Открытый урок английского языка в 6-м классе "Книжная ярмарка"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

В УМК "New Millenium English-6" каждый 8-ой урок в разделе - проектная работа по пройденной теме. Она подразумевает активное использование лексики, грамматических структур и художественное оформление результата. Раздел 2 учебника посвящен книгам и чтению. На протяжении всех уроков раздела идет изучение лексики, отрабатывается ее употребление, учащиеся знакомятся с образцами рецензий на книгу и пробуют написать о любимой книге сами. В конце раздела учащиеся выполняют групповой проект "Book Fair" (Книжная ярмарка). По сценарию, написанному 6 «Б» классом (2010-2011 уч. г., МОУ СОШ №2 г.о. Рошаль Моск. обл.) на книжной выставке-ярмарке ведут экскурсию менеджер и два гида. Они представляют сотрудников различных издательств, рекламирующих детскую литературу. На выставке присутствовали гости - учащиеся 11-го класса, они задавали вопросы. Оформление книжной ярмарки было представлено авторскими постерами учащихся, рецензии они писали сами на книги, которые выбрали в рамках жанров: русские народные и современные сказки, классика зарубежной детской литературы, приключения. Свой стенд представила художник-иллюстратор. Урок-презентация "Book Fair-2011" был проведен в рамках предметного месячника гуманитарных предметов на неделе английского языка

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний

Вид урока: урок-презентация

Цели урока:

  1. Образовательная – повышение коммуникативной компетенции учащихся
  2. Развивающая – развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи на английском языке, развитие творческих способностей и эстетического вкуса учащихся.
  3. Воспитательная – воспитание интереса к чтению и расширение кругозора.

Задачи урока:

  1. Закрепление и обобщение знаний, умений и навыков употребления лексики по теме «Книги и чтение»
  2. Совершенствование навыков говорения по теме
  3. Апробация умений оформить и публично представить результаты своей творческой работы

Ход урока
Book Fair

Manager Dear friends! We are glad to meet you at our book fair! We’ll tell you about interesting books, classical literature, popular writers.

Guide I, Guide II, Manager Welcome!

Guide I Let’s begin! Russian literature for children is great! Here you can see a wonderful poster about famous family from Prostokvashino. Nelly tells you about it.

“Look at this book! It’s very interesting. It’s author is Edward Uspensky. There are a lot of funny characters in it. I think it will be exciting to read this book. I recommend it to people who like funny stories.”

Guide II I hope you like fantasy and fairy tails. Alyona presents the world-famous stories about Harry Potter.

Harry Potter is the most popular fantasy book now. There are 7 books about magical world and magic school Hogwarts, about kindness and evil. Harry Potter and his friends are brave and clever. They’re magicians. They struggle with the darkest magician-Lord Volan-de-Mort. It’s a very exciting story and I recommend it to you.

These books are translated into Russian. You can read them in Russian or in the original.”

Guide I Natasha likes interesting books about adventures. What books would you like to recommend to our readers?

“The Prince and the Poor” is a very popular fairy tail. This book is about the adventures of the Prince and the Poor boy. The Prince becomes the Poor and the Poor becomes the Prince by mistake. The Poor boy’s name is Tom. The Prince’s name is Edward. Their exciting, interesting and sometimes sad adventures begin. This is my favourite book.

Also I want to tell you about “The adventures of Pinocchio” by Karlo Kollodi. The book is about the wooden boy and his father. Master Antonio wanted to make a new leg for his table. He took his axe and began to cut the piece of wood with the axe. Suddenly he heard a very weak voice: “Don’t hit me so hard”. Master Antonio was frightened very much. At that moment his friend Geppetto came in. He asked Master Antonio to give him a piece of wood. He wanted to make a nice wooden puppet. Master Antonio gave the piece of wood to his friend. So the adventures of Pinocchio began.”

Guide II Very often you can see pictures in the books. Children’s books always have illustrations. Let me introduce our artist. Look at Svetlana’s pictures!

“I’d like to think I am a good illustrator. I illustrate fairy-tails, stories about wonderful animals and interesting characters. I like to draw. I do my drawings living. I illustrate Russian fairy tails and books of foreign writers.”

Guide I Russian fairy tails always are exciting, kind and clever. You remember this book since your childhood. Ann and Dasha want to remind you of “Kolobok”.

“Of course, every child read this tail. All children know the main hero. His name is Kolobok. Kolobok was a bun but he was alive. He was curious like a child so he ran away from Grandpa and Grandma. He easily ran away from Hare, Wolf, Bear. But he met Miss Fox. She was hungry when Kolobok started singing his song and she asked him to sit down on her nose. Kolobok sat down and Fox ate him.”

Guide II Robert Louis Stevenson is a world-famous writer. He wrote a lot of adventure stories. Nikita tells us about his favorite book of adventures.

“I like books about adventures. They are interesting and exciting. My favorite book is “Treasure Island” by L. Stevenson. This book is very popular. It is about sea adventures, pirates and treasures. The main character is a boy Jim Hawkins.. He is a clever and brave boy. He finds a treasure map and wants to find treasure of Captain Flint. He is helped to buy a ship Hispaniola and hire a command. He sails to find Treasure Island. Jim tries to find Captain Flint’s gold.

I like this book because it is really interesting. I recommend this book to people who like real adventures and stories about pirates.”

Manager Now our Book Fair is over. We would like to give you some souvenirs. We hope you liked our Book Fair! Thank you for your attention.