Урок английского языка "Travel and tourism: as a means of broadening the mind AND educating the soul"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Конкурс «Презентация к уроку»

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Theme: “Travel and tourism: as a means of broadening the mind and educating the soul”.

Aim: Developing language thinking, speaking skills and triggering of students’ mental abilities and creative skills (teaching based on the authentic textbooks) and using IT.

I. (Students are looking at photos)

The lead in is designed to introduce the topic of holidays and travel and encourage students to relate it to their own experiences and opinions.

Teacher: What kinds of holiday can you think of? (beach holiday, activity holiday, educational holiday).

What is the purpose of a holiday for you?

Teacher: If you feel there is a novel in you somewhere – what would you recommend doing?

Students’ talk

  • Teacher: What unites us?
  • Teacher: It’s nice to meet people who all have something in common, for example a love of good food and drink.
  • Teacher: If you are after a seriously undemanding break with sun, pools and sporty diversion, what type of holiday would you recommend having?
  • Teacher: If you have guilty feelings about what we are doing to the environment. What is your opinion?

II. Auding

The World Tourism Organization predicts a big increase in the amount of holiday travelling we do and besides the essence of holidays is being changed now.

Students’ talk.

Teacher: What do you think about it? Why are these changes occurring?

III. Your home assignment for today was to discuss the following questions with each other:

  1. What do you think ecotourism is?
  2. Do you prefer to travel by plane, train or coach?
  3. The most recent holiday you had?
  4. People say: “Travel broadens the mind”. What do you think about it?

Teacher: We are going to discuss them in the form of a dialogue.

  • Dial.1
  • Dial.2
  • Dial.3
  • Dial.4

IV. Students of your class conducted Holiday Survey “What type of holiday do you prefer?” Questionnaire was distributed among students. Now we are going to know the results.

V. Group work (Role play)

A hearty debate is going to be held now. There are two subgroups:

Tourism or tourist business stirs up racial hatred and contributes absolutely nothing to increasing understanding between nations. Besides “ecology”: habitat loss is the main reason for animal extinction and it occurs for some reasons, including massive building development, intensive agriculture and the destruction of rainforests.

Members of the other group are going to assure us that tourism can bring a lot of wealth to a country and it can do a lot to make the country prosperous. Besides, tourism can bring enormous advantages to counties, especially poor ones.

VI. Conclusion. Teacher’s talk “Travel and tourism”. (подведение итогов)