So many people, so many hobbies. Ролевая игра по теме "Hobbies". 4–5-е классы

Разделы: Иностранные языки


- активизация в речи изученной лексики, разговорных клише и диалогов по теме;

- развитие познавательного интереса учащихся;

- развитие воображения, памяти, смекалки, творческих навыков;

- воспитание уважительного отношения к увлечениям других людей;

- совершенствование умений высказывать свою точку зрения, выражать эмоции;

- привлечение максимального количества активных участников.

Форма проведения: игра проводится в форме “телепередачи” с использованием элементов интерактивного общения (вопросы от “телезрителей” и смс-голосование).

Оснащение: слайд-шоу (Презентация), коллекции марок, наклеек, колокольчиков, шляп, солнечных очков, чайников, фигурок животных, фотографии коллекций орхидей, магнитов, ложек, брелков, стеклянных фигурок; атрибутика “клубов коллекционеров”: цветные “махалки”, шарики, разноцветные шарфики, различные музыкальные фрагменты.

Ход игры

Тeacher: Dear friends! We’d like to invite you to our new TV show. Meet the host of the show...

Host: Hi, friends! Glad to see you again. Let’s begin our programme.

(музыкальная заставка)

Host: What’s the topic for today? You’ll never guess. “So Many People, So Many Hobbies”.


Surprised? This is our guest. Some of you know him. This is Nick … - President of the

Collectors’ Club. Welcome, Nick!

(музыкальная заставка)

President: Hi, guys! Today we are going to join people having different hobbies.

Meet stamp collectors from Manchester.

(группа приветствует зрителей)

Group leader 1: Hello! Enjoy our great collection of stamps from more than a hundred countries.


Host: Really? What was the start of your collection?

Group leader 1: You won’t believe! We have a long story of our club. Mr. Jeeves will tell you.

Member 1 (Mr. Jeeves): Look at this old stamp. My great-great-grandpa found it in 1875. Since then my family have been collecting stamps.

Host: Fantastic! And then?

Member 2: Mr.Jeeves founded the club and we are a club of 500 now.

Host: We have a phone call. Miss Green from Stratford is on line.

TV viewer 1: I’d like to ask you. Do you specialize in anything?

Group leader 1: Certainly, we do.

Member 3: My collection is thematic. I collect butterflies. (слайд)

Member 2: My theme is the stamps of the forties. I’m proud of it.

Group leader 1: We invite everybody to join our club.

President: Thank you, Manchester. Meet Newcastle. Mr. Bell collects …. What?

Audience: Bells?

President: Exactly!

Bell-collector: Hello! These are the best of my collection. (shows and rings the bells).

Host: Why do you collect bells?

Bell-collector: Because of my name, of course. It’s a joke. They make my life happier. (rings)

(музыкальная заставка)

President: Some people have very rare hobbies. Meet Mr. Brown who is ….a bridge collector.

Host: Hi! How can people collect bridges?

Bridge-collector: I travel a lot. In every town I visit I take pictures of the most famous bridges.

I also buy fridge magnets and books and make puzzles.

Host: A phone call from Glasgow.

TV viewer 2: What are your most favourite bridges?

Bridge-collector: I have many of them: Tower Bridge in London, Golden Gate in San Francisco,

Palace Bridge in St. Petersburg, Krymsky Bridge in Moscow. (слайды)

Музыкальная пауза – песня в исполнении одной из команд зрителей

President: Stickers have become very popular now. Meet sticker-collectors from Liverpool.

Группа приветствует зрителей шариками с принтами в виде различных персонажей.

Показ альбомов.

Host: Wonderful! Will you come here? Our cameraman will show your albums closer.

(выходят 2 представителя команды)

Sticker-collector 1: We have a lot of fans all over the world.

Sticker-collector 2: We are interested in stickers of cartoons, blockbusters like “Harry Potter”, “The Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Batman”, “Spiderman” and others.

Group leader 2: Stamp-collecting is rather old-fashioned but we are always modern, open to new ideas.

Host: Sorry! A video-call from Australia.

TV viewer 3: Would you like to exchange some of your stickers? I’m crazy about smurfs.

(смурфики) I see you have some. I could send you my set of rare Australian animals in return.

Sticker-collector 1: A good idea!

Group leader 2: We have a present for everyone in the studio. Let me give out these amazing stickers to you.

(раздает наклейки в подарок)

Host: Great! Time for ads.

Рекламная пауза (слайд)

Voice (advertiser): Enjoy the strong taste and aroma of the best kinds of black, green, white and herbal Greenfield teas. 30 flavours!

President: This will be especially interesting for Mrs. White who is a tea-pot collector.

Tea-pot collector: You will enjoy drinking tea from the pots of my collection.

(shows 2 tea-pots) (слайд)

Host: All of us will become tea-lovers.

President: Our next visitors from Brighton are preparing for their fashion show.

And you are welcome to play “A snake game”.

Audience: What is it?

Host: Make up a chain of words on the theme “Hobbies”.

The last letter of the word is the first one of the next.

Two people from each side come to the board, рlease.

President: We’ll give you the first word. “SUCCESS” for you and “FANTASTIC’ for you.

Let’s see whose “snake” is longer.

(E.g.: 1. success – stamp – proud – decorate – easy.....

2. fantastic – collect – thematic – cartoon – novel – library….)


Host: This team has 6 words. You are the winners!

Hat and sun glasses collector 1: We are ready to start. (Музыка “Pretty Woman”)

The show of hats and sun glasses – 5-6 models

Hat and sun glasses collector 2: Each model has its own story.


Hat and sun glasses collector 1: We found this beautiful hat and these funny glasses on the beach in Brighton.

President: Do you think the lady who had them went swimming and didn’t come back? Ha-ha!

Model 2.

Hat and sun glasses collector 2: My friend gave me these ones as presents.

Model 3.

Hat and sun glasses collector 1: We brought this large hat and glasses from Brazil.

Host: The sun is so hot there. You really need such a hat to protect your head and face.

Model 4.

Hat and sun glasses collector 2: Sure. And my sister bought this hat as she is interested in everything unusual.

Audience: What bright colours!

Model 5.

Hat and sun glasses collector 1: Do you know the name of Coco Chanel? This is a hat from her collection of the 60-s.

Audience: Wow! You don’t say so!

Host: We have a call from France.

TV viewer 4 (a lady from France): The first model is my hat. I lost it in Brighton last summer.

Host: That’s something!

President: We have prepared a surprise for you. Skype is online.

Orchid-collector from California: Enjoy my collection of unusual flowers.

These are my favourite orchids. (слайды)

Host: The most beautiful flowers I have ever seen!

President: We have invited toy animal collectors.

(They show their collections on the trays).

Toy Animal Collectors 1, 2, …. I collect hedgehogs (cats,……)


Host: Do our teachers collect anything?

Teacher 1: Yes, we do. As for me I collect teaspoons and key-holders from different countries.

I have also large collections of fridge magnets and souvenir plates. Have a look.


Teacher 2: I specialize in collecting tiny glass figures. Here they are. (слайды)

Host: Our programme is coming to a close.

President: We start an sms-voting. You’ll have 2 minutes to choose the collection you like best.

Host: Write the theme of the collection.


President: We are starting the countdown: 10 – 9 – 8 ……. – 1

Host: According to the sms-voting in the studio the collection of ….. has …. points.

Our congratulations to ……….

President: We’ll know the choice of our TV viewers next time.

Host: I’d like to thank Nick and his club for coming here today.

See you soon. Bye! Музыка