggs and eat a special holiday cake.

P3: It is a national holiday with lots of competitions. We celebrate it in summer.

P4: People decorate tree and their houses; send cards to their relatives and friends.

P5. Children wear costumes of ghosts and witches. It is celebrated on the 31st of October.

P6. People celebrate this holiday on the 25th of December in Great Britain and in the USA and in Russia people celebrate it on the 7th of January.

P7. On this holiday, which lasts for a week, people say “good bye” to winter and eat pancakes.

P8. This is the funniest holiday. People like to joke and have fun this day.

T: - Well done!

4. Symbols of holidays. P1, P2-Ps

T: - Now, look at the screen and tell us what do these symbols mean?

T: What is it? What holiday’s symbol is it? When do people celebrate Christmas? Halloweeen?. What do they do during this holiday? T- P1, 2-P

It is … holiday.

…celebrated on …

People usually ….during this holiday.

  • This is choroon. You are right. It is for our national drink kumys.

5. Writing a letter to Santa: content

  • Oh, I have an idea. Let’s write to Santa about our national holiday. Do you agree? So tell me when it is celebrated? What do people do during Ysyakh? Now let’s continue our letter. Which part should we write?
  • Good for you!

6. Listening «Congratulations from Hollywood»

T: - Dear friends, I’ve got a video message for you from Hollywood. Our Hollywood stars congratulate us on coming Christmas and New Year! Listen very carefully and fill in the blanks.

1 Johnny Dieppe  
2 Justin Timberlake  
3 Mark Walberg  
4 Jessica Simpson  
5 Angelina Jolly  
  • a) Wishes the best Christmas to everybody.
  • b) Wishes good health to all people in the world.
  • c) Advices not to eat too much.
  • d) Wishes very happy holidays.
  • e) wishes safe holidays.

Key: 1. A 2. C 3. E 4. B

P1: Johnny Dieppe wishes the best Christmas to everybody…

-You’ve done it right! Super!

7. A letter to Santa

T:- Let’s finish our letter to Santa. What wishes do you know? What wish can we write in our letter? So let’s write the ending of the letter. .. come here and put it right, please.

T: -At last our letter is ready now, …. will you read our letter aloud, please?

-Let’s send our letter to Santa. We have very short time to send it. That’s why we’ll use Internet for it. Do you agree?

  • Do you know how to send e-mail? Please …..come here and send a letter to Santa. (e-mailing a letter)

8. Hot seat (Questioning practice: Are you..? Can you..? Do you..? Have you got..?)

T: - Now, let’s have a little bit fun! Today we have special guests at our Holiday lesson. Let’s meet them. And the first guest is a very famous person. Let’s play Hot seat -Yes/ No game. o’k? ……., will you be the first? Come here. (Angelina Jolly, Dmitry Medvedev, Victor Lebedev).

T: - Thanks a lot for you…

9. Santa’s congratulation

T: - Oh, lucky we are. Our letter has already received to Santa! My congratulations! Let’s hope that he‘d be glad to get our letter. I have a surprise for you. Let’s watch Santa’s congratulation on the screen, please.

10. Hometask and ending

- At home you can practice in writing letters and try to send a letter to Santa or to your teachers or friends again. You can write down his e-mail address.

Re: T: - Our lesson is coming to the end. Tell me did you like our lesson?

What did you enjoy the most from this lesson?

What new things did you know from this lesson?

-Your job was excellent! Thanks a lot. Have a good day! Good bye!
