Внеклассное мероприятие в 6-м классе "Книги – наши друзья" (на английском языке)

Разделы: Иностранные языки, Внеклассная работа


  • активизировать и расширить изученную лексику;
  • развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать усвоенный материал;
  • развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся;
  • развивать умение работать в группах;
  • показать разнообразие и красоту английской литературы.

P. As for me, I'm fond of fantasy and one of my favourite books is 'The Lord of Rings'

P. Actually, I'm fond of fantasy too, and also I like legends. I enjoy legends about Robin Hood most of all, they are cool and funny.

P. I prefer short stories and poems. Recently we have learned the poem 'My heart's in the Highlands" It was written by the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns. And I would like to recite it now.

T. Every town and village in our country has libraries and bookshops. Many people collect books. It's their hobby. Books are our friends. There is practically no family that doesn't have books. Books are our friends. We learn a lot from them. They teach us to work and live and to decide problems of life.

(На сцену выходит маленькая девочка с книгой, она садиться на стул и начинает рассматривать картинки в книге. За ней выходят учащиеся которые декламируют стихи.)


A new little book
Full of pictures was bought
For a good little girl
Whose name was Jane Dort


She looked at the pictures
And liked them indeed
But she was too young
To spell and to read

(Все уходят. Входит мальчик с книгой)


I hold my book with both my hands
And read about some foreign lands
And so I get to know all kinds of places
Where people live with different faces

(Уходит со сцены. Входит девочка. На ее платье прикреплена книга с перепачканными страницами. За ней входят учащиеся)


I'm the book that Betty read
At her table an hour ago
She's left me standing on my head
And where she is I don't know

Just look at this dirty, dirty page!
Dear me! What shall I do?
Though I love the girls of Betty's age
I won't stay with Betty Blue


Since books are friends
They need much care
When you are reading them
Be good to them and fair!


Use book-marks children
To hold your place
And don't turn a book
Upon its clear face


Remember children
Books are meant to read
Not cut or color them
No, really, never indeed!

T: You know a lot of poems about books. There are songs about them too. And now we'll sing one of them. It's "Father Is Going to Read a Book"

(Выходят папа, мама, бабушка и мальчик, берут стулья и садятся читать книги. Остальные поют)

T: One of the most famous Scottish songs, known all over the world is "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean". It's a song about Prince Charles Edward Stewart who was known as Bonnie Prince Charlie because he was young and good-looking ("bonnie" means -"good-looking"). He was also Scotland's national hero who fought against the English in the 18th century trying to make Scotland independent, but Charlie's army was defeated. Now we'll sing it.

"My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean"

T: It's time to play the game. I'll name the title of the book and you have to name the author's name.

"Mowgli" is a very good book
I read it time and again
Who wrote it, by the way?
Please tell me the author's name (Rudyard Kipling)

"Robinson Crusoe" - Daniel Defoe
"Alice in Wonderland" - Lewis Carroll
"Treasure Island" - Robert Louis Stevenson
"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" - mark Twain

T: Books are meant to read, but we can also use them to make plays. Everybody knows the famous fairy-tale "Cinderella", which was written by Charlie Pero. This book is loved by children all over the world and now you'll see an unusual version of it. (Ученики разыгрывают новую современную версию сказки "Золушка")

T: Dear friends. Our Party is over. So, you see, books play an important role in our life. We learn a lot from them. And they teach us to live, work and to solve problems. They teach us to understand other people. Books make our life interesting. When we read we never feel lonely.

I thank the pupils, who prepared such a wonderful party.

Thank you for your attention.