Интегрированный урок английского языка и информатики в форме пресс-конференции по теме "Man and Natural World"

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Информатика

Цели: высветить проблемы природоохранной деятельности и природопользования; раскрыть роль человека в экологической проблеме; раскрыть связь изучаемого материала с жизнью и региональными проблемами в данном вопросе.


Образовательная: практиковать учащихся в монологической речи, в полилоге по данной теме. Формировать лексико-грамматические навыки в формате ЕГЭ (задание на словообразование). Cформировать у учащихся основы знаний о проектной деятельности, актуализировать знания о программе Windows Live (назначение, возможности).

Развивающая: развивать умение слушать собеседника, анализировать и высказываться по теме, решать проблемные ситуации; творческие способности учащихся; навыки работы в программе Windows Live; а также умение представлять готовый продукт.

Воспитательная: формировать способности осознавать экологические проблемы и желания помочь природе.

Подготовительная работа.

1.Сбор учащимися информации об экологической ситуации в мире, в нашем регионе и городе, съемки фильма.

2. Разработка плана пресс-конференции.

3. Знакомство с теоретическими знаниями по созданию фильма.

4. Знакомство с программой Windows Live по созданию фильмов (видеороликов).

5. Выбор общей темы для фильма.

6. Монтаж фильма.

7. Подготовка пресс-конференции, защиты проекта.


  1. Персональные компьютеры.
  2. Мультимедийный проектор.
  3. Видеокамера.
  4. Видеоклип с песней Майкла Джексона “The Earth Song”.

Раздаточный материал: анкета-опрос по теме “How green we are”.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент. Вводная беседа с учениками

Учитель англ. языка: – Top of the morning! I mean you, pupils and our guests. Having nervous jitters? – So am I. Well, we have a lot of work to do, let’s start and I wish you success.

Now, look at the screen. You are privileged to watch the video clip of “The Earth Song” by Michael Jackson. <Видеоклип>

Учитель англ. языка: – We have just seen the clip and it is not by chance. The reason why we have chosen the topic “Environmental problems” is quite vivid. Why?

Pupil I: Because our planet is on the verge of The Global Ecologic Catastrophe.

Учитель англ. языка: – You are absolutely right. What do you think we are on the point of talking about?

Pupil II: Firstly, if you ask me, I suppose we’ll have to give the general idea of the ecological situation on our planet, then in our Republic and in our region.

Учитель англ. языка: – Right to the point. What else?

Pupil III: We have to highlight the most dangerous tendencies that have deadly consequences for us.

Учитель англ. языка: – You have got the case. And now let’s brainstorm these dangerous tendencies. Look at the screen, please. <Cлайд 2. Презентация>. What are the most dangerous ecological problems of our century?

Pupil: The most dangerous ecological problems are Water contamination; Air pollution; Traffic congestion; Acid rains; Destruction of the ozone layer; Noise pollution; Deforestation.

II. Контрольный тест (Ученики выполняют лексико-грамматический тест в формате ЕГЭ с помощью программы MyTest X. Затем правильные ответы демонстрируются в презентации. Учитель подводит итог.) <Cлайд 3>

Учитель информатики: – Совместно с учениками обобщает изученный материал по теме: “Работа в программе Windows Live. Создание фильма”. Далее ученики отвечают на следующие вопросы учителя информатики.

1. Перечислите, из каких этапов состоит процесс создания фильма? <Слайд 5>

2. Каким образом осуществляется перенос видеофайлов? <Слайд 6>

3. Как происходит редактирование?

4. В чем назначение добавления переходов, эффектов и каким образом они добавляются?

5. В чем заключается завершающий этап работы над фильмом?

III. Круглый стол на тему “Our environment”.

Учитель англ. языка: – As you know, today is our final lesson on the topic “Our environment”. You collected different materials, studied the situation in our republic and region, shot a film, took photographs, made a presentation and now you are going to have a short press-conference and present the results of you research.

The leading man: – Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor and duty to declare the Press-conference open. I think we should create a friendly atmosphere and give the floor to our guests. Today’s theme is dedicated to the problems of ecology. We will talk about our attitude to nature, about how much we love it. We invited the following guests to the program: -doctors of medicine; -a doctor of biology; -a doctor of history; -ecologists; -a Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment; -Environmental Protection Chief Engineer of “Tatneft”; -a sociologist; -an ecologist of “Tatex”.

