Обобщающий урок "Рождество". 7-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 7

Цели урока: расширять общий кругозор, развивать навыки выразительной речи, аудирования, активизировать ранее выученные лексико-грамматические структуры; на основе конкурсов развивать умения и навыки работы в команде.

Тип урока: обобщающий.

Оборудование: конверты с заданиями, речевые образцы, магнитофон, искусственная ёлочка, медальки “Санта Клаус”.

I. Организационный момент.

1. Сообщение темы.
2. Беседа с дежурным.

II. Вступительное слово учителя.

Dear boys and girls! You know that nowadays people all over the world celebrate Christmas Day. At this time of year it’s traditional For many people to send Christmas cards and presents to each other. Christmas is also the day that Santa Claus visits families and brings them presents in bright paper and ribbons. In the morning, people open their presents and then they go to church. They wish each other a “ Merry Christmas!”.

III. Listening Comprehension.

Dear children, I want you listen to a text about Christmas Pudding. I hope you will learn something new. But first of all look at the board. Here are some new words, that you will hear while listening to the text.

to be boiled – быть сваренным
woodman – дровосек
to ask for shelter – просить о приюте
cloth – ткань, полотно
customary dessert – привычный десерт
lewd custom – непристойный обычай
to re-establish – восстанавливать
to ban – запрещать
Now listen to the tape.

Christmas Pudding

Puddings began to appear in the sixteenth century. There is a legend about how such puddings came into being. One Christmas Eve an English kind lost his way in a forest. He knocked on the door of a woodman’s cottage and asked for food and shelter. The woodman was very poor, so he mixed together all the food he had in the house. The result was a mixture of flour, eggs, apples, dried, plumps, sugar and brandy. This mixture was boiled in a cloth and a delicious pudding was invented.

Puddings became the customary Christmas dessert. But in 1664 the Puritans banned it as a “lewd custom”. It was George I who, having tasted and enjoyed plum pudding, re-established it as part of the Christmas feast in 1714.

После повторного прослушивания дети выполняют тест письменно:

1. The text is about…

  1. the legend how, puddings come into being
  2. an English kind who lost his way in a forest
  3. a woodman who cooked a delicious pudding

2. Choose the right answers

  1. When did puddings begin to appear
    a) in the seventeenth century
    b) in the sixteenth century
    c) in the eighteen century
  2. Why did the king knocked on the door of the woodman?
    a) because he wanted to invite the woodman to his palace
    b) because he wanted to ask for food
    c) because he wanted to ask for food and shelter.
  3. Where did the woodman boil the pudding?
    a) in the clothes
    b) in the cloth
    c) in the dress
  4. What did the pudding consist of?
    a) It consisted of flour and butter.
    b) It consisted of eggs and apples.
    c) It consisted of many different ingredients.
  5. Why did the Puritans ban the customary dessert?
    a) Because they didn’t like puddings.
    b) Because they called it a “lewd custom”.
    c) Because they could not cook it.
  6. Who re-established puddings as part of the Christmas feast&
    a) George I
    b) Edward I
    c) Elizabeth II

Key: I. 1a
II. 1.b; 3.b; 5.b;
     2.c; 4.c; 6.a.

IV. Конкурсы “Christmas World Web”.

Dear children today you have broken up into three groups. Every group got a sheet of paper. Your task is to draw up in the middle of the sheet as many words as you can connected with the keyword “Christmas”.
(Calm music is heard)
One pupil from every group goes to the board, puts their word web on the board with magnets and reads all written words.
(Дети читают, подсчитывают количество слов, учитывается качество чтения).

“Put together a Christmas poem”.

Every group gets an envelope in which you can see some separated lines of the poem. The task is to put together a poem, to read it and to translate it correctly. Here are some short poems about Christmas.

It is winter, it is Christmas!
Look at our Christmas Tree!
There are big balls, there are nice doоls,
Many candies you can see.

* * *

Santa Claus lives in England
He is funny and merry.
His cheaks are like roses,
His nose is like a cherry

* * *

There are flags, there are ribbons
Little bells and bright stars, too
Red and orange, green and yellow,
Pink and purple, violet and blue.

“Christmas Crossword competition”
By means of this competition we’ll earlier learnt words and their spelling.
The task is to be quick and right to answer.

Dear friends, your homework was to prepare some decorations for our Christmas Tree.

Let’s do it! Let’s decide whose decorations is

  • the most beautiful
  • the most original
  • the most traditional 

V. Подведение итогов конкурсов.

Учащиеся подсчитывают количество полученных медалек с изображением Санта-Клауса и сообщают свои результаты.

Как сюрприз для всех присутствующих, группа детей исполняет песню “Jingle, Bells!”.

Комментирование оценок.

VI. Домашнее задание.

Приготовить сообщение на тему: “My best present”.


  1. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В. Английский язык. Учебник для VI класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий. Москва: “Просвещение”, 2007.
  2. Английский я зык – 1 сентября, № 23/2006.
  3. Сигал Т.К. Аудирование для школьников 7 класс. Москва: “Айрис Пресс”, 2005.