Конспект урока английского языка. 5-й класс

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Класс: 5

Цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся.


Образовательные: активизировать употребление ранее изученной лексики в речи учащихся, обучить чтению с извлечением основной информации, повторить образование времени Past Simple правильных и неправильных глаголов.

Развивающие: развивать орфографические навыки, развивать коммуникативные навыки.

Воспитательные: воспитывать у учащихся интерес к изучению иностранного языка средствами коммуникации.

Средства обучения и оборудование: УМК In Touch 1, издательство “Longman”, картинки животных, карточки с неправильными глаголами, магнитофон, кассета.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? Today we are going to speak about Zoos, animals and their babies; we are going to revise Past Simple.

2. Warming up.

Teacher: Now answer my questions, please.

Have you ever been to the Zoo?

When did you visit the Zoo last time?

What animals did you see there?

Are there special sections at the Zoo?

Which animals do you like or don’t like?

3. Отработка навыка аудирования.

Teacher: Now listen to a letter from Viki and Ken and answer the question:

What did Bruce visit last last year? (Lesson 30, ex.1, p.82)

What have you learned about London Zoo?

4. Обучение чтению с извлечением основной информации.

Teacher: Now it is time to read. Open your books on page 82 (text “Fun at London Zoo”).

Let’s answer some questions according to the text.

What animals did Bruce see at the Zoo? (pelicans, chimpanzee)

What’s this Touch Centre?

What is another word for “monkey”?

Wallaby – what animal is it?

5. Активизация употребления лексики.

Teacher: Do you know the names of some other baby animals?

a cow – a calf

a cat – a …?

a goat – a kid

a dog – a …?

a horse – a colt?

a hen – a …?

a sheep – a lamb

a duck – a …?

Now read and guess a rhyming puzzle.

The guppy

Cows have calves.
Cats have kittens.
Horses have calts.
Bats have bittens.
Swans have cygnets.
Dogs have puppies.
But guppies just have little …

The next task for you is to find the English words for: “мы обошли зоопарк дважды”, “бросали рыбу”, “ныряли”, “коснулись”, “поглаживали”, “лазали по деревьям”, “носили малышей”.

6. Тренировочные упражнения по грамматике. Закрепление времени Past Simple.

Teacher: What Tense of the verb is used in the text (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Future Simple or Past Simple)? Prove your answer. Are the verbs regular or irregular? How do we form Past Simple of regular verbs? (Ex. 3a, p.83)

Write the verbs in the correct column. (Ex. 3b, p. 83)

7. Физкультминутка.

Hands up, hands down.
Hands on hips, sit down.
Stand up, hands to the sides,
Bend left, bend right,
Hands on hips, one, two, three, hop,
One, two, three, stop. Stand still.

8. Активизация употребления времени Past Simple.

Teacher: It’s time to play. There are two teams in our group.

Game 1 (игра с карточками, где написана первая форма неправильных глаголов). Name the second form of the irregular verbs: go, have, put, write, read, grow, burn, see, fly, know.

Game 2. Make up sentences in the Past Simple, put your marks X or O to the squares.

look at
+ ?

Game 3. Interview your classmate. Make up short dialogues: 3 questions, 3 answers.

Game 4. Who’s story is the longest? Begin your story with the words: Last year I went to the Zoo.

Game 5. Spelling game. Write the second form of the verb correctly.

9. Домашнее задание (записано на доске).

1. Ex. 1, p.82.

2. WB ex. 1-4, p.70.

10. Подведение итогов урока.

Teacher: What team has won? Did you like the lesson? What have you learnt?

I would like to thank you for your good work at the lesson. I give you marks (комментирование оценок). The lesson is over. Good bye.