Интегрированный урок химии и английского языка по теме "You are What you eat?"

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока.

Создание условий для формирования нового взгляда учащихся на здоровое питание, ознакомление учащихся с историей fast food, изучение некоторых его свойств, традиции его потребления разными народами мира, формирование системы знаний, обеспечивающих эстетическое воспитание.

Задачи урока:

- пополнить и активизировать лексический запас по тематике урока;
- отработать навыки и умения построения монологических и диалогических высказываний по данной проблеме;
- приобщение к иноязычной культуре;
- формирование уважительного отношения к иностранному языку как средству  межкультурного государственного общения;
- стимулировать желание учащихся общаться, высказывать свои мысли на английском языке;
- приобретение учащимися знаний по химическому составу некоторых продуктов.

Техническое сопровождение:

 - проектор, видео-презентация “Fast food”, «right foods», «good drinks».
- химические реактивы и оборудование.

Ход урока

  На первом этапе создается эмоциональный настрой на урок, вызывается интерес к последующей работе. Учащимся демонстрируется видеофильм «Достопримечательности Америки». Учащимся раздаются карты с заданиями, которые им необходимо заполнить в течение урока.


Учитель 1. Good afternoon girls and boys and our fantastic teachers!  Together with the teacher of chemistry Elena Vasilievna , we are going to talk about healthy and fast food in our life. You are sitting in front of the tables which are laid according to the right foods and fast food. Let me introduce our assistances. They are two charming specialists in making salads. And now look at the screen.

Демонстрация слайд шоу “Fast food”
Учитель1. America. America has been called a fast food nation and for good reason. Everyday, one out of four Americans eats fast food. If you are eating out, fast food restaurants are often the cheapest way, but unfortunately, not usually the healthiest one. Eating just one fast food meal can pack enough calories, sodium and fat for whole day, but the quick-and-cheap temptation can be hard to resist. Now look at your information cards on your tables. Lets do the first task. Name the foodstuffs which you have seen at the slide show.


  1. hamburger
  2. cheeseburger
  3. chips
  4. fried chicken
  5. Pepsi
  6. pizza
  7. ketchup
  8. mayonnaise
  9. white bread

Учитель 1. Do you know the sauces we use eating that kind of foods?
First of all they are mustard, ketchup and mayonnaise. Are they helpful for us? They are harmful and dangerous.

Учитель 1.  All fast food are made using much capacity of oil. And for cooking only 1 portion of chips you need about 1 glass of oil. Can you drink that? Of course it is possible, but you are not crazy to do it. May be you should think before eating fast food.

Учитель 2. Анализ пищевых продуктов на содержание крахмала.(hot-dog)

Учитель 1. If you want to know a foreign language well, you should know customs and traditions of that country well. As you know, fast food and sparkling drinks as Pepsi came from America. A typical fast food in the United States consists of fries and burger. Can you give us some historical information of fast food? Part 2 in your information cards.


Учитель 1. Now let’s continue our educational trip. As we have already heard our health and fit depending on the right food. Let’s do part 3. At the screen there are “rights food”.

  1. Look at the screen and match the words with the pictures.
  2. Which of these foods do you eat every day?
  3. Which is your favourite?
  4. What do you need to make?
    • an omelette?
    • a fruit salad?
  5. How can each of these foods be prepared? In pairs, act out the dialogues.

-boiled         -roasted            - fried                 -stuffed                  -grilled
-baked         -poached           -steamed

A:  How can tomatoes be cooked?
B:  They can be fried, stuffed or grilled.

Учитель 2. Анализ газированных напитков на содержание красителей и кислотность среды.

Учитель 1. You shouldn’t cook and eat burgers because they are too oily and drink only pure water. Part 4.
Then  give us some tips for making healthier food choices.

F.g. Try to start the day with a cup of green tea. Green tea wakes you up and gets you ready for a day.

So, eat regularly…….
Drink lots of ………
Always eat…..
Instead of drinking Pepsi…..
It is useful for health……
It is important to eat…..

Ученик:     Healthy types of food.

Eating the proper foods is important to stay healthy. Do you know the five basic types of food a person should eat? Write them down, please.

  1. Meat- helps you have a strong and healthy body by providing protein.
  2. Dairy-builds strong teeth and bones by providing calcium.
  3. Fruits and vegetables-help you have healthy gums, good eyesight by providing Vitamins A and C.
  4. Bread and cereal-gives you energy by providing protein, iron and several B vitamins.
  5. Fats and sugars-fast sources of energy.

Учитель 1. Proverbs are the wisdom of people whether they are English, German or Russian. Proverbs teach us life, they explain how to choose friends, what is right and wrong in people’s behavior and so on. Give Russian equivalents to English proverbs and idioms. Part 5.

1. The appetite comes with eating.     
2. An apple a day keeps the do ctor away.   
3. Onion treats seven ailments.
4. Half a loaf better than no bread. 
5. Eat a mushroom pie and hold your  tongue behind your teeth.
6. You cannot hold two water-melons   in one hand.
7. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.     
8. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.      
9. Horse-radish is not sweeter than garden radish.                                                              
10. The first pancake always comes out like a ball.                                                          

Аппетит приходит во время еды.
По яблоку в день-и обойдешься без врача.
Лук семь недугов лечит.
Половина буханки лучше, чем совсем без Хлеба.
Ешь пирог с грибами, а язык держи за Зубами.
Два арбуза в одной руке не удержишь.
То, что для одного человека пища, для другого отрава.
Чтобы узнать, каков пудинг, нужно его Съесть..
Хрен редьки не слаще.
Первый блин комом.

Учитель 1. Now our charming specialists in cooking show us how to make a vitamin’s salad.

 Ученики:  If you want to know how to make a vitamin’s salad, then listen to me. You need: 1 carrot, 1 apple, 1 onion, 1boiled egg, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, some grated cheese.
First of all you should wash all the raw foods.
Peel the apple and grade it.
Chop the onion into small pieces and than add to the apple.
After that peel the carrot, grate it and slowly add to the rest vegetables.
Pour some sour cream. Do you know that carrots don’t assimilation without sour.
Sprinkle chopping egg and grated cheese.
Enjoy you salad.

  Ученик: The presentation “Good drinks”.

Учитель 1. Imagine you are opening a new restaurant in our town.
Write your own menu using only right foods. Part 6.

Учитель 1. For most people all over the world right food are the main meals in the life. And that’s why we say “You are What you eat”.
So eat regularly, drink lots of water, keep active, relax and sleep well. That will keep you healthy and slim. At the end of the lesson I’d like to thank you for activities and good answers.
