Урок английского языка по теме "Мой родной город"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНЫЕ - ознакомить учащихся с новой лексикой, активизировать в устной речи ранее изученную лексику, а также грамматический материал The Passive Voice.

ВОСПИТАТЕЛЬНЫЕ - воспитывать у учащихся чувство любви к родному краю, уважение к его истории, культуре и традициям; формировать экологическую грамотность учащихся.

РАЗВИВАЮЩИЕ - развивать познавательные интересы учащихся, их творческую инициативу в осуществлении иноязычной речевой деятельности; развивать межпредметные связи с историей, краеведением и экологией.

ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: ИКТ (презентация)


Задачи урока:

  • Активизировать грамматический материал The Passive Voice.
  • Ознакомить с новой лексикой по теме "Город".
  • Провести работу с тематическим текстом (Text 1).
  • Развивать умения и навыки монологической речи на основе текста.

Ход урока

I. Greetings. Tasks for the lesson.

Today we start our talk about the town where we live. I hope you have learnt a lot of interesting facts about your native town at the History lessons. I think it will be great to speak about it in English.

Are you interested in the history of your hometown? Do you know its culture and traditions? Why are you proud of your town? Can you answer these questions in English? I am sure you'll be able to do it after you have read the English texts about Murom. We are going to discuss these texts, learn words, make up dialogs and act them out with your classmates.

Revision of the grammar material (The Passive Voice).

First of all let's revise your grammar. Take a list of exercises and do them orally.


№ 1. Form the infinitive of the Passive Voice.

Model: to do - to be done.

to visit, to decorate, to build, to reconstruct, to show, to exhibit, to locate, to find, to connect, to name, to found, to keep, to attract, to produce.

№ 2. Change the sentences into the Passive Voice.

  1. Many people visit our town every year.
  2. We decorated the streets of our town for New Year's Day.
  3. They will reconstruct the museum next month.
  4. Murom attracts a lot of tourists from other towns.
  5. They are building a new school now.
  6. They showed us beautiful churches and monasteries.
  7. Kulikov museum exhibits a lot of wonderful paintings.
  8. This plant will produce a lot of goods next year.

№ 3. Translate into English.

  1. Муром расположен в центральной части России.
  2. Город был основан в 862 году.
  3. Множество интересных экспонатов выставлено в нашем музее.
  4. Новые современные здания будут построены в ближайшем будущем.
  5. Город посещается сотнями туристов каждый год.
  6. Картины знаменитого русского художника Куликова хранятся в его доме-музее.

Reading and discussing the text.

Now I am giving you the first text to read. Pay attention to the words below. Read the text to yourself, then aloud. Do the tasks that follow.

<Приложение 1>

Text 1

Murom is an ancient town located in the central part of Russia. The first mention of Murom can found in Russian chronicles dated back to the tenth century. According to the archeological findings, the first settlers appeared in the year 862. That time is accepted as date of the town foundation.

The name of our town is to be associated with the tribe Muroma who lived near the Oka River. In the middle age period, Murom was only a commercial centre. It was famous for such handicrafts as pottery, blacksmith's work, metal-working. The merchants traded with Ryasan, Chernigov and many other towns at a distance of many kilometers from Murom.

The history of Murom was connected with the history of Russia. There is a legend about Ilya Muromets, the son of a peasant, who lived in the village of Karacharovo not far from the town. Ilya Muromets conquered a highway robber (Solovei razboinik) on his way to Kiev. He was a warrior and defender of Russia. Another beautiful legend about Prince Peter and Princess Phevronia and their great love. They are considered to be Murom saints and their relic is kept in the Saint-Trinity monastery.

Murom is famous for its churches and monasteries. They are remarkable monuments of Russian architecture. White-stone five domed churches add much to the beauty of the town. Murom museum contains many exhibits describing the history of our hometown and the life of the people.

The landscape where Murom is located is very attractive. The history of the town and beauty attracts a lot of tourists. I am proud of my town and love it.


  • ancient - древний
  • mention - упоминание
  • settlers - поселенцы
  • to appear - появляться
  • to be accepted - зд: считаться
  • tribe - племя
  • handicraft - ремесло
  • pottery - гончарное дело
  • blacksmith's work - кузнечное дело
  • to conquer - завоевывать
  • warrior - воин
  • to be considered - считаться
  • relic - мощи
  • remarkable - замечательный

Tasks for the text

Ex. 1. Find Passive Constructions in the text. Read them out.

Ex. 2. Answer the following questions:

  1. Where is Murom located?
  2. What time is accepted as the date of the town foundation?
  3. Why the town was named Murom?
  4. What legends about Murom do you know?
  5. What can you say about Ilya Muromets?
  6. Who were Prince Peter and Princess Phevronia?
  7. What monuments of Russian architecture can be found in Murom?

Ex. 3. Retell the text using the questions.