The leading man: – Scientists say that climate change is happening here and now. And with this tendency we are going to have nothing less than a global wipe out. I’ve got a video film for you to watch and then we’ll start our discussion. (видеофильм).

— As we’ve seen, our world is undergoing a dramatic transformation. Mother Earth is down on her knees not able to defend herself from so many different ecological problems. We need an ecological revolution. But it is needed if life on Earth is to be preserved. It will win if all of us – scientists and ministers, heads of governments and ordinary citizens – take part in it.

The word “ecology” known only to specialists some 30 years ago, is today familiar to almost every schoolboy and schoolgirl.

The first doctor of medicine: — That’s not entirely true. “Ecology” was the subject of the book “An introduction to Geohygiene”, published in the 1950s. It was edited by the late professor Nicolai Lazarev, a prominent specialist in toxicology and hygiene. So, before the appearance of famous pioneers of ecology abroad, Russian scientists had pointed out that ecology is an international problem.

Doctor of Biology: — After a special body called “the Commission of Seven” had been set up at the State Committee for Science and Technology in 1969, all issues, relating to ecology were entered on the list of banned subjects, and this stopped us talking and writing about them. The latest debates on ecology can therefore be regarded as a new spiral of interests in the issues concerned.

The leading man: — Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems that endanger people’s life. The most serious environmental problems are: water and air pollution, nuclear pollution, the growth of population, shortage of natural resources, destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty, global warming, deforestation. [8]. We have a doctor of history in the studio. So, let’s give her the floor.

Doctor of History: — We are really one with Nature, and this feeling is very ancient. It is expressed in many old books and myths of different countries. For example, Chief Seattle in the 19th century expressed the feeling of North American Indians as follows: “Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. Every sandy shore, every mist, every clearing is holly in the memory and experience of my people. We are part of the earth and it is part of us. The perfumed flowers are our sisters; the deer, the horse, the great eagle – these are our brothers”.

Ecologist 1: — Unfortunately, if in former times, our ancestors were really one with nature, now our technical civilization thinking only of material goods succeeded in destroying Nature and creating the ecological crisis on our planet. I should be frank and say that technology has polluted and is still badly polluting our environment. Besides, ever since business began to operate in the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution, it has generally done with a total disregard for the environment.We, ecologists, think that nature’s immune system has been damaged. In the second half of the 20th century man brushed all restraints aside in his treatment of the environment, and this attitude has boomeranged.

The leadng man: — You are quite right. Here are some figures <Слайд 8>: 1) Each year about 13 million hectares of the world's forests are lost due to deforestation. 2) Madagascar and Sardinia, once island paradises are turning into lifeless deserts. 3) Seventy-three different kinds of pesticides have been found in groundwater, which is potential drinking water. 4) We throw away enough trash every day to fill 63,000 garbage trucks. 5) Over 80% of items in landfills can be recycled, but they’re not. 6) The scales of the last catastrophe in Japan are extending hourly.

The second doctor of medicine: — I don’t want to frighten you, but these are not the only problems. In the places where people drink poisoned water, eat bad food and breathe polluted air, they suffer from serious diseases and die early, their children are born weak. And with every passing day, the cancer rate is growing more rapidly than the population.

More and more often people are told not to be in direct sunlight, because ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer. Normally the ozone layer in the atmosphere protects us from such radiation, but due to the destruction of the ozone layer ultraviolet radiation gets to the earth. The consequences of the destruction of the ozone layer can be illustrated with the following examples:

1) One percent of the decrease of the ozone layer will result four percent of the increase of the number of skin cancer cases. 2) Causing skin cancer and its premature ageing, ultraviolet radiation at the same time depresses immune system, leading to initiation of infectious, viral and other diseases. 3) Millions of the planet’s inhabitants will become partly or fully blind because of cataract – a disease, which appears as a result of high solar radiation.

The leading man: — As we see, the ecological situation in the world is really very dangerous. What is the ecological situation in Tatarstan?

Ecologist 2: — I declare that industry in our republic is developing without any care of the environment. If no measures are taken in the nearest future, industrial pollution will cause environmental disaster. In one of the issues of a local newspaper a very significant map made by the specialists of the ecological faculty of the Kazan University was given. Have a look at it. <слайд 10>. It may seem a real paradox, “but the concentration of harmful substances in the air is many times over the admissible level not in large industrial cities but in small towns and villages in the south of our republic”. [4].

