Почему английский язык так популярен?

Разделы: Иностранные языки

Цели урока:

  • Повторить лексический материал раздела "Средства коммуникации".
  • Научить выделять главное, логично и последовательно излагать свои мысли.
  • Научить учащихся добывать дополнительную информацию при помощи компьютера.
  • Развивать умения работать совместно, творчески и самостоятельно.
  • Практиковать умение представлять материал в виде презентаций.

Тип урока: обобщающий, урок-повторение.

Ход урока:

I. Организационный момент.

Teacher: Good morning, dear children and guests!

The theme of our lesson is "Why is English so popular?"

The epigraph of the lesson is "The more languages you speak, the more times you're a human being."

How do you understand these words, children?

Today we're going to talk about the English language.

They say that English is the Latin of the 21st century.

Why is English so popular?

What makes it popular?

What makes it popular?

How many people speak it?

These and more linguistic questions will be answered today in our lesson.

II. Викторина.

How much English do you know?

(проводится для гостей, администрации, учителей, учащихся немецкой группы)

1. Translate into Russian:

a) Alice in Wonderland;

b) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone;

c) Gulliver's Travels.

2. Say the name of:

a) three drinks in English;

b) three pop singers or groups who sing in English;

c) three computer words.

3. Translate into English:

a) гостиница;

b) электронная почта;

c) наемный убийца;

d) деловой человек;

e) хозяин директор.

III. Teacher: Thank you. You're good specialists in English.

Yes, nowadays English is heard everywhere.

Many people can learn lots of English words without any English lessons.

Why is English so popular?

What do you think?

Let you be the first.

Any other suggestions?

What do you think?

We have a slide to prove it.

Can you prove your ideas, (Pupil 1)?

Thank you, (Pupil 1).

I think that's very true.

English isn't a difficult language.

And another thing: several European languages contributed to the formation of English.

Answer: Which languages contributed to English, people?

Let's remember.

Now (Pupil 2) will consolidate your answers with the help of the project you have done.

Pupil 2: I think that English is so popular because it has words from other languages. It is like many European languages and that's why people can learn it easily. In fact, English is a Germanic language. The Anglo-Saxons contributed to the formation of English most of all. The grammar is also very similar.


Meine freundlin ist neun jahre alt. (German)

My friend is nine years old. (Englilsh)

Sie ist interessant. (German)

She is interesting. (English)

There are also a lot of French words in English: country, court (суд), crime, prison, prince, princess, royal, female, special, fruit: The English alphabet came from Latin. Christian monks, who spoke Latin, brought it to England from Ireland. Latin words in English: street, kitchen, cheese, angel, wall, paper. Scandinavian words in English: cake, egg, kill, scrub, skin, skirt, sky, ugly, window, husband.

IV. Teacher: Thank you. Well, during 4 lessons we discussed the role of English in the word and decided to express our ideas in an unusual but modern way - in projects. They are done by 2 groups of students, and they are completely independent. Let's start with project 1.

Project 1. "English today."

There are two opinions. A lot of people think English is very important in modern life. It is popular and everybody wants to speak it.

But there are people who's "against" English. Now the second group is going to express their ideas. Let's give them the floor.

Project 2. "Don't learn English. It may ruin your life!"

Thank you, children.

There's a student in our class who's got her own point of view. It's (Pupil 3). She has prepared her own project where she proved that we shouldn't learn English.

Actually I don't think that English is very difficult for (Pupil 3). May be she thinks other languages are more popular now?

Let's listen to her.

Project 3. "We should not learn English!"

Very interesting ideas.

In reality we see many people - many opinions.

But luckily in our class everybody realizes the necessity of learning English.

In fact, any foreign language trains our memory, makes us clever. Let's come back to the epigraph of our lesson again.

Of course, you may learn German, Spanish, French, Chinese but you must know English.

V. Your home task is to answer the question:

"Which jobs need English?"

You've got examples to write your own ideas.

Thank you for the lesson. Good-bye.
