Внеклассное мероприятие по теме "Одежда". 3–4-е классы

Разделы: Иностранные языки


- активизация в речи изученной лексики, разговорных клише, стихотворений и диалогов по теме;

- решение задач эстетического воспитания;

- развитие воображения, памяти, смекалки, творческих навыков;

- привлечение максимального количества участников.

Оснащение: костюмы моделей для исторического парада и парада моделей будущего, смешная картинка “Человек рассеянный” на формате А 3, цветная и гофрированная бумага, цветной картон, фломастеры, картинки для раскрашивания, картинки-отгадки, наборы для “магазина”: куртки, шляпы, набор одежды для инсценировки стихотворения, музыкальное оформление.

Выходят 3 ведущих (одеты в школьную форму) – учащиеся 5-6 класса.

В 1: Hi, friends!

B 2: Nice to see you here!

B 3: We’re going to have a good time.

Выходит В 4 (одет модно).

B 4: Hi, guys! What’s up? What are you doing here?

B 1: We’re having a fashion show.

B 4: Wow! What is it?

B 2: We’ll speak about fashion…

B 3: … watch a fashion parade…

B 1: … make clothes…

B 4: Really? Shall we play any games?

B 2: Certainly. Guessing games,

B 3: …rhyming, painting…

B 1: We’ll listen to songs, poems, dialogues.

B 4: Great! Am I fashionable?

B 2: You look smart!

B 3: You’re cool!

B 1: So, let’s begin!

B 2: You know, fashion always comes back. Every new model looks like an old one.

B 3: Let’s see fashion change.

B 4: We’re returning to the past.

1. HISTORICAL PARADE. (домашнее задание для одного класса)

Выходят модели и комментаторы (Pupils 1-5)

Мodel 1. Prehistoric clothes. (музыка на низких басах)

P 1: In old times people wore skins of animals. They made people warm.

Model 2. Ancient Rome and Greece. (2 people) (греческая музыка)

P 2: The Romans and Greeks put on white togas or tunics and sandals.

Model 3. Middle Ages (лирическая классическая музыка)

P 3: In Middle Ages ladies wore long dresses with funny collars.

Model 4. The 20s of the XX century. (чарльстон)

P 4: One hundred years ago girls looked smart having exotic handbags and hats.

Model 5. A mini-dress and trousers. (2 people) (современная музыка)

P 5: Do you think this skirt is too short? But your mums liked short skirts. They make us so beautiful. Though trousers become more and more popular.

B 1: Oh, how interesting!

B 2: Just fantastic!

B 1: Now let’s listen to the poems about clothes.


1) What are you wearing?

A sweater or a T-shirt?

What are you wearing?

Blue jeans or shorts?

I’m wearing a T-shirt,

A scarf and a hat,

Big red boots,

And I’m wearing yellow shorts.

2) Diddle-diddle dumpling, little John

Went to bed with his breeches on,

With the hat in the hand.

Isn’t it bad?

One stocking off and one stoking on.

Diddle-diddle dumpling, little John.

B 3: Thanks a lot. And now look at this funny fellow. (картинка на А3)

(Показывает смешную картинку “An Absent-minded Man”)

B 4: What’s wrong with him? Begin your answer with the words: “He is wearing …”


B 1: We have our own talented designers!

B 2: They can make dresses of everything!

B 1: Even of paper!

B 2: Let’s have a look.

4. MAKING CLOTHES. (домашнее задание: сделать наряд из цветной бумаги)

Выходят по одной модели от класса

B 3: How exotic! Let’s listen to the poem.


Shoes and boots
Boots and shoes
Come and buy
The size you use.

Try them on
Before you choose
Shoes and boors
Boots and shoes.

B 4: Thank you. We usually buy our clothes in the shops.

B 3: Do you like shopping?

B 4: Sure. Why not go to the shop with our friends?



1) Mrs Grey, Shop-assistant, 4 pupils (showing clothes, making compliments).

Sh-ass: Hello! What can I do for you?

Mrs.Gr: I’d like a hat, please.

Sh-ass: What colour would you like?

Mrs Gr: Brown.

Sh-ass: Sorry, we haven’t got brown hats. Would you like a black one? Or white?

Mrs Gr: Oh, no! These are not my colours!

Sh-ass: Do you like bright colours?

Mrs Gr: Of course, I do. Show me a red hat.

Sh-ass: What size do you want?

Mrs Gr: 56. Can I try it on?

Sh-ass: Certainly, you can. You choose the best hat.

P 1: You look great in it!

P 2: It goes well with your bag.

P 3: It suits you.

P 4: You’re so beautiful in it!

Mrs Gr: O.K. I’ll take it. I do like it!

2) Сustomer, shop-assistant, pupils (showing clothes)

Sh-ass: Hello! Can I help you?

Cust: Yes, please. Could I change this jacket, please? I bought it yesterday for my daughter.

Sh-ass: What’s wrong with it?