Once I heard “Nature doesn’t avenge, it defends”. As far as I know, six hundred thousand tons of harmful substances polluted our Republic last year. The champion of pollution is our industrial city Naberzhnye Chelny, 134,4 tons, then comes Nizhnekamsk, 126,6 tons and our capital Kazan is on the third place – 86,8 tons. And I can go on with this list of cities and towns. The winds greatly increase the pollution of the environment. It’s high time to start solving these problems.

The leading man: — In our today’s program there is a Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Republic of Tatarstan. Let’s listen to you. What will you answer the ecologist?

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment: — There is some truth in your words but I can’t say that we are careless. Several times a year we hold meetings of Co-ordination Council of the ecologists of the Volga Region. The necessity of the meetings is dictated by worsening of the ecological situation in the region; the more so, that we live on the banks of the Volga – the biggest river of Europe – and our health and well-being depend on its state. But if we take a look at last 10 or 15 years we can clearly see the global warming trend, for instance 1998 was the warmest record year, followed by 2005 and 2010, and as a result, unfortunately, the Volga is turning into the marsh. We have the ecological Fund of the Republic which annually gives about two billion rubles for the conservation of Nature. We adopted Environment Protection Law of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The leading man: — What measures does your Ministry carry out?

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment: — We carry out ecological control of big enterprises and factories whether these factories observe the Law of Conservation of Nature, whether they take Nature conservative measures. If not, then we can impose fines and draw up reports. We carry out control of water and air protection of the Republic.

We adopted the program of springs improvement. Today we’ve improved more than 1500 springs in order that people will be able to drink the pure water and rest.

The great help in springs’ revival is rendered by “Tatneft” Production Association, and it will be better if the Chief Engineer of “Tatneft” tells about it himself.

The leading man: — Then I have a question for the environmental protection Chief Engineer of “Tatneft”. It’s not a secret that “Tatneft” joint-venture conducted great deal of work on springs’ revival. Please, tell us some words about it.

Environmental Protection Chief Engineer of “Tatneft”: — First of all, I should say that our corporation gives a lot of attention to nature conservative measures. We apply nature- and resource-saving technologies, carry out thorough repairs of pipelines, defend them against corrosion, and produce glass-fiber pipes. Moreover, we have a separate budget for ecological actions. If come to springs’ revival, it is the conception of the improvement of the conditions of underground and surface waters. Our company halted the drilling of oil wells in the sanitary-protective zones of springs and rivers. Our Joint-Venture has purified and protected more than 300 springs. The ecological situation in the South-East part of the Republic has changed considerably as a result of purposeful and scientifically based operations to protect the environment. [6].

The leading man: — You know that the Zai River flows in our region. What can you say about it? What measures do you carry out to protect the river?

Environmental Protection Chief Engineer of “Tatneft”: — Since time began, it was considered to be the purest river. Breams, perches, wild carps, pikes could be found in it. But with the development of the oil fields the situation changed. Here are some facts. In 1954 the local newspaper wrote: “The river’s surface is covered with oil spots. Those who dare swim in it, become covered with oil. The problem of the river pollution is very old but everything is confined only to talks and nothing is done”. [4].

But today the situation is changing for the better. Our association began to use more progressive technologies, for example, we began to use metal plastic pipes instead of steel ones due to which the number of breakdowns is reducing.

The leading man: — Thank you for your detailed reply.

In our studio there is also a representative of another important company - an ecologist of “Tatex” Joint Venture. What can you say about the environment protection activity of your company?

Ecologist of “Tatex”: — First of all, some words about our company. “Tatex” Joint Venture was founded in 1991. The founders are “Tatneft” Stock Company, Republic of Tatarstan and the American company “Texneft”, Inc., Texas, USA.

The primary aim of the “Tatex” Joint Venture is the solution of the environmental problems by means of Oil Vapor Recovery, Oil Production Intensification Technology, introduction of the latest western equipment and technology, oriented towards the protection of the environment. One of the Joint Venture’s activities is the recovery of the light fractions of hydrocarbons, which are emitted from oil products. It means that air we breathe is considerably improving. [5].

