"Social networks: pro and cons". 11-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 11

Цель урока:

Комплексное развитие навыков, необходимых для написания сочинения в формате ЕГЭ

Задачи урока:

  • Образовательные:  развитие лексических навыков, совершенствование монологической и диалогической речи учащихся,  использование новых выражений по теме.
  • Познавательные: развитие коммуникативной компетенции в рамках обсуждаемой темы.
  • Развивающие: развитие навыков рефлексивного, логического и творческого мышления, навыков работы в группе.
  • Воспитательные: воспитание умения внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать другое мнение, поддерживать других и быть к ним благожелательным.

Ход урока:

Урок осуществляется в форме обучающей игры в рамках групповой работы учащихся. Урок, в соответствии с разработанной программой по подготовке к ЕГЭ, является зачетом по теме «Коммуникации в современном мире». Тема, которую озвучивает в начале урока преподаватель – «Социальные сети: «за» и «против». Класс делится на две группы, одна из которых отстаивает точку зрения «за», а другая – «против». Каждый из членов группы по очереди развивает отстаиваемый тезис,  предлагая свои аргументы или контраргументы. Игра состоит из нескольких раундов по схеме «аргумент-контраргумент», при этом в каждом раунде группы меняются ролями.  При этом перед учащимися ставится  задача никоим образом не дублировать предыдущих ораторов как в части логической аргументации,  так и в части используемой лексики. Последний участник раунда со стороны каждой группы  резюмирует аргументацию в защиту общего тезиса с использованием наиболее удачных логических и лексических конструкций предыдущих участников, завершая эту часть развернутым высказыванием (как это происходит при изложении аргумента в сочинении). Победившей признается команда, представившая наибольшее количество развернутых аргументов и контраргументов в защиту своего тезиса.

“Social networks: pro and cons”

Round 1. Group 1 (the 1-st argument “for”)

Student 1:  The main argument in favour of using social networks is that it enables to keep up with the latest news in all areas of our life.

Student 2:   Users of social networks inform others about everything happening to them.

Student 3:  Moreover,  they do it in real time and in most cases even earlier than mass media.

Student 4:  I can also add that they may not only tell news to other people but take photos or  videos and publish them  immediately so that people form their own opinion.

Student 5:  To summarize, the first argument in favour of using social networks is that their users are able to keep up with the latest news due to the availability of information sent in real time from the scenes of events. Social media readers may receive this information even earlier that from other sources of information and in a more presented way.


Group 2 (counterargument)

Student 1:   However, this news often turns out to be a fake.

Student 2:  Some bloggers may be so incompetent that they may not realise what is happening around them.

Student 3: They may also give false interpretations of what they have seen deliberately in order to become famous as sensation makers.

Student 4:  So the news may turn out to be a fake due to the fact that bloggers may be  incompetent to understand what they have seen or deceive people giving false interpretations of events deliberately in order to increase their popularity and attract people's attention  for the sake of fame.   

Round 2 Group 2 (the 1-st argument “against”)

Student 1:    Our argument against social media is that people tend to become addicted to them.

Student 2:    It is evident that people find communication via the Internet so exciting that they may forget about their social responsibilities and family duties.

Student 3:    They get used to spending too much time in social media instead of  living a real life.

Student 4:   I would also say that in some cases being cut off from this means of communication people may feel frustrated or even depressed.

Student 5:    To sum up, our argument against social media is that people tend to get addiction to interacting through the Internet.   This addiction may be revealed in neglecting their everyday duties and responsibilities. In some cases of strong addiction people cutting off from this means of communication may even feel frustration or deprivation.

Group 1 (counterargument)

Student 1:    We share the point of view that this addiction is much better than any others.

Student 2:   It is true that nowadays teenagers, for example, are exposed to so many negative aspects of our life such as drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling and even violence that it is much better to live a virtual life than a real one and it may be seen as a way to sublimate aggressiveness and even inclination to violence.

