Урок контроля домашнего чтения с элементами разноуровневой дифференциации "The ring crosses the sea". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Урок предназначен для проведения в классах с разной (слабой и сильной) языковой подготовкой.

Время проведения урока – 45 минут.

Цели урока:

1. С помощью аутентичных художественных текстов развивать и формировать на их основе следующие умения:

  • пользоваться знаниями, полученными из других предметов школьной программы;
  • предвосхищать возможные события;
  • трансформировать полученную информацию для ответов на вопросы;
  • приводить аргументы “за” и “против”;
  • пользоваться сносками и комментариями;
  • выделять главные факты и составлять краткие комментарии;
  • развивать языковую догадку.

2. Формировать умение самостоятельно формулировать правило, проанализировав отдельные факты (Present Perfect)

Речевой материал:

Viking – викинг

to raid – совершать набеги to starve – умирать от голода merciless – беспощадный sail – парус

Englaland – страна Англов

Оснащение: кассета к УМК; магнитофон; карта Англии; раздаточный материал; иллюстрации учащихся к тексту

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Объявление темы урока.

Good morning, children. Sit down please. Today we have home reading. At home you have to read the third part of the story "The ring crosses the sea".But at first tell me why are we sitting so – in the ring? (Children's answers)

You are right. We are sitting so because today we will speak about the ring.

We will learn about the new adventures of the ring. But now we must remember what did happen with the ring before it. We are starting with the first century.

2. Повторение.

Класс со слабой язык. подготовкой Класс с сильной язык. подготовкой

Учащиеся делают сообщения по пройденному материалу.

Alina: – This story began in AD 60. On the British islands lived the Celts. But soon Julius Caesar came here with his soldiers. The Romans and the Celts were not enemies, but they were not friends either.

One morning Patrick, a Roman soldier, saw a beautiful Celtic girl. Her name was Helori. She had a magic ring. Helori and Patric became friends. Some time later Patrick and Helori were in love with each other. They had a secret weeding. But soon the Romans were starting a war with the Celts. The Romans killed all the people in the Celtic tribe. Helori died too. But she left the son, the son of the Roman soldier. The magic ring got to a child of Patrick and Helori. So it brought a hope.

Teacher: – Now we will go in the 5. century.

Daniyar: – In the fifth century on the British islands lived the children of the Celts and the Romans. But they also had a lot of problems with their land. Angles and Saxons wanted the British land. The ring was in one of the tribes. This tribe was Christian tribe. But people in this tribe were poor and week. They couldn't fight with the Angles and the Saxons. And they decided to leave : their land. But where should they go? One day Artos was playing with the ring and feel asleep. He had a strange dream... So the ring showed the way for the tribe – dangerous way to the North, the way to freedom.

Учащиеся разыгрывают сценки, таким образом, повторяя пройденное.

Zulfiya: This story began in AD 60. On the British islands lived the Celts. But soon Julius Caesar came here with his soldiers. The Romans and the Celts were not enemies, but they were not friends either.

One morning Patrick, a Roman soldier, was sitting in the forest and suddenly... Helori: – Roman pig! Get out of our land. This is our land. We lived here before you came, (падает) Nothing can happen to me. I'm wearing my father's ring, (показывает кольцо) It is a ring of the Druids. It is magic ring.

Patrick: – Who is your father?

Helori: – He is a Druid.

Patrick: – But they are wizards. They are terrible people.

Helori: – Don't be stupid. Druids are our doctors, teachers and leaders. They learn their magic from plants. By the way, I am Helori. What's your name?

Patrick: – My name is Patrick.

Zulfiya: They became friends. Some time later Patrick and Helori were in love with each other. They had a secret weeding. But soon the Romans were starting a war with the Celts. The Romans killed all the people in the Celtic tribe. Helori died to . But she left the son, the son of the Roman soldier. The magic ring got to a child of Patrick and Helori. So it brought a hope.

Ilsiyar: In the fifth century on the British islands lived the children of the Celts and the Romans. But they also had a lot of problems with their land. Angles and Saxons wanted the British land. The ring was in one of the tribes. This tribe was Christian tribe. But people in this tribe were poor and week. They couldn't fight with the Angles and the Saxons.

Cedric: – Now be brave, son. A Saxon king is coming here with a great army. They will burn our beautiful farm and all the farms of the tribe. We must leave our land forever. (Артос плачет.) Artos, do you remember the motto of our tribe?

Artos: – Yes, father.

Cedric: – Put your hand on mine and say it.

Artos: – Fight for the ring. Fight with the ring. Fight in the ring.

Cedric: – And what does it mean, Artos?

Artos: – It means our tribe must stay together and help our friends. We are the people of the Ring. Together we are free and strong.

Ilsiyar: And they decided to leave their land. But where should they go? One day Artos was playing with the ring and feel asleep. He had a strange dream...

Artos: – Suddenly I was flying. Up, up, over the mountains. Over rivers. Over forests. I flew north into the land of Picts. I saw the people. They were we. They were working day and night. The land was poor, but those people were free and happy. Then I heard a voice. It said to me "Your way is the hard one".

Ilsiyar: – So the ring showed the way for the tribe – dangerous way to the North, the way to freedom.

3. Основной этап урока.

Teacher: Let's begin our work with the new words. Look at the blackboard, repeat them after the speaker and read. ( введение новой лексики – учащиеся повторяют слова за диктором, читают их самостоятельно) Very well. And now we'll do some exercises to the text.

Класс со слабой язык. подготовкой

Класс с сильной язык. подготовкой

Teacher: – Today we'll play the game "Crosses and zeros" (“Крестики – Нолики”), Some of you we'll be crosses, and some – zeros. At the blackboard you see the table:

Учащиеся сильной подгруппы выполняют задания индивидуально, в парах или группах.


  • answer the questions;
  • match the pictures and the parts of the text;
  • match the sentences and their translations;
  • grammar training;
  • in groups: choose the right answer and explain it;
  • in pairs: put the questions about the text and answer them;

In the end of the lesson we write the compositions about the weather in Norway. These words can help you:

The days
The nights
The wind
The sun
The land
The climate

В конце урока учащиеся пишут мини – сочинения на тему “Погода в Норвегии”. Некоторые сочинения зачитываются вслух.

  1 2 3  
4 5 6
7 8 9

These are the tasks for you. Choose one of the numbers and do the task.


  • – read and translate 1. part of the text;
  • – match the pictures and the parts of the text;
  • – choose the right answer;
  • – read and translate 2. part of the text;
  • – match the sentences and their translations
  • – read and translate the 3. part of the text;
  • – answer the questions about the text

(задания см. в приложении) Учащиеся выполняют задания в командах, при правильном ответе закрывая ячейку крестиком или ноликом. Выигрывает та команда, которая быстрее закроет все ячейки в линии.

\4. Заключительный этап урока: а) Домашнее задание:

Класс со слабой язык. подготовкой Класс с сильной язык. подготовкой
Выполняют упр. А стр. 191 в рабочих тетрадях (на исправление ошибок в тексте) Выполняют упр. А стр. 191 в рабочих тетрадях (на исправление ошибок в тексте) + готовят устный пересказ текста


Класс со слабой язык. подготовкой Класс с сильной язык. подготовкой
Победившая команда получает “5”, проигравшая – “4”. Учащиеся сами выставляют себе оценки в зависимости от количества колец, заработанных во время урока.