Ecologist 1: — The strict and permanent control of the state of water, air and soil in the region is conducted by the Inspection of the Environment Protection of the South-East part of Tatarstan. If this Inspection sees any departures from the norm, then it imposes great fines to the factories.

The leading man: — We invited the doctor of biology who took part in the publication of the Red Book of Tatarstan. Are there any animals, birds and plants in our region included in the book?

Doctor of biology: — At first, I must say that a big group of scientists worked over this book; and the result is that more than 700 species of animals, birds and plants ever existed and existing in Tatarstan are entered in the Book. For example, the marmot, the hawk, the quail which can be rarely but found in the region entered in the book.

The leading man: — We also have a sociologist here. Let’s give her the floor.

Sociologist: — Preparing for this talk, I questioned the students of school №1 to find out whether they would be able to improve the ecological situation. It turned out that everyone is ready to do what she can to improve the situation.

Moreover, the students of the school closely co-operate with “Forestry” (Leskhoz), take an active part in planting seedlings. Besides, they informed that they had taken the 1st place in the competition “Ecological path”. I’m convinced that these young people will restore an ecological balance in our planet and leave it clean and healthy for the future generations.

By the way, I’ve got this quiz here with me. <слайды 12, 13>. And I’d like to question you now to know your personal attitude to the problem. It consists of 7 questions. Each question has 3 possible answers. You have to choose the one that suits you most of all. And we will know how green you are. Please, answer the questions. (Социолог раздает тесты и ученики отвечают на вопросы).

Sociologist: — Now count everything. How many points did you score? <Слайды 14>.

The leading man: — Summing up everything mentioned above, I’d like to say that if we want our children to live in the same world we live in, or in a better and healthier world, we must learn to protect the water, the air and the earth from pollution. And remember the three R's of nature improvement: reduce, reuse, and recycle. <Слайды 15>.

I thank you for coming and participating in our program. Take care of yourselves.

IV. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия. Учитель англ. языка: — Thank you for this profound and serious conversation, and I hope that you understand that the Earth is our home and we must do our best to keep it clean. And here a lot depends on us.

— And at the end of our work I’d like to know if you liked our lesson and what you have learnt while preparing for it.

Ученик 1: — Well, you know, while preparing for the project I came across one parable. (Рассказывает притчу). <Слайды 16> I’ve understood that everything is in our own hands.

Учитель англ. языка (после прослушанной притчи): — I should say it’s an instructive parable. And it’s just what was wanted at the end of our discussion. What else?

Ученик 2: — I think that the whole lesson from the “Earth song” to this parable prove one idea that we can't just sit back and hope somebody else does something about pollution. We are all caretakers of the Earth.

Ученик 3: — By helping our planet we are helping ourselves.

Учителя информатики и англ. языка подводят итоги работы на уроке.

VI. Оценка знаний. Домашнее задание.

Список использованных источников

1. Гроза О.Л. и др. Английский язык нового тысячелетия: учебник для 10 класса. общеобразовательных учреждений. – Обнинск: Титул, 2005. – 176 с.

2. Leo Jones. New Progress to First Certificate: учебное пособие для старшеклассников. – Cambridge University Press, 2000. – 208 с.

3. Седельникова Е.А. Река Зай // Знамя труда. – 1954. – №7. – с. 3.

4. Галимов И.А. Карта загрязнения воздуха // Казанские ведомости. – 2008. №5. – с. 2.

5. Integrated Information Systems for the Oil and Gas Industry [текст] // The U.S.A.: Digital equipment corporation. – 1989. – с. 2-6.

6. Экологическая деятельность [электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.tatneft.ru/wps/wcm/connect/tatneft/portal_rus/ecology/ekologicheskaya_deyatelnost/, Дата обращения: 11.03.2011.

7. Pollution [electronic resource]. – Режим доступа: www.ypte.org.uk/environmental/pollution, Дата обращения: 11.03.2011.

8. Ecological Problems [electronic resource]. – Режим доступа: www.ecological-problems.blogspot.com, Дата обращения: 12.03.2011.

9. The Evidence Is Clear [electronic resource]. – Режим доступа: www.climatecrisis.net/the_evidence.php, Дата обращения: 12.03.2011.

10. Рыжичкин М.О. Ecological Problems: Man and Nature [electronic resource]. – Режим доступа: https://urok.1sept.ru/articles/412776/, Дата обращения: 12.03.2011.