Здоровый образ жизни. 6-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 6


  • Образовательные:
    • активировать лексику по теме “Здоровье”, «Спорт»;
    • развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать усвоенный материал в новых ситуациях общения.
  • Развивающие:
    • развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся;
    • развивать память, мышление, творческое мышление
  • Воспитательный аспект:
    • воспитывать здоровые привычки;
    • показать учащимся важность здорового образа жизни.

Тип урока: урок коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения.

Методы: интерактивный, словесный, наглядный, практический.

Оборудование и оснащение урока:

  • дидактический раздаточный материал: карточки-задания;
  • палитра
  • компьютер


I. Активизация материала

1. Организационный момент

T: – Good morning, everybody! I’m very glad to see you at today’s lesson. How are you?
P1: – I’m fine, thanks. And how are you?
T: – I’m fine too. Thank you.
T: – Today we’ll speak on the topic “Health is the ‘best wealth.” We’ll discuss how sports, balanced diet help us to be fit, healthy and strong. We shall speak about sports in your school. You will know something interesting and new for you. I hope that our co-operation will be important and useful for you and for me. You see that your health is in your own hands. A thousand years ago ancient Greeks said: The ‘first ‘wealth is health. ‘Health is the ‘best wealth.” These words will be a redline of today’s lesson. And an the end of the lesson we will try to make a poster with our recommendations.

2. Фонетическая зарядка

T: There are exercises that are useful not only for your body but also for your tongue.
T: Now, look at the screen.
There is a tongue twister which consists of two proverbs. Listen and repeat after me.

[w] – white, swimming, wanted, when, was, question, winners
[] – the [I:], the [], the fourth, than, those, with.
[] – wealth, health, fourth, I think, thank you,
[] – burn, first, Germany, work, world, third, proverb

Отработка выражений

The first wealth is health.
Health is the ‘best wealth’.

Сначала медленно с паузами. – Дети повторяют всё за учителем. Затем всё быстрее и ещё быстрее.

T.: Thank you.
T: So, the topic of our lesson is “Health is the ‘best wealth.

3. Речевая зарядка

T.: Agree or disagree with my statements:

– Smoking is a bad habit.
P1: That is right. Smoking is a bad habit.

– Eating too much sweet is good for your health.
P2: That is wrong. Eating too much sweet is bad for your health.

– Drinking too much alcohol is a healthy habit.
P3: That is wrong. Drinking too much alcohol is a bad habit

– Eating low-fat food is a bad habit.
P4: That is wrong. Eating low-fat food is good for health.   

– Exercising is bad for health.
P5: That is wrong.  Exercising is good for health.

II. Введение нового материала


– So, What a wonderful thing it is to be healthy, to have a strong body and an active mind! Health is not something that comes to you by accident. There are a few things that you can do to be strong and fit. Tell us what is important for our health.


– Healthy eating
– Sport and fitness
– Daily routine
– No smoking,alcohol,drugs

2. Let’s speak about healthy food and junk food

When we go to a supermarket we see a lot of fresh food, frozen food, food in cans, food in boxes. But which of these does your body need to grow healthy. Let’s be the experts and  divide  different kinds of food into 2 categories:
healthy food and junk food.

(На доске прикреплены картинки с изображением различных продуктов и дети распределяют их в 2 колонки)

3. Answer the questions

So, name healthy food. You should eat balanced meal 3 times a day.
I think that all of you have breakfast. Is it true?
– What do you usually have for breakfast?
– Do you like to go to McDonald’s?
– Do potato chips, hamburgers, soft drinks do you good?
– What is your favourite dish? Is it good for your health?
So, we see that we should eat healthy food to grow strong.

4. «Интервью»

T.: I think you will agree with me if a person wants to be healthy he should have health habits. I suppose it will be interesting to ask your friends and guests about their health habits. Some of you will take question lists and interview everybody, make a report. (2 учащихся опрашивают учеников и 2 ученика опрашивают учителей)

Questions  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15
1. Is it easy for you to get up early?                              
2. Do you skip(пропускаете) breakfast?                              
3. Do you do morning exercises?                              

 Ученики делают вывод о том, сколько человек делают зарядку, все ли завтракают, легко ли вставать по утрам.

5. Релаксационная пауза

You have done a great job. But it’s a bit noisy here. Let’s be quiet. Listen to me. After that you will repeat after me.

Sch, sch stop that noise
Sch, sch stop that noise
Come on, girls, tell all the boys
tell all the boys to stop that noise


Please, be quiet, stop that noise
Please, be quiet, stop that noise
Come on, boys , tell all the girls
tell all the girls to stop that noise


Shut up, girls, stop that noise
Shut up, girls, stop that noise
Come on, girls, Come on, boys,
tell everybody to stop that noise

Sch, sch stop that noise
Sch, sch stop that noise


T.: You see that it is very difficult to follow healthy lifestyle. But do not forget “Health is the best wealth”. And what can help you to be healthy? Of course, the school. At school you do morning exercises, go in for sport two times a week, and have a balanced diet. Let’s speak about sport. Answer the questions, please.

– How many lessons of physical education do you have?
– Do you have lessons in a gym or a sports ground?   
– What do you do at your lessons?
– What are your favourite games?
– Who is the best sportsman in your form?
– Who goes to a swimming pool?
– Who likes to play football?
– What English games do you know?
– Is skiing popular in Great Britain?
– What sports do you go in for?

– Now let’s show that you are real sportsmen. Stand up, repeat words and movements after me.

Hands up, hands down
Hands on hips, sit down.
Stand up, hands to the sides,
Bend left, bend right.
One, two, three, hop
One, two, three, stop.
Stand still, sit down.

– Yes, you are good sportsmen. So, you see that it is important to go in for sports. Do you agree? OK.

7. Чтение текста на выявление последовательности

– Your mind, like your body, needs exercises too. Reading is a wonderful way to exercise your mind. Let’s read the text, but the passages are mixed. Your task is to make the text logical. (Использование палитры)
– Now let’s read the text. Is it fun? Great!

8. Аудирование текста

– Some of you have already travelled to other countries, some are going to travel. And we should know the rules how to stay healthy while travelling. Listen to the story, please, try to understand and match the left column with  problems and the right column with some advice.

(Ученики прослушивают запись и соединяют левую и правую колонки, а затем озвучивают)

III. Закрепление пройденного материала

1. Today we have spoken a lot about healthy way of living. So, what is important for our health? (good eating, sport, daily routine, fitness, no smoking)

Let’s read the poem.

Stay Healthy

How do you stay healthy?
Eat right, sleep right,
Exercise to keep right!

Just as cars need gas to go,
You need food to run and grow.
So much food to eat, it’s true.
Which one’s the best for you?

Food alone is not enough.
Exercise also keeps you tough.
So many ways to work out, it’s true.
What kind of exercise do you do?

Food and exercise aren’t enough.
Rest also keeps you healthy and tough.
How many hours do you sleep at night?
Get enough rest, so you’ll feel right!

How do you stay healthy?
Eat right, sleep right,
Exercise to keep right!

2. Let’s make a poster and write down and maybe draw  health rules.
Take felt tip pens and start. (Ученики создают постер)
– Which of you will tell us about health rules? Excellent!

 3. Take sheets of paper and insert the words: Should or Shouldn’t. And your hometask will be, using these sheets, prepare for telling about health rules.

IV. Подведение итогов

T.: Thank you. I think that everybody will remember that good health is a strong and energetic body and mind and you will follow our health rules.
– Thank you for being active at the lesson. Good luck!