Cust: It’s the wrong size, I’m afraid.

Sh-ass: Is it too big or too small for her?

Cust: It’s too big. Have you got anything smaller?

Sh-ass: Of course, we have. Will this jacket be O.K. for your daughter?

Cust: It will do, I think. And one more thing.

Sh-ass: Yes? What is it?

Cust: She doesn’t like the colour. Are there any other colours?

Sh-ass: Certainly. Will you choose, please?

Cust: Well, the blue one will be good for her. It’s her favourite colour. It suits her.

Sh-ass: It’s really very nice. I’m sure, your daughter will like it.

Cust: Thanks a lot for you help.

Sh-ass: Thank you, madam. Bye-bye, come again.

B 1: It’s really difficult to choose the right thing.

B 2: …and to find the right colour.

8. “COLOUR THE PICTURE” (2-3 нераскрашенные картинки А 3)

B 1: We have one more game. Let’s see who is more attentive.

B 2: Take two pictures and pencils. You will listen to the story and colour the picture. (раздают картинки и фломастеры)

B 3, 4: This is Mary. She is wearing a red cap, a blue T-shirt, a black skirt, yellow tights, brown high-boots, green mittens and a grey jacket.  (дается время на раскраску картинок)


B 1: Let’s play a guessing game.

B 2: Guess the rhyme! (картинки)

B 1: A black cat is wearing a ….. (hat)

B 2: Little kittens are wearing ….. (mittens)

B 3: A grey mouse puts on a white ….. (blouse)

B 4: The Middle Goat has a nice ….. (coat)

B 1: Two funny cocks are wearing blue ….. (socks)

B 2: On my left foot I have a high ………. (boot)

B 3: My friend Bess has a beautiful …….. (dress)

B 4: All modern teens wear blue ……….. (jeans)

B 4: You are so clever!

B 3: Give me your pictures.

B 4: Who is the best?

B 3: They are. (показывает на лучшую команду)

B 4: I hear somebody mewing.

B 3: Who is this?

10. A POEM “THREE LITTLE KITTENS” (a cat and kittens)

Three little kittens,
They lost their mittens,
And they began to cry:
“O mother dear,
We fear, we fear,
That we have lost our mittens”.

What? Lost your mittens!
You naughty kittens!
Then you shall have no pie.
“Mee-ow, mee-ow, mee-ow”.
No, you shall have no pie.

Three little kittens,
They found their mittens,
And they began to cry:
“O mother dear,
See here, see here!
See! We have found our mittens”.

Put on your mittens
You silly kittens,
And you may have some pie.
“Purr-r, purr-r, purr-r,”
O let us have the pie.

B 1: Thank you.

11. “TAKE IT OFF!”

B 2: I saw a very strange woman yesterday. I think, she couldn’t choose the right clothes for her.

(выходят 2 девочки: одна в яркой, не подходящей по цвету и размеру одежде – Р 1, Р 2)

P 2: This is my friend. Help her!

B 1: We have the best stylists who can give you good advice.

(выходят 2 стилиста: S 1, S 2)

S 1: Take it off at once!

S 2: This hat doesn’t go with your sweater!

S 1: It’s not your colour!

S 2: You’re wearing the wrong size boots.

S 1, S 2: Come with us! (уходят)

B 2: Let us give them time and we’ll see the result.

12. “SCHOOL UNIFORM” (домашнее задание)

B 4: Do you like your school uniform?

B 3: I do. It’s comfortable to wear.

B 4: Would you like to see a new collection of school uniform by our costume designers?

B 3: With great pleasure.

(выходят по 2 представителя от команды: модель и комментатор, описывают свой вариант школьной формы)

13. “SHOW US …”

B 1: Let’s see how creative you are.

B 2: We need 1 pupil from each class. (выходят дети)

B 1: Can you show us - a boot? (показывают)

- gloves?

- a cap?

(возвращаются участники конкурса “TAKE IT OFF”)

B 1: I see a beautiful girl!

B 2: She looks great! She has changed so much!

B 1: All the new clothes suit her! It’s your style! (applause)


B 3: Wow! Who is this?

B 4: What’s the matter with you?

(A Pupil is wearing a lot of different clothes at the same time)

Under my hood I have a hat
And under that my hair is flat.
Under my coat my sweater’s blue,
My sweater’s red, I’m wearing two.
My muffle muffles to my chin
And round my neck and then tucks in.
My gloves were knitted by my aunts.
I’ve mittens too. And pants, and pants.
And boots, and shoes with socks inside
The boots are rubber, red and wide.
And when I walk I must not fall,
Because I can’t get up at all.


(домашнее задание для другого класса)

B 1: At the beginning of our show we returned to the past. Now we’ll come to the future.

B 2: What shall we wear?

Парад одежды будущего. Музыка.

B 1: A wonderful show!

B 2: We had great fun!

B 3: Great thanks to everybody!

B 4: So long! Bye!