Student 3:   Moreover, using social networks may be seen as a way to help to resist temptations and avoid bad habits as people often get bad habits to combat boredom while communication in social networks is an exciting way out.

Student 4:    We would argue that this addiction is much better than other ones. It is common knowledge that nowadays people are exposed to a lot of negative aspects of our life so in order  to combat boredom people may be involved in using drugs, drinking alcohol, gambling or committing crimes. That's why interaction in social networks may be seen as a good way of spending their leisure time which may help to resist temptations and avoid bad habits.

Round 3  Group 1 (the 2-nd argument “for”)

Student 1:  Our next argument in support of social media is that thanks to them people have an  access to different forms of  entertainment.

Student 2:    People can download films, music, pictures, books and audio-books including the most up-to-date ones from social networks.

Student 3:    What is more, people can share what is “a must” to watch, listen or read and these recommendations may be really helpful because they are made by people who share your interests.

Student 4:    Users may then express their opinions and exchange ideas on what they have read or watched and get better understanding of the matters.

Student 5:    It is necessary to mention that most of these forms of entertainment are not only interesting but also free of charge.

Student 6:   To summarize, social media have become a common source of entertainment as they enable to download films, music, books or videos which are recommended by people sharing their interests. People can also express their opinions and exchange ideas, which makes this form of entertainment even more exciting. 

Group 2 (counterargument)

Student 1:  Most publications of these materials are pirate and illegal especially if they are free of charge.

Student 2:   As long as the legislation improves people involved in these activities may be sentenced even to imprisonment.

Student 3:   To make matters worse, young people from their childhood get used to disobeying  the law which is immoral.

Student 4:  .Morals that are typical of social media encourage people to use illegal content which may lead to negative consequences including such forms of punishments as fines and imprisonment. It may also affect people’s  lives in a negative way as people get used to breaking the law.

Round 4  Group 2 (the 2-nd argument “against”)

Student 1:  Our last argument against using social media as a means of communication is that it may replace real communication and  reduce human interaction in general.

Student 2:   Communication in social networks has become a popular way of spending free time instead of communicating face-to-face.

Student 3:   Moreover, when you meet new people in the Internet, you don’t know anything about their personalities and  background so you may easily become a victim of some criminals.

Student 4:   Communication in social networks cannot replace real communication when you can see the shining smile and bright eyes of your friend.

Student 5:   Our last argument against using social media as a means of communication is that it may replace real communication and reduce human interaction in general which may make a negative impact on the way people communicate. It is undeniable that due to the latest advances in the field of information technology people are able to communicate without leaving their homes. As a result of these changes, communicating on-line has become a really popular way to keep in touch with people and people tend to spend more time looking at the screen instead of meeting friends in real life which may cause some negative consequences in personal development and the whole life in general.

Group 2 (counterargument)

Student 1:   On the contrary to the general belief that social media users spent too much time sitting in from of the screen which  reduces human interaction face-to-face we would argue that using social networks enables people to save a lot of time and increase communication.

Student 2:  Social media is a more advanced means of information which integrates  the other ones so it  enables people  to save their time as instead of using  various channels of communication people can  use the only one.

Student 3:   It is certainly true that in our rapidly developing society people have no time to communicate face-to-face. They are so busy with work, children and everyday problems that using social media often becomes the only way to keep in touch with their friends and relatives. It takes less time than meeting people in real life as there is no need to cover long distances.

Student 4:   Using social media is a perfect way to meet new people, who share your interests and hobbies thus increasing the number of people you are acquainted with.

Student 5:    It goes without saying, that it is a perfect if not the only way to communicate for the disabled people. It is their chance to survive in the  loneliness of their existence.

Student 6:   On the contrary to the general belief that social media users spend too much time sitting in from of the screen which reduces human interaction face-to-face we would argue that using social networks enables people to save a lot of time and increase communication as people don't have to spend time on getting to the place to meet their friends and they may increase communication  for the reason that they find new friends in social networks to share their interests with. The disabled benefit greatly from using this way of communication since for them it may be the only way to keep in touch with people.