Explaining the hometask for the next lesson.

I'd like to ask you the following questions: What is Text 1 about? Does it help you to tell your friends about your town? Please retell the text at home again and prepare your own questions to it. Get ready to ask them in class. Use the Passive Voice.


Задачи урока:

  • Провести работу в парах для активизации учебного материала, изученного на предыдущем уроке.
  • Обеспечить отработку употребления пассивного залога в вопросительных структурах.
  • Провести работу с тематическим текстом (Text 2).

Ход урока

I. Greetings. Task for the lesson.

II. Work in pairs (P1 -P2, P3 - P4; P1 > P2, P3, P4).

Model: Where can the first mention of Murom be found? - It can be found in Russian chronichals dated back to the tenth century.

III. Reading and discussing the text.

Text 2

Murom lies in Vladimir Region. It is situated on the left bank of the Oka River. Our town is more than 1140 years old. However, it is young and beautiful.

Now Murom is an important industrial centre. Machine building plays the leading role in the town industry. The production of our factories is well known. We can name refrigerators, locomotives, radio sets and other things, which are made, in our town.

Murom is a great railway centre. Trains from southeastern part of Russia go to Moscow through Murom. They carry people and different goods to all parts of the country. The Oka River plays an important role in the life of the town too. It makes possible distant and suburban passengers communications and serves as a mean of transport for various goods.

Our town is the town of students. There are medical, pedagogical and radio technical colleges here. Our institute prepares engineers, lawyers, economists.

Murom is a cultural centre too. There are many places where you can spend your spare time. Our town has the palace of Culture, several cinema-houses and several museums, for example the Museum of Local Lore, Kulikov Museum, Gastello Museum, Kaurov Museum. Not long ago the Exhibition Hall was opened for visitors. The town has rich cultural traditions. One of them is the international amateur cycle-racing Peleton, which is held every year in Murom. People from different countries come to our town to part in it.

Murom is famous for its people. They are architect Bespalov, inventor Zvorykin, scientist Gubkin, playwright Gladkov etc. The famous Russian painter Kulikov lived and worked in our town. Our town was visited by Gorky, Pushkin and Griboedov.

Our town is getting better from year to year. Recently new residential areas have been built; many old buildings and churches have been restored. I am proud to be citizen of our Murom.

Tasks to the text

Ex. 1. Answer the following questions:

  1. What river is Murom situated?
  2. How old is the town?
  3. What industry is the leading one?
  4. What do the factories produce?
  5. What colleges and institutes of your town can you name?
  6. What museums are there in Murom?
  7. What can you say about cultural traditions of your town?
  8. What famous people was our town visited by?
  9. Who was born and lived in our town? What can you tell your class about these people?

Ex. 2. Make up a plan to the text.

IV. Explaining the hometask. (Retell the text according to the plan. Find some additional information about famous people of our town).


Задачи урока:

  • Активизировать употребление конструкции there is (there are).
  • Развивать умения и навыки монологической речи.
  • Повторить тему "Защита окружающей среды", выделить экологические проблемы нашего города и указать возможные пути их решения.

Ход урока

Greetings. Task for the lesson.

Revision of the grammar material (There is / are)

Ex. 1. Ask questions beginning with Is there...? Are there:?

Model: Is there a pedagogical college in your town?

Are there parks and squares in your town?

Ex. 2. Translate the sentences into English.

<Приложение 2>

  1. В нашем городе много церквей.
  2. Там много площадей, парков, красивых улиц.
  3. Здесь расположено много новых и старых зданий, магазины, кафе, офисы.
  4. В центре города находится рынок.
  5. Есть ли кинотеатр рядом с вашей школой?
  6. Есть ли спортивные площадки и бассейны в вашем городе?
  7. Какие исторические памятники есть в Муроме?
  8. В нашем городе нет театра.
  9. В музее нет картин Репина.
  10. Какие колледжи есть в вашем городе?

Speaking on the topic "The Present-day Murom" (according to the pupils' plan).

IV. Discussing the problems of the environment our hometown face at present.

As you know our town as other big cities and small towns is concerned about the environment. The are some problems of our town face nowadays. Do you know these problems?

Please tell me a few sentences on each problem. Use the prompts.

The prompts:

  • a lot of plants and factories
  • a lot of cars and buses
  • pollute the air we breath
  • is polluted with garbage dumped into it
  • is dangerous for swimming
  • a lot of fish die because:
  • leave plastic bags, bottles, cans, papers
  • don't put garbage into garbage can
  • bring animals which sometimes carry disease
  • are cut down and burnt in fire
  • become to disappear
  • can't live in the atmosphere of chemicals and pesticides

Now the main question is what we should do to protect the environment. Can you answer this question? Use the verbs should / shouldn't or must / mustn't.

V. Explaining the hometask. (Make up a dialogue. Have a talk to your friend about your